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Updated: 03/11/24 04:11 PM
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Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Firesong (8.2.5)
Lost Depths (8.1.5)
High Isle (8.0.0)
Updated:03/11/24 04:11 PM
Created:11/30/19 10:43 AM
Monthly downloads:651
Total downloads:57,444
rChat  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.41
by: Shadowfen [More]
Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries:
  • LibSFUtils,
  • LibAddonMenu, and
  • LibMediaProvider-1.0

[b]New: The (separately installed) library LibDebugLogger can optionally be installed. If LibDebugLogger is installed, the internal flag to block system messages from chat can be controlled from rChat settings.

Also depends on the following "library" which is included with rChat:
  • rChatData,
It is already installed, but you must enable it whenever you enable the rChat addon.

rChat allows you to customize the way that messages are displayed in the chat window.
It also allows you to define and post automated messages in chat, and to copy messages from chat to the clipboard with the right-click menu. (Note: When copying a single message or line, it will copy the message into the outgoing message text box for chat where you can then Ctrl-X to copy it to clipboard.)

Chat message enhancements
  • Redundant information like "says", "yells" (zone tags), et cetera are optionally removed,
  • Character Name Rewrite - Choose to see the From names as account names, character names, or both. Customizable by guild.
  • Specify nicknames for players to be used instead of character or account names.
  • Remove Brackets on Player Names,
  • Can now see From names in "character(@account)" format
  • Timestamps - Show time stamps for messages. Choose 12 hour or 24 hour format. Choose a timestamp color
  • Whisper Notification - Play a sound or display visual notification when you receive a whisper.
  • Timestamps, From Info, and Messages can be colorized
  • Rename your Guilds Channels - Guild Tag or Officer one, each channel can be renamed
  • Group (party) Leaders can have a separate color,
  • Strip Colors from messages to avoid Rainbow Messages,
  • Search for text (mentions) in chat messages and highlight it with a different color or play a sound when it is found. Mentions will NOT be searched for in system messages, whispers, or NPC chat. New: Mentions CAN be searched for in emotes with the new mention setting to enable it, but it is turned off by default.
  • Now allowed to specify multiple mention strings (separated by carriage returns) to search for in chat messages. Only the first one that is found will be highlighted in a different color.

Chat Window enhancements
  • Prevent chat text from fading (My favorite!),
  • Chat history - No more chat clearing when you reloadUI. Also include a restore history when you logout, get kicked or disconnect.
  • The Chat history that is kept is account-wide, so that when you log in and out between your characters, you don't lose your place in the chat. (This also has the effect of reducing the size of the saved variables file(s) so that logging in and reloading UI can be a little faster.)
  • Provide a "Clear chat history" button to permanently delete the contents of the chat history so that it cannot be restored. This also has the side effect of clearing out the chat window.
  • The Chat history is saved in a separate saved variables file (rChatData.lua) from the rChat configuration settings. This way you can simply remove the rChatData.lua saved variable file if somehow your chat history becomes corrupted, without losing all of your rChat configuration settings (that were saved in the rChat.lua saved variables file).
  • Copy Text - You want to copy your chat ? Right click, and Ctrl+C
  • Set Text Fonts - 15 more fonts if you don't like the default one. You can also add fonts.
  • Chat window background - Can be darker or transparent
  • Resizing Chatbox
  • Clear current tab,
  • System Messages (and coincidentally, most addon messages) in the tab you have chosen,
  • Set default channel & tab at login,
  • Change Tab color,

Other Features
  • Control the chat SYSTEM message blocking "feature" of LibDebugLogger so that you can turn it on or off. LibDebugLogger has that feature ON by default. rChat turns that feature OFF by default. You are able to change it to what you want via the rChat settings.
  • Anti-Spam - Optionally filter out LFG/LFM messages, WTB/WTS/WTT messages, flooding, and guild recruiting messages. (The anti-filtering necessarily works best with English language when abbreviated indicators are missing.)
  • Automated messages system - store messages (like teamspeak or discord info) to play into chat.
  • Automatic Group Switching - When you join a group, automatically enter the group channel.
  • Use the mouse to change chat channels: click on a name in chat to whisper to that person, click on the guild tag to enter guild chat, click on a party/group message to enter group/party chat, or click on a zone message to enter into that zone chat.
  • Keybinds to switch between tabs and toggle chat window,
  • Auto switch channel when using arrow keys,
  • Configurable switches for channels
  • Automatic rChat configuration between chars,
  • French / German / Russian / Spanish Translations.

