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Updated: 03/19/21 03:56 PM
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Flames of Ambition (6.3.5)
Updated:03/19/21 03:56 PM
Created:05/26/18 02:51 AM
Monthly downloads:470
Total downloads:76,868
Categories:Graphic UI Mods, Bags, Bank, Inventory
BetterUI :: Gamepad Interface Improvements  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.77
by: goobsnake [More]

Message me for adoption details - Sadly the add-on needs a fair amount of work and I simply don't have the time to do further development outside of trying to keep it afloat after each DLC/Expansion.



1. LibAddonMenu is required for this add-on to load and for the add-on's in-game settings.

1. Arkadius' Trade Tools average price embedded in the item tooltip
2. Master Merchant average price embedded in the item tooltip
3. Tamriel Trade Centre average price embedded in the item tooltip
4. Display item trait and research knowledge in the item tooltip
5. Reduce font size in the item tooltips
6. Remove "delete" dialog confirmation when deleting mail
7. Ability to scroll to the next item type using trigger buttons, while in the inventory or banking screens

1. Equipped, Junk & Stolen item categories added
2. ESO+ Craft Bag support
3. Persistent currency display while navigating the inventory (Gold, AP, Undaunted Keys, Transmute Crystals + lots more!)
4. Replace item value with average market values obtained from Arkadius' Trade Tools, Master Merchant or Tamriel Trade Centre
5. Quickslot Assignments
6. Enable quick item deletion without any prompts or safeguards **Use with caution!**
7. Increase font size in Inventory item lists
8. Warn before equipping bind-on-equip items

1. Supports home chest storage
2. Retains ability to withdrawl or deposit items & currency
3. Increase font size in Banking item lists

1. Displays the daily writ and it's progress at each crafting station

1. Auto Category - May be some performance issues with very large/full banks
2. Arch's Enhanced Map - Gamepad supported map fast travel to friends/guild members + Map Pin Scaling/Customization
3. Bandits User Interface - Includes a crazy amount of UI customization and features that work while in Gamepad mode
4. Arkadius' Trade Tools - For integrated pricing info
5. Master Merchant - For integrated pricing info
6. Tamriel Trade Centre - For integrated pricing info


* This is a continuation of Prasoc's & RockingDice's prior work! Anyone looking to contribute, feel free to message me or submit a pull request. Help is definitely wanted for this massive add-on.


Current Release - 2.77 Changes:
1. Implemented: API Bump for Flames of Ambition
2. Fixed: Lua errors caused by the deprecated RefreshActiveKeybinds function have been fixed *Thanks shadowcep for the temporary fix
3. Fixed: Occasional Lua errors caused when using item actions with the RefreshActiveKeybinds fix above have been fixed.
4: Fixed: The Inventory & Banking keybind strips now refresh correctly when performing various actions. You should no longer need to exit these scenes and reload to get the proper buttons to appear.

2.76 Changes:
1. Fixed: The Guild Store error suppression feature was not working unless the user had MM & ATT installed. *Thanks Aragorn79 for reporting

2.75 Changes:
1. Implemented: API Bump for Markath
2. Implemented: ATT Guild Store error messages will now be suppressed if you enable the "Guild Store Error Suppression" feature. *Previously this just worked for MM related guild store error messages

2.74 Changes:
1. Fixed: Restored TTC item price display in BetterUI due to a change to the TTC add-on

2.73 Changes:
1. Fixed: Stolen inventory category will no longer show empty if all stolen items are moved to junk
2. Fixed: Item comparisons for backup equipped weapons should work now
3. Implemented: Updated API version for the Stornthorn dlc

2.72 Changes:
1. Implemented: Bumped API for upcoming Greymoor expansion
2. Implemented: Added JP localization files *Thanks Kuroko137
3. Implemented: Added Arkadius' Trade Tools tooltip & inventory item value average pricing
4. Implemented: Robust tooltip and various on-screen messaging
5. Fixed: Numerous issues with Craftbag stow, retrieve and use actions have been fixed to prevent LUA errors
6. Fixed: Autocategory custom category startup error
7. Changed: Junk & Stolen inventory categories are now standard/always enabled instead of configurable
8. Changed: Inventory tab category wrapping is now standard/always enabled instead of configurable
9. Changed: Inventory attribute icons are now standard/always enabled instead of configurable
10. Changed: All "core" features are enabled by default on first install (Better user experience for first time install)
11. Removed: Libstub references have been removed from code
12. Removed: Lots of code cleanup and deleted many unused image files to lower add-on package size
13. Removed: Gamepad Buddy, Alpha Gear and Gear Changer support have been removed due to either those add-ons being deprecated or time needed to fix prior support

