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Updated: 04/01/24 10:55 AM
Patch for:
Shissu's Guild Tools.
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:04/01/24 10:55 AM
Created:08/14/19 05:26 AM
Monthly downloads:354
Total downloads:26,693
Shissu Guild Tools Lite  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.1
by: Splat, Sordrak

For existing users

With ESO game update 41 changes were made to the backend server relating to guild history. This meant that Shissu Guild Tools could no longer access history data in the manner it did before (donations, member join date etc).

Resolving this in an addon so old would take more time than I wish to dedicate so those functions have been disabled/hidden in this lite version. Shissu Lite will not access any guild history data.

However, many users of Shissu Guild Tools have numerous notes saved for guild members storing vital data and multiple notebook emails and quick posts. To allow existing users of Shissu Guild Tools to access this data, and use some of the functionality that Shissu still provides (sort by rank, mass mail etc) this lite (cut down) version now exists.

The old donation column, containing any old data before U41, remains in case users wish to view legacy donations but it can be turned on/off from the settings menu. It will not update with any new donations.

A couple of bugs still exist (A UI bug when accessing notifications and colour selection bugs for example, I am happy to add in any fixes people provide) but this version will not cause any conflict when used with Master Merchant or LibHistoire.

For donation tracking other addons exist, ITTs Donation Bot being the most similar to what Shissu provided in the past.

Disabling the following modules should you run into UI errors
Auto AFK

I strongly advise that you first BACKUP your AddOns and SavedVariables Folders before installing.

Install this at your own risk. No warranties are offered whatsoever.

- Download zip file to a temporary directory (or your desktop)
- Extract all files
- Copy the files to your ...\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns folder replacing all exisiting shissu files

You DO NOT need any other version of Shissu Guild Tools installed to use this patch. If you are experiencing any errors then I would recommend that you remove any old version and replace it with this version and see if that resolves your issue.

Finally I would like to reiterate that this release is designed to be helpful to those people wishing to retrieve data from Shissu and gain access to 'some' of the funtionality. This is NOT a full fix.

Timecode fix


Shissu Guild Tools Lite released to allow existing users to access notes data and provide some functionality of the original Shissu Guild Tools (with some functionality removed/disabled)


API bump to 100033 Markarth.
Daylight Savings Update


API bump to 100032 Stonethorn.
Updated timers for trader bid to display new Tuesday 2pm UTC times.
Updated recording of 'Since Kiosk' & 'Last Week' to be based on a Tuesday 2pm UTC week.
Known Issue - Weekly data will need 1 Tuesday trader bid to have passed through the system before data recording is performing nominally.



API bump to 100031 Greymoor
Small text change made to roster to specify total donations
Delay between mails increased in notebook module to try and reduce the amount of Social Bans hitting GM's. I would still recommend that no more than 500 mails are sent per 24 hours.



Fix for duplicate version text being spammed into chat for some users
Change to trader timer for daylight saving change



Fixed the duplication of the Promote & Demote options now that ZOS have come to their senses :)
Chat should now function correctly again.



API bump
Added the promote and demote buttons back into the guild roster context menu



Fixed the issue with the settings menu (again, for real this time)



Changes made to reset trader bid timer to correct hours
Updated some language issues introduced in the Dragonhold DLC



API bump for Dragonhold PTS testing
Bug fix for Dragonhold that broke the settings menu
Fix to the welcome message so it no longer outputs it twice
Fix to 'to join' so that it now displays a yellow 'to join' when an invite is sent and the player is pending in the roster and a green 'joined' once they have fully joined the guild



Chat bug fixed, so no more %s %s %s
UI elements moved to fit with longer trader bid names for Bid History & Trader Timer

Archived Files (12)
File Name
03/23/24 07:47 AM
10/25/20 09:12 AM
08/07/20 03:45 AM
05/26/20 04:10 AM
03/28/20 05:48 AM
03/02/20 10:13 AM
02/24/20 09:53 AM
11/10/19 05:33 AM
11/04/19 05:52 AM
09/27/19 06:42 AM
09/10/19 04:49 AM
08/14/19 05:26 AM

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Unread 08/04/20, 10:44 AM  
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Originally Posted by Splat
I will add that I have been in contact with a number of GM's to discuss if it is more sensible to keep a regular week instead of, or alongside, the new Tuesday week. It is 50/50 atm with those I have discussed this with and is to some degree dependant on what other addons decide to do, especially for those guilds running a X amount of sales or X donation style quota. Implementing this is a bit of a pain atm and is hard to do and test on PTS without the correct data over the new time periods but is something I can look into once we are up and running on the new timing system.
This is you’re deal but you can't make everyone happy. It doesn’t make too much sense to have two systems. Any project if it's Skyrim, Fallout 4, Wrye Bash, LOOT, the general theme is to keep it simple. Users are not programmers and they do not see things the same way. It makes no sense to have Zenimax transmitting via their own API function that the Kiosk will flip on a Tuesday but report in a mod information from Sunday to Sunday.