Key Bindings Available
  • Switch to next tab
  • Toggle Chat Window
  • Whisper at Target - aim your mouse at a person, and hit the appropriate bound key(s) to be able to whisper to that person.
  • Select Chat Tab 1-12 as current
  • Automated messages

Slash Commands
  • /rchat - Open the rChat Settings window
  • /rchat.msg - Open the rChat Automated Messages window
  • /r /reply /respond - these base game commands are now available again to reply to the last person to whisper you you. (If noone has whispered to you, then nothing will happen.)

Based on: DesertDwellers, Ayantir, Puddys' pChat
1.41 (61):
  • Updated font files to new format used by ZOS.

1.40 (60):
  • Fixed initial setting in "Message Settings".

1.39 (59):
  • Added a new setting in "Message Settings" that will allow you to turn of Friend-Player status changed messages. Requested by Smugger21.

1.38 (58):
  • API bump.

1.37 (57):
  • Adopted fix provided by by IsaacSin.

1.36 (56):
  • Fixed error in rChat_Internals.getLinks found by IsaacSin.

1.35 (55):
  • Fixed error in SaveTabsCategories found by IsaacSin.

1.34 (54):
  • Fixed error message while selecting the default active tab reported by Childeric. Used the fix suggested by DakJaniels which correctly referred to rChat.tabNames instead of just tabNames.

1.33 (53):
  • API bump (Necrom).

1.32 (51):
  • API bump (Scribes of Fate).

1.31 (51):
  • Added potential fix for missing/faded chat window bug reported by fredd and SaskyaChangeling after High Isle was released.
  • API bump for Firesong

1.30 (50):
  • API bump (High Isle).

1.29 (49):
  • Reapply the key binding fix for chat tabs that somehow got lost in the merge.

1.28 (48):
  • API bump.

1.27 (47):
  • Fix the key binding for chat tabs.

1.26 (46):
  • API bump.
  • Require minimum version of installed LibAddonMenu to be at least 32. Earlier versions will break the user interface.

1.25 (45)
  • API bump. Waking Flame.

1.24 (44)
  • Added work-around for problem where default channel was not getting set properly. It seems that it was getting overwritten by LibSlashCommander if that library loaded after rChat.

1.23 (43)
  • Fixed problem where when you turn off announce zone in chat - it would still announce the first zone that you logged into with your character. (Reported by Phinix)

1.22 (42)
  • Added the ability to announce in your chat window which zone you have arrived in so that you can look back through chat to see if you are still in the zone that some zone message was
    posted from. This is initially turned OFF, to continue to behave the way that rChat has in the past. To turn
    it on, you can go to the Chat Window section of rChat settings to enable zone announcements. Note that
    this is only announced to you - not to everybody else in chat.

1.21 (41)
  • Added name format "Character Name/@UserID" as requested by tralce.

1.20 (40)
  • API bump. Blackwood

1.19 (39)
  • API bump

1.18 (38)
  • Removed error when splitting strings for length (reported by tereza).

1.17 (37)
  • Took out debug statements that had been accidentally left behind.

1.16 (36)
  • New Roboto Regular, Roboto Medium and Roboto Condensed fonts added by jaedha. They are easy-to-read, sans-serif options.

1.15 (35)
  • Fixed entry for mention text reported by ryh.

1.14 (34)
  • Fixed disabled Guild-specific color fields reported by srtzero and chaoslord.