2.71 Changes:
1. Implemented: Added new "quick destroy" feature to the Enhanced Inventory settings - New setting is disabled by default, but when enabled it'll allow you to delete any item without confirmation.
* Use caution when this setting is enabled!

2. Changed: To circumvent the new insecure dialog errors when destroying items, I've made all items be required to be marked as junk before they can be destroyed.
* You can always enable the new quick destroy feature if this change becomes an annoyance but be cautioned the new quick destroy feature will not give a confirmation prompt, so accidental destroys "could" happen.

2.70 Changes:
1. Implemented: Added "Link to Chat" back as the default "X" button for any inventory item not associated with "Equip", "Use", "Assign", etc.
2. Changed: When Enhanced Inventory is enabled, retrieving items from the Craftbag will now retrieve the full stack count up to the max inventory stack count (200).
* You can split these stacks in your inventory once retrieved and you can also stow these items back to the Craftbag if needed.

2.69 Changes:
1. Implemented: API bump to 100029
2. Implemented: Added more tooltip & item list font size options - Thanks for contributing SSyl
3. Implemented: Added option to suppress error messages when accessing the Guildstore if MasterMerchant is installed
4. Implemented: Added Witches Festival provisioning writ's to the writ module
5. Changed: Removed bundled libs - Addon now requires a seperate download of LibAddonMenu to work
6. Changed: When Enhanced Inventory is enabled, the Quickslot assignments are now done within the inventory screen.
*The add-on will now search for any free Quickslot assignment slots and assign it to that slot first. If no slots are free and you hit the assign button, it will assign the item to the top Quickslot slot, overwriting whatever was there. If you hit the assign button on any Quickslot item that is currently assigned, it will remove that Quickslot assignment. If you have any collectibles assigned to the Quickslots, you will have to remove or change them via the collections area.

2.68 Changes:
1. Implemented: API bump to 100028
2. Implemented: Added more currency options to the Inventory footer screen - Includes new Undaunted Key currency

2.67 Changes:
1. Implemented: Added equipped items and stolen items inventory tabs

2.66 Changes:
1. Implemented: Bumped API and lib versions to latest and greatest
2. Changed: MasterMerchant and Tamriel Trade Centre prices are now near the top of the tooltip for easier view of prices. Stack Counts and their total price recommendations are now shown on the tooltips for all inventory/banking/guildstore/store screens.

2.65 Changes:
1. Fixed: Lib files will now be referenced correctly to the ones bundled with BetterUI, preventing load up LUA errors - Issue was occurring if the user had no other addons installed that were bundled with the libs BetterUI needs (Somewhat rare since most addons share these common libs)

2.64 Changes:
1. Implemented: The BetterUI add-on is now compatible with Bandits User Interface (or vice versa)
2 Fixed: Tabbing through craft bag categories would display an interface error. *Thanks virtus753 for reporting
3. Fixed: In some instances the ReloadUI button display would not show in the BetterUI settings. I've added a permanent button.

2.63 Changes:
1. Revamped: The add-on settings screen has gone through a significant revamp to make the settings easier to find and toggle on/off. I felt the add-on settings area was too busy and made features difficult to find or understand.
2. Removed: Broken or redundant features/settings along with a fair amount of unused code have been removed. If I've removed a setting/feature that you feel is a must have, I'll explore adding it back in.
3. Fixed: Removing the last item in an inventory category will no longer display an error and cause the add-on UI glitch out to the point where a /reloadui or logout was required.
*Thanks Tyrobius for pointing out with steps to replicate!
4. Fixed: "Bank is full" or "Inventory is full" messages will no longer occur if the item being moved can stack with an existing item inside the full bank or bag. (Fix isn't perfect but works)
*Thanks OP88 for pointing it out.
5. Fixed: Item stack count graphic will no longer get stuck if exiting the bank or inventory screens using a hotkey other then the "B" button. This could sometimes cause weird behavior when returning those UI screens or with character movements.