Originally Posted by Splat
ATM the exact change of timings for the EU server is a bit of a mystery as the info that ZOS published contradicts itself. The new date for the trader bid will be Tuesday but its unclear if it will be 13:00 or 14:00 UTC - I have asked ZOS for clarification.
I have not witnessed this for NA or EU. Their internal API function returns exactly what they want. If they change the times then the function should automatically adjust because the server transmits the time. I am aware that it currently indicates the flip will be this Sunday on the live servers but I doubt Zenimax needs to do much to change that.

Originally Posted by Splat
I have made all neccessary changes to Shissu for it to work correctly on the new timings (currently guessing at a 14:00 UTC time) and a patch will be released once I am able to confirm the exact timing.
Did you use the changes for the Kiosk times I provided? I had some people test this yesterday for both pacific and eastern and the times ere accurate and adjusted for time zone.

However, as I have mentioned the rest of the code when it comes to time is jacked. Sorry for the slang. It has a calculation to adjust the current time. That routine is currently deducting 7 hours. Why would that be needed? The routine is even called "currentTime"! Well if the current time locally for me is 7PM at night why would I want the mod to deduct 7 hours which puts me at noon or 12:00 PM my time. But in the past?

Don't get me wrong I am not criticizing you. You asked me for help and I provided the Kiosk fix. I am interested in looking at the rest but it is really confusing code and will take time to analyze. I know you are picking this up because the original author has not made updates and that's great. I know many people that use it. I am sorry if the code is confusing it seems confusing to me also. So when I make comments it's directed at the code, not at you Splat.

The API has simply been updated over the last 4 years and new features are there to avoid unnecessary calculations. It's just a matter of knowing what they are. I am very new to this and only learned about the Kiosk times being provided directly from Zenimax. There are probably other features that could be updated as well.
Last edited by Sharlikran : 08/04/20 at 11:51 AM.
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Unread 08/04/20, 04:57 AM  
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Ok, time for an update and a bit of clarification on a few things.

ATM the exact change of timings for the EU server is a bit of a mystery as the info that ZOS published contradicts itself. The new date for the trader bid will be Tuesday but its unclear if it will be 13:00 or 14:00 UTC - I have asked ZOS for clarification.

Despite the PTS being on an EU character copy it appears (from the current trader countdown on PTS) that they are testing the NA trader bid timings on PTS today so I am not able to test the EU and confirm anything.

We will be seeing a 9 day week this week (from the 2nd to the 11th August) so any addons using 'this week', 'weekly', 'since kiosk' etc will be incorrect by 2 days so that is worth bearing in mind wehn looking at promotions/demotions etc

I have made all neccessary changes to Shissu for it to work correctly on the new timings (currently guessing at a 14:00 UTC time) and a patch will be released once I am able to confirm the exact timing.

Once we have passed the trader bid on PTS today, and once I have a reply from ZOS on exactly whe the new timings are, I will publish the new patch. This will hopefully be before next Sunday but is dependant on testing and ZOS providing the correct info to me.

I will add that I have been in contact with a number of GM's to discuss if it is more sensible to keep a regular week instead of, or alongside, the new Tuesday week. It is 50/50 atm with those I have discussed this with and is to some degree dependant on what other addons decide to do, especially for those guilds running a X amount of sales or X donation style quota. Implementing this is a bit of a pain atm and is hard to do and test on PTS without the correct data over the new time periods but is something I can look into once we are up and running on the new timing system.
Last edited by Splat : 08/04/20 at 05:08 AM.
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Unread 08/04/20, 03:56 AM  

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Hi there - first off, really terrific add-on and thanks for keeping it up-to-date!

ZoS is changing the guild trader kiosk window (in case not seen, ZoS is moving the kiosk change-over to Tuesday - so kiosks won this week will continue past the usual Sunday window to Tuesday 11th; from that point the bids will close each Tuesday).

I was wondering :-

1. Do you have a plan re. how that might be addressed within the add-on, if at all? Appreciate you got no notice!!

2. If you're taking requests, it would be GREAT to have an option in the drop-downs or via a toggle to show data (e.g. donations) by either the "kiosk reset" window, or based on a calendar week (i.e. Monday to Sunday) (where you can select "last week", "since kiosk" etc). Personally, I'd much rather maintain a calendar week for my guild members, Monday 00:01 to Sunday 23:59 and I'll worry about when ZoS wants me to bid.