1.13 (33)
  • Make PARTY messages use the same brackets/no brackets setting for names as other message types do. (Declined request to do the same for WHISPER messages because they are treated specially by ZOS.) (Requested by saenic)

1.12 (32)
  • Fix default chat tab always getting set to the first tab instead of the one specified in the settings. (Reported by mycahelo)
  • Fixed the dropdown list of chat tab names it the Chat Tab Settings not getting updated when a chat tab is either deleted or created.

1.11 (31)
  • Fix lua error when using the "Restore Only System Messages" (Reported by hagermanj)
  • Fixed the /r again for replying to a whisper (Reported by mychaelo).
  • Possibly fixed the "->" whisper received lines sometimes not having the from name (Reported by StamWhip).

1.10.1 (30)
  • API bump (Markarth)

1.10 (29)
  • Added the option to turn on mention detection for emotes. This is turned off by default because it can slow things down (as emote messages are frequently longer). Note that if the mention that is detected causes the message length to become too long, the mention (and probably the message color) will be discarded so that the message text can still be shown. (Feature requested by Keresthus)
  • Fixed chat not fade timeout (reported by Saenic and FrostByghte)

1.9 (28)
  • Introduced a fix for messages that are too long to be displayed properly. If a message is too long to be displayed with all of the various rChat display options in effect, then rChat will mark the message with an initial '*' to denote that it is "reduced", and start removing the less essential options, like: color in messages, mentions in messages, guild tags (if enabled), zone tags (if enabled), fancy formatted display of from name, the "click name to whisper" link on the name, and even the right-click context menu normally attached to the timestamp. Finally if the message is still too long, it will be truncated to fit into chat - generally a reduction of characters close to the number of characters in your @name.
  • Reduced the amount of data stored for conversations in rChatData.
  • API bump.

1.8.3 (27)
  • Attempt to fix the nil error reported by Nulami. "Attempted" because I cannot reproduce the problem in order to test the fix.

1.8.2 (26)
  • Final fix for guild spam config not being remembered (fix provided by Snippy64).

1.8.1 (25)
  • Fix spam not getting checked in channel /say (reported by Crunatus).

1.8 (24)
This was actually supposed to be version 1.9, only when I started to package up and update the changelog I discovered that I never actually released 1.8 after getting it ready. So, new fixes and features get rolled in to 1.8 and I am going to release it this time. Promise!
  • New Added color control support for the new /ruz Russian zone chat channel.
  • New Added a Price Check spam filter for requests and responses from MM and TTC.
  • Fix spam filters not running when enabled (reported by Snippy64).
  • Updated the Looking For whatever spam filters to catch more stuff.
  • Fix chat window opacity setting not getting used on login (reported by Blackwolfe).
  • Removed invalid value 0 for window opacity setting - allowed values are only 1-11.
  • Fixed custom guild switches not getting reloaded after login or /reloadui (reported by Mandragorane).
  • Fixed adding [zone]/[says]/[yells] zone tags (as appropriate) to messages if "remove zone tags" is turned off (reported by Mandragorane).

1.7 (23)
  • Fix leftover dependency on LibDebugLogger that was accidentally left in (reported by Mandragorane).
  • Fix the overriding of guild specific format for names by the general format for names (reported by Mandragorane).

1.6.2 (22)
  • Fix nil value error in AddURLHandling reported by Tiara Ra.

1.6.1 (21)
  • Fix nil value error in ZO_PreHook reported by jewhatl.