2.62 Changes:
1. Fixed: Master Merchant and TTC integration were inadvertently disabled - Options are now located in the "General Interface" section of the addon settings.

2.61 Changes:
1. Implemented : Bumped API version to 100026
2. Fixed: Fixed inventory & craft bag tab scrolling due to API 100026 (Wrathstone) changes
3. Fixed an issue: Fixed banking items not displaying correctly and various UI elements being out of place due to API 100026 (Wrathstone) changes
4. Removed: BetterUI's prior guild store functionality & UI have been removed in favor of ZOS's newly revamped & implemented gamepad guildstore UI
*Too much work would have been needed to get BetterUI's guildstore funcitonality working correctly and honestly the revamped gamepad guildstore UI is pretty good.

2.60 Changes:
1. Implemented: Tamriel Trade Center data (Suggested Price and AVG/MIN/MAX price) will now display on all item tooltips as long as the Enhanced Guild Store feature is enabled. **You must have the Tamriel Trade Center addon installed
2. Fixed: The quickslots keybind will now show up properly for any applicable items

2.59 Changes:
1. Implemented: Updated API level to 100025 / Murkmire
2. Implemented : Event Tickets now show up on the Inventory currency footer
3. Implemented : On screen message is now displayed when you attempt to mark a locked item as junk
4. Implemented : On screen message is now displayed when you attempt to mark a craft bag item as junk
5. Implemented : On screen and chat message is now displayed when you attempt to delete a protected item (Items from the crown store, crown crates or daily rewards) - A work around, for now, to the previous LUA error. You'll need to mark these items as junk and then delete
6. Removed: Crown and Gem currencies no longer show up on the Inventory currency footer
7. Changed: The mark as junk feature is now enabled by default when using the Enhanced Inventory feature
8. Fixed: Linking items to chat when Enhanced Banking or Enhanced Inventory are not enabled should no longer cause an error
9. Fixed: Linking items to chat from the craft bag works again
10. Fixed: Linking items to chat while they are marked as junk should no longer cause an error
11. Fixed: When an inventory category (ie armor, materials, etc.) no longer has any items in it, an error will no longer occur

2.58 Changes:
1. Implemented: Updated API level to 100024 / Wolfhunter
2. Fixed : Guild Store item lists are now using the new API and are no longer causing a LUA error

2.57 Changes:
1. Improved: Inventory footer bar view now shows more currency options like Transmute Crystals, Crowns, Crown Gems and Writs
2. Improved: Added a furnishings tab on the inventory screen
3. Changed: Split up style materials and trait gems into their own categories for the Craft Bag
4. Fixed: Using and selecting the action button, while in the banking screen, will no longer cause an error when the action was done on the withdraw or deposit currencies section
5. Fixed: The junk item category tab icon will now display or be removed in real time without needing to re-enter the inventory screen

2.56 Changes:
1. Changed: Researchable crafting traits will now display if you already own an tem with that trait in your Inventory, Bank, House Bank or is Equipped (in that order) instead of displaying "Duplicate"
2. Fixed: Jewelry crafting traits now correctly display on the item tooltip if they are researchable or not
3. Fixed: Top tooltip equipped status text has been adjusted so it is no longer cutoff when an outfit or costume is enabled.
4. Fixed: Item traits like ornate or intricate will no longer show up as a known researchable trait.

2.55 Changes:
1. Fixed: Jewelry Writ info was not showing up. *Thanks saccarius
2. Fixed: Occasional error happening during NPC banking interaction dialogue

2.54 Changes:
1. Fixed: ZO_GamepadInventory.lua:1362: end expected. *Thanks Khaelgor/Azzuryon
2. Fixed: Updated most localization files with the "Jewelry" inventory label so that the inventory label displays correctly in-game
3. Fixed: Switching from the Bank to the House bank or vice-versa and withdrawing items too quickly would cause an error
4. General Improvements: Cleaned up Banking code logic in some areas