Appreciate it!
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Unread 08/04/20, 02:19 AM  
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There is way more to the time management then just those two routines. This is a bit too much to work on I'm afraid. It would need quite a lot of work. So those two routines only return the proper kiosk time in seconds. So the countdown clock will be correct. Anything is anyone's guess
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Unread 08/03/20, 10:49 AM  
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I didn't like how MM did things but it made sense because it used the entire value from the game's internal way of managing time. It usually is not good practice to make your own time calculations and use the OS because it will account for Leap Year and Daylight Savings time and so on.

This just does too much for me to know if it will be 100% reliable. I added comments in case someone else wants to look at it. I override the calculated value with the value from the server, or Zenimax.

The current flip seems to be happening again on Sunday and no idea if they will flip things on Tuesday and have a 2 day week or extend it to have a 9 day week. Either way you don't have to adjust anything. You can pretty much ignore the last lines for when the guild store is offline because if it is then you can't request guild history anyway. So all that does is return a week in seconds so the calculations don't cause Lua errors.

What should happen is if Zenimax keeps it at Sunday then this will be correct. If they decide to change it to a 9 day week and flip on Tuesday this will also be correct as long as their server transmits the proper time to be Aug 11 19:00 UTC which is about 3pm EDT / 2pm EST according to the post.

-- Zeit bis zum nächsten Gildenhändler???
-- Time to the next guild trader
function _func.getKioskTime(which, additional, day)
  local hourSeconds = 60 * 60
  local daySeconds = 60 * 60 *24
  local weekSeconds = 7 * daySeconds
  local additional = additional or 0

  -- Erste Woche 1970 beginnt Donnerstag -> Verschiebung auf Gebotsende
  -- First week of 1970 begins Thursday -> postponement to end of bid
  local firstWeek = 1 + (3 * daySeconds) + (19 * hourSeconds)

  local currentTime =  _func.currentTime()

  -- Anzahl der Wochen seit 01.01.1970
  -- Number of weeks since 01/01/1970
  local week = math.floor(currentTime / weekSeconds) + additional
  local beginnKiosk = firstWeek + (weekSeconds * week) + 60 * 60

  Rather then eliminate all of the code I will add this

  1: This fuction is not called using other parameters
  such as additional or day. If that changes this will
  not work
  2: _func.getKioskTime function gets the ammount
  of seconds remaining until the next trader flip.
  local _, weekCutoff = GetGuildKioskCycleTimes()
  beginnKiosk = weekCutoff

  -- Gebots Ende
  -- Bidding end
  if (which == 1) then
    beginnKiosk = beginnKiosk - 300
  -- Ersatzhändler
  -- Replacement dealer
  elseif (which == 2) then
    beginnKiosk = beginnKiosk + 300

  -- Restliche Zeit in der Woche
  -- Remaining time in the week
  local restWeekTime = beginnKiosk - GetTimeStamp()

  if (day) then
    restWeekTime = beginnKiosk

  if restWeekTime < 0 then
    restWeekTime = 7 * 86400 -- one week if guild store is offline

  return restWeekTime
function _addon.getKioskTime(which)
  local hourSeconds = 60 * 60
  local daySeconds = 60 * 60 *24
  local weekSeconds = 7 * daySeconds

  -- Erste Woche 1970 beginnt Donnerstag -> Verschiebung auf Gebotsende
  -- First week 1970 beginning Thursday -> postponement to end of bid
  local firstWeek = 1 + (3 * daySeconds) + (19 * hourSeconds)

  local currentTime = _addon.currentTime()

  -- Anzahl der Wochen seit 01.01.1970
  -- Number of weeks since 01/01/1970
  local week = math.floor(currentTime / weekSeconds)
  local beginnKiosk = firstWeek + (weekSeconds * week) + 60 *60

  Rather then eliminate all of the code I will add this

  1: This fuction is not called using other parameters
  such as additional or day. If that changes this will
  not work
  2: _addon.getKioskTime function gets the ammount
  of seconds remaining until the next trader flip.
  local _, weekCutoff = GetGuildKioskCycleTimes()
  beginnKiosk = weekCutoff

  -- Gebots Ende
  -- Bidding end
  if (which == 1) then
    beginnKiosk = beginnKiosk - 300
  -- Ersatzhändler
  -- Replacement dealer
  elseif (which == 2) then
    beginnKiosk = beginnKiosk + 300