1.6 (20)
  • Added new name format option of "character(@account)" as requested by Kenza.
  • Added the ability to specify multiple mention strings to watch for (one per line) in settings. Only one of the mentions will be highlighted/colored if there are multiples in a message. rChat does not look for mentions in NPC chatter, system messages, emotes, or whispers.
  • Added a setting to the Windows section that allows you to enable or disable the LibDebugLogger "BlockChatOutput" which is responsible for hiding messages from addons which used to go in chat into the DebugLogger instead so that you could only see them if you installed the DebugLogViewer addon as well and look there. The setting is enabled by default in LibDebugLogger. rChat now changes this setting to disabled when it loads and gives you the option of choosing which you prefer by changing the setting in rChat settings->Windows. With this change, you can now have LibDebugLogger and still see your SYSTEM messages if you want! (Note: that you can use rChat to direct all of your SYSTEM messages to a specific tab and keep them out of the other chat tabs if you want to be able to look at them but don't want them otherwise cluttering up your chat.)
  • Added the ability to clear out the saved chat history with a button in the settings.
  • Saved chat history is now saved account-wide so that you can log out from one character and log in with another and see the previous chat history restored to the chat window (with the appropriate restore settings of course). This seems more useful to me, and consumes less disk space since I'm not saving extended-size chat logs for each and every character.
  • Breaking ChangeThe chat history is now being saved in a separate saved variables file (rChatData.lua) and you must enable the rChatData "addon" for rChat to work now. The rChatData "addon" is not actually a separate addon to download - it is included as a part of rChat and exists to separate the configuration variables from the chat saved history. You do have to enable it as a part of the addons that you run because rChat depends on it.
  • Part 1 of revising how chat history is collected, accessed, and saved. The goal is to separate out the chat history data from the configuration data and to make the chat history management more resilient.

Fixes & Misc Changes
  • Fixed the /r, /reply, /respond commands to respond to the last whisperer to come in.
  • Fixed nil errors that were being thrown by CopyMessage menu option.
  • Changed the message parsing and formatting to eliminate the "triggered Link Handling infinite loop" message that you would sometimes see.
  • Revised how the settings for whisper message options are saved in the SaveVariables. This should change over without problems, but you can always change the whisper options through settings.
  • Removed Conversion Conversion code that changed the saved colors in version 1.4.3 of saved variables to the new format in version 1.4.4 has been removed. If you are wanting to upgrade from a pre-1.4.4 version of rChat, you can either upgrade to version 1.5.4 first to get your settings converted; or you can upgrade to this version and redo your settings from the defaults.
  • Removed Conversion Conversion code that changed the saved anti-spam settings in version 1.4.1 of saved variables to the new format in version 1.4.2 has been removed. If you are wanting to upgrade from a pre-1.4.2 version of rChat, you can either upgrade to version 1.5.4 first to get your settings converted; or you can upgrade to this version and redo your settings from the defaults.
  • Standardized on a SafeGetGuildName() which can handle the rare occasions where GetGuildName() returns an empty value.

1.5.4 (19)
  • Fix incorrect AddonVersion.
  • Revised how the colors are saved in the SaveVariables. This should change over without problems, but if your colors go back to the defaults, the conversion did not work for you and you should reset the colors through the settings.

1.5.3 (18)
  • Fixed "Use same color for all guilds" to work again.
  • More work with ensuring messages are displayed in chat.
  • Removed dependency on LibDebugLogger to keep it from consuming (hiding) many SYSTEM messages.
  • Removed the work-around since the ZOS chat system fix was released.

1.5.2 (17)
  • Fixed error observed when changing guild officer colors (reported by Greevir).
  • Fixed missing names when chat is restored after a reload (reported by SimplyArmin).
  • The missing system messages on startup appears to be fixed by the latest version of LibChatMessage. If you are getting no system messages at all, check to make sure your tab options allows system messages on the tab; and if you are a new user of LibDebugLogger, that addon can steal system messages from chat to only be displayed in the DebugLogViewer.

1.5.1 (16)
  • Fix error with setting guild color not doing anything (reported by Kazzy-Poo).

1.5 (15)
Breaking Change
  • Now requires the library LibChatMessage in addition to the libraries LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu, LibMediaProvider-1.0, and LibMainMenu to be installed separately.
  • The library libChat2 is no longer required.

1.4.4 (14)
  • Set AddonVersion in manifest file.
  • Clean up link handler code.
  • Split out color conversion code into a utils file.