2.53 Changes:
1. Fixed: The withdraw keybinds for the House Bank were removed by accident
2.52 Changes:
1. Implemented: Support for Home Bank/Storage!
2. Implemented: Support for a new Inventory filter for Jewelry
3. Implemented: Support for viewing Jewelry Crafting materials in the Craft Bag
4. Implemented: Bumped API to 100023/Summerset
5. A few misc bug fixes
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Unread 03/09/19, 08:58 PM  
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Originally Posted by crishark17
I would love to see it work with Bandit UI too.
Should be working with the latest update 2.64.
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Unread 03/09/19, 08:56 PM  
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Re: LUA error when switching tabs in Craft Bag

Originally Posted by virtus753
Since the latest update, I get a rather lengthy error every time I switch tabs in Craft Bag. (Normal inventory seems fine.) The error is longer than this, but the visible portion begins:

user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:152: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:152: in function 'BUI.Inventory.Class:ToSavedPosition'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:183: in function 'BUI_TabBar_OnTabPrev'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/CIM/ParametricScrollListTemplates.lua:385: in function 'BUI_TabBarScrollList:MovePrevious'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/CIM/ParametricScrollListTemplates.lua:303: in function...

I'll update if I can get to the rest of the message. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

ETA: line numbers for the stack traceback
Should be fixed in the latest 2.64 update. Thanks for reporting the issue.
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Unread 03/09/19, 03:45 PM  

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LUA error when switching tabs in Craft Bag

Since the latest update, I get a rather lengthy error every time I switch tabs in Craft Bag. (Normal inventory seems fine.) The error is longer than this, but the visible portion begins:

user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:152: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:152: in function 'BUI.Inventory.Class:ToSavedPosition'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/Inventory/Inventory.lua:183: in function 'BUI_TabBar_OnTabPrev'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/CIM/ParametricScrollListTemplates.lua:385: in function 'BUI_TabBarScrollList:MovePrevious'
user:/AddOns/BetterUI/Modules/CIM/ParametricScrollListTemplates.lua:303: in function...

I'll update if I can get to the rest of the message. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

ETA: line numbers for the stack traceback
Last edited by virtus753 : 03/09/19 at 03:47 PM.
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Unread 03/02/19, 12:22 AM  

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Originally Posted by goobsnake
Originally Posted by OP88

Everything is working beautifully except the MM price is not showing up at all. It is not just displaying 0, it is not there at all. I have all the options in this addon settings switched on, except for the daily writ and font size options. I have switched on the option to replace the default vendor value with MM price data. The only addon I have on running at the same time is BetterUI, Master Merchant, and TamrielTradeCenter. The MM / TTC price shows up fine on the regular PC interface, just not on the regular/enhanced gamepad interface. Also tried reloading/relogging of no avail. Please advise, thank you!
MM and TTC should be re-enabled with tonight's update. See the addon page or changelist for details. As for the "bank is full" message, and not allowing to stack items, I'll look at that one when I have the time.
Awesome, thank you for your time and effort!
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Unread 03/02/19, 12:11 AM  
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Originally Posted by OP88

Everything is working beautifully except the MM price is not showing up at all. It is not just displaying 0, it is not there at all. I have all the options in this addon settings switched on, except for the daily writ and font size options. I have switched on the option to replace the default vendor value with MM price data. The only addon I have on running at the same time is BetterUI, Master Merchant, and TamrielTradeCenter. The MM / TTC price shows up fine on the regular PC interface, just not on the regular/enhanced gamepad interface. Also tried reloading/relogging of no avail. Please advise, thank you!
MM and TTC should be re-enabled with tonight's update. See the addon page or changelist for details. As for the "bank is full" message, and not allowing to stack items, I'll look at that one when I have the time.
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Unread 03/01/19, 11:33 PM  

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Huh, found this weird bug unintentionally as well. Was putting a bunch of provisioning stuff in my bank, hit my bank slot limit, naturally couldn't put that item in. So as per usual I move on to the next thing in my list to put in the bank, next 8 things, got the message my bank is full, thought it was odd as most of the items I was putting in already exist in the bank so it should just keep stacking. So I manually went and checked sure enough, I have 5 potatoes in my bank already, and I was trying to deposit 2 more potatoes and it won't let me. So I toggled off the gamepad mode to regular pc mode, and it was letting me deposit the potatoes just fine. Tested it with other items as well. Seems like once it gets the first bank full error, it refuses to deposit any other item even though the same item exist in the bank and should just stack.
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Unread 03/01/19, 11:10 PM  