  -- Restliche Zeit in der Woche
  -- Remaining time in the week
  local restWeekTime = beginnKiosk - GetTimeStamp()

  if restWeekTime < 0 then
    restWeekTime = 7 * 86400 -- one week if guild store is offline

  return restWeekTime
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Unread 08/03/20, 04:29 AM  
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I am aware of the upcoming change to the trader bid timings, its not fully clear yet on how this will impact many addons, or on the best solution, given the new week would effectively be starting on a Tuesday morning.
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Unread 07/31/20, 09:48 PM  
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Hey, in case you hadn't heard, ZOS is changing the date and time for when the traders will flip effective starting August 11. I'm not sure if there is anything in the code that references the current time that would need to be updated. Gold made since trader flip?
Last edited by wolfstar : 07/31/20 at 09:53 PM.
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Unread 06/16/20, 05:39 AM  
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Hey Splat,
long time ago I know. How are you? I just wanted to say thanks for keeping up the work.
Just having a simple question which kept me wondering a year ago already. Why are you loading up the different SGT Patches as new addons, instead of overwriting the current addon? At this point it looks like I have to uninstall the previous STG addon and install the new, instead of just clicking update in Minion?
Last edited by Verbalinkontinenz : 06/16/20 at 05:40 AM.
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Unread 06/06/20, 11:40 AM  
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Purely habit xD shissus welcome messed up for me for the longest time haha

Originally Posted by Gamer1986PAN
Originally Posted by SammiSakura
Originally Posted by Splat
My thought was that it was clashing with another addon, you might find that it does it again as eso loads addons in whatever it is in the mood for!
Yeah it sounds about right xD we all know how temperamental ESO can be hahaha. Thanks for the good work as always friend
to be sure that Auto Guild Welcome is loaded before Shissus Framework you could add a Depends on in ShissusFramework.txt
But the question is why you have to Auto Guild Welcome installed instead of using Shissus Welcome?

## Title: |c82FA58Shissu|ceeeeee's Framework|r 0.6.3
## APIVersion: 100030 100031
## Author: |c82FA58@Shissu|r [EU-SERVER]
## SavedVariables: shissuFramework
## DependsOn: AutoGuildWelcome




# Standard Add-ons
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Unread 06/03/20, 03:55 PM  
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Originally Posted by SammiSakura
Originally Posted by Splat
My thought was that it was clashing with another addon, you might find that it does it again as eso loads addons in whatever it is in the mood for!
Yeah it sounds about right xD we all know how temperamental ESO can be hahaha. Thanks for the good work as always friend
to be sure that Auto Guild Welcome is loaded before Shissus Framework you could add a Depends on in ShissusFramework.txt
But the question is why you have to Auto Guild Welcome installed instead of using Shissus Welcome?

## Title: |c82FA58Shissu|ceeeeee's Framework|r 0.6.3
## APIVersion: 100030 100031
## Author: |c82FA58@Shissu|r [EU-SERVER]
## SavedVariables: shissuFramework
## DependsOn: AutoGuildWelcome




# Standard Add-ons
Last edited by Gamer1986PAN : 06/03/20 at 03:55 PM.
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Unread 05/28/20, 08:49 AM  
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Originally Posted by Splat
My thought was that it was clashing with another addon, you might find that it does it again as eso loads addons in whatever it is in the mood for!
Yeah it sounds about right xD we all know how temperamental ESO can be hahaha. Thanks for the good work as always friend
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Unread 05/27/20, 10:47 AM  
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My thought was that it was clashing with another addon, you might find that it does it again as eso loads addons in whatever it is in the mood for!
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Unread 05/27/20, 09:37 AM  
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Originally Posted by SammiSakura
Originally Posted by Splat
Looking into this now

I am struggling to replicate the issue at my end, can you confirm the version number of the notebook module and if you have tried with all modules activated.
hey! I checked in the LUA file (hoping thats the right place) and it says Version: v2.5.1 in Notebook

ps. the other gm's from Crown Black Market dont seem to be having any issues
pps. reinstalling through minion fixed the errors, but I dont seem to have functioning notebook
It seemed that it might have been clashing with Auto Guild Welcome, but after reloading with AGW back on, it still works? im super confused tbh haha
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Unread 05/27/20, 08:31 AM  
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Originally Posted by Splat
Looking into this now

I am struggling to replicate the issue at my end, can you confirm the version number of the notebook module and if you have tried with all modules activated.
hey! I checked in the LUA file (hoping thats the right place) and it says Version: v2.5.1 in Notebook

ps. the other gm's from Crown Black Market dont seem to be having any issues
pps. reinstalling through minion fixed the errors, but I dont seem to have functioning notebook
Last edited by SammiSakura : 05/27/20 at 09:27 AM.
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Unread 05/27/20, 04:12 AM  
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Looking into this now

I am struggling to replicate the issue at my end, can you confirm the version number of the notebook module and if you have tried with all modules activated.
Last edited by Splat : 05/27/20 at 04:16 AM.
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