  • Added in library version checking where possible to indicate when out-dated versions of the libraries we depend on are detected. Error messages for out-dated libraries are written to LibDebugLogger (required dependency) and can be viewed with the DebugLogViewer addon (recommended addon).
  • Rewrote the color stripping and correction for messages to fix the problem in ReformateSysMessages() and the "talk like a pirate Arr" problem reported by Akopian Atrebates. (This change also requires the newest version (22) of LibSFUtil!)

  • Fixed /rchat.msg to work properly again. I hate when I back out one change too many!
  • Moved the spam config settings to a different place in the saved variables. Users should not notice any difference though. If you have changed any of AntiSpam settings they will still be remembered.

  • Fixed chat restore on /reloadui, etc.

  • Fixed nil function in ZOS_Rewrite.lua error. (Reported by Kenza)
  • Removed dependency on LibMainMenu library (and the code that used it). The main menu entry for pChat/rChat has never appeared in my memory of using pChat, and my testing of addons using LibMainMenu verses LibMainMenu-2.0 seems to indicate that they have issues with the latest version of the game and potentially with each other. Since having a main menu entry is not that big of a "feature", it is best to remove this potential source of problems until it can be reevaluated.

  • Fix "rChat.lua:3271: function expected instead of nil" error messages. (reported by SimplyArmin)

Breaking Change
  • Now requires the library LibDebugLogger in addition to the libraries LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu, LibMediaProvider-1.0, LibMainMenu, and libChat2 (note the lower case 'l') to be installed separately.
Other Changes:
  • Fixed UI error "rChat.lua:1522: function expected instead of nil" reported by Teva.
  • Provided translations for the new string "Enable sound for whispers" in supported languages. (Thank you Google Translate.)
  • Split the Zenimax code that was copied from the game (and sometimes modified) out into its own file to make it easier to keep track of and to update when we get new game patches/releases.

  • Fixed a settings error which disabled whisper sound notifications.
  • Fixed a nil error reported by Akopian Atrebates.

  • Revised choices for sound notifications for both mentions and whispers so that you have more than four sounds to choose from. (Note that some of the Zenimax sounds are so subtle that they are easily overlooked, and there are two separate "No_sound" settings though I forget what their names are.) As a note, you can put your mouse cursor on the sound slider in settings and then you can
    use the mouse wheel to advance up or down the slider as you like.
  • Worked on a fix for a nil error in Restore Chat that ZoLatKam reported.

  • Fixed sound notifications failure to work with mentions (reported by SneakyWitchTheif)
  • Fixed sound choice definitions for German translation.
  • Changed color of Mention Notification header to match the colors of the other sections under Messages Settings.

  • Added a way to look for a "mention" in chat and colorize it and/or play a sound. It is a preliminary version that can only look for a single piece of text (that is at least 4 characters long and does not contain any of the following characters: "%*-.+()[]^$?"). Also the string is case sensitive so "hello" will not match "Hello".

  • Fixed attributions for the pChat addon that rChat was forked from. My apologies to Ayantir and Puddy for not mentioning you along with DesertDweller.

  • Fix misspelled function name (error at 5065).

Breaking Changes
  • Now requires the libraries LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu, LibMediaProvider-1.0, LibMainMenu, and libChat2 (note the lower case 'l') to be installed separately.

  • Reimplemented the old spanish language strings. Added missing spanish translations using Google Translate.
  • Removed LibCustomTitles
  • Regroup option settings to make them (hopefully) easier to find.
  • Can filter out guild recruiting messages which include a guild link. Does not attempt to detect text-only guild recruiting.
  • Added more detection to the "looking for group/member" and "want to sell/buy/trade" messages in order to filter out more of them.