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Hi again,

Got a chance to fiddle with it a bit more. So the MM pricing on the tool tip is still not showing up. The "Value" in the inventory grid will show the default value(vendor price) even when "Replace 'Value' with 'Market Price'" option in the setting is Enabled. The only way for the Default Value(vendor price) in the inventory grid to update itself to the Market Price is if I toggle off Gamepad mode to PC mode, then back to Gamepad mode, that is when it will reflect the Market Price instead of the value. Is there anyway to fix that? As it is kind of clunky to have to toggle off of Gamepad mode and back in order to see the MM value.
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Unread 03/01/19, 06:45 PM  

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Everything is working beautifully except the MM price is not showing up at all. It is not just displaying 0, it is not there at all. I have all the options in this addon settings switched on, except for the daily writ and font size options. I have switched on the option to replace the default vendor value with MM price data. The only addon I have on running at the same time is BetterUI, Master Merchant, and TamrielTradeCenter. The MM / TTC price shows up fine on the regular PC interface, just not on the regular/enhanced gamepad interface. Also tried reloading/relogging of no avail. Please advise, thank you!
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Unread 02/28/19, 10:46 AM  
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Re: teleport

Originally Posted by fregrin

how do i use beam me up in gamepad mode?

Sorry if am being dumb.
I've updated the BetterUI addon page, there is no native gamepad support in BeamMeUp so you'll still need to have a mouse, trackpad, etc handy. As long as you do, it's a very nice fast travel addon.
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Unread 02/28/19, 03:33 AM  

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how do i use beam me up in gamepad mode?

Sorry if am being dumb.
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Unread 02/26/19, 01:50 PM  

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Integration with BeamMeUp

I was just wondering as the page says this AddOn would work great together with BeamMeUp whether I am missing something - while updating BetterUI today I also downloaded that and I can't seem to find any integration. I can't even switch to the BeamMeUp Menu with the controller, and if I do open it using a keyboard hotkey, I can only use it with my mouse.

I don't know whether I understood this correctly, but if there was some kind of integration previously, it might be broken now. Not sure if its even on this side, or whether the problem is with BeamMeUp.
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Unread 02/26/19, 11:37 AM  
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Re: Pricing issues in latest build

Originally Posted by txmoose
When using the latest better ui build when i go to list items the suggested price is either 0 or way off compared to TTC and MM. Is this expected due to the removal of the guild store integration?
This is likely expected with BetterUI now using ZOS's revamped gamepad guildstore. Their suggested price has no insight into what MM or TTC have in your local database for prices. You'll likely have to adjust manually based on what the right item tooltip has for MM or TTC. I can see if I can add more info to that right tooltip page for MM & TTC but you'll still have to adjust the price manually from 0 or whatever ZOS has default.
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Unread 02/25/19, 10:36 PM  

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Pricing issues in latest build

When using the latest better ui build when i go to list items the suggested price is either 0 or way off compared to TTC and MM. Is this expected due to the removal of the guild store integration?
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Unread 02/25/19, 11:43 AM  

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Re: Re: Broke after update

Originally Posted by goobsnake
Originally Posted by Aragorn79
Hi goobsnake! Thanks for your great work. Just giving you an update that the update 21 broke the better UI addon. Many UI errors on login and not working. You probably already know this, just posting it so ppl know its broken. Thank you so much.
Yeah I meant to do it last night but I've uploaded an update just a few minutes ago.
Great thanks.
I was afraid we would loose the MM integration which is vital for my trading in game. But you kept it, really appreciate it. Thanks
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Unread 02/25/19, 11:12 AM  
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Re: Broke after update

Originally Posted by Aragorn79
Hi goobsnake! Thanks for your great work. Just giving you an update that the update 21 broke the better UI addon. Many UI errors on login and not working. You probably already know this, just posting it so ppl know its broken. Thank you so much.
Yeah I meant to do it last night but I've uploaded an update just a few minutes ago.
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