Bug Fixes
  • Updated chat code and data that had been copied out of ESO into the addon to comply with the current version of ESO.
  • Removed embedded libraries. The inclusion of out-of-date libraries was causing random bugs in game that were not easily traceable back to the old libraries installed by pChat.
  • Split out the spam filtering to its own file.
  • Use LibSFUtils functions to handle localization strings.
  • Renamed addon to avoid conflicting with pChat during development (so I can still use pChat when I play in the beginning stages).
  • Forked rChat code from version of pChat by DesertDwellers which has not been maintained in a while.


For changes prior to this, you should look at the pChat addon (version by DesertDwellers, Ayantir, Puddy that this was based off of.
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Unread 07/30/20, 09:39 PM  
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Re: rChat prevents loading character

Originally Posted by Laren
I just tracked down rChat to be responsible for not being able to load a character anymore. What I notice is that rChatData.lua is 3MB with 75K lines:

What happens is, I start load a character but it never finishes, and instead the screen freezes after a while and then the game dumps me back to the login screen with a timeout error.
I just renamed rChatData.lua to rChatData.lua.bak and now I can login again. But after a while the same problems start, even though I also disabled the chat history.
I had not tested with rChatData getting so large. I think mine usually runs up to 1.5 MB. The rChatData file contains only the chat history. It originally lived in rChat.lua with all of the settings too, but I chose to split it out into a separate file so that if there was need - the chat history could be disposed of without losing all of your settings too - as you have found.

You might go into the rChat settings in the Windows section and turn OFF augmenting chat. This will reduced the number of lines of chat that it tries to save so that possibly you can avoid having this problem again while I work on reducing some of the duplication that is kept in rChatData.
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Unread 07/25/20, 07:43 PM  

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Re: Re: issue

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by sMuggle
When ever I make any change customization, the addon stops doing it's thing. chat ect.. Only way to get it back to working, is close the game, delete rchat*.lua and leave everything default. Gonna trouble shoot conflict perhaps with Hoft's chattabselector or some other addon (seems they conflict somehow).

EDIT: Settings chose @userID, but still shows character name in guild and group chat.
I recommend that you get an addon such as BugCatcher for Harrowstorm to see if one of your addons is complaining about errors and whatever information that they can tell you about what occurred.

One common problem that you can look for is check all of your addons to see if they have a private copy of LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua included in them. If they do, it is possible that the embedded library is version 29 or less and is known to cause problems with any addons that may use it after I think it was the Greymoor release of the game.
Will do, gotten so used to just using suppresserrormessage. Appreciate your taking time to reply.
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Unread 07/25/20, 03:37 AM  

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rChat prevents loading character

I just tracked down rChat to be responsible for not being able to load a character anymore. What I notice is that rChatData.lua is 3MB with 75K lines and it seems to consist of entries like this:

[4740] =
["rawLine"] = "",
["rawT"] =
["displayT"] =
["rawFrom"] = "",
["channel"] = 11,
["rawTimeString"] = "[10:34] ",
["displayed"] = "",
["rawMessage"] = "",
["timestamp"] = 1595666091,

What happens is, I start load a character but it never finishes, and instead the screen freezes after a while and then the game dumps me back to the login screen with a timeout error.
I just renamed rChatData.lua to rChatData.lua.bak and now I can login again. But after a while the same problems start, even though I also disabled the chat history.
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Unread 07/23/20, 05:53 PM  
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Re: issue

Originally Posted by sMuggle
When ever I make any change customization, the addon stops doing it's thing. chat ect.. Only way to get it back to working, is close the game, delete rchat*.lua and leave everything default. Gonna trouble shoot conflict perhaps with Hoft's chattabselector or some other addon (seems they conflict somehow).

EDIT: Settings chose @userID, but still shows character name in guild and group chat.
I recommend that you get an addon such as BugCatcher for Harrowstorm to see if one of your addons is complaining about errors and whatever information that they can tell you about what occurred.

One common problem that you can look for is check all of your addons to see if they have a private copy of LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua included in them. If they do, it is possible that the embedded library is version 29 or less and is known to cause problems with any addons that may use it after I think it was the Greymoor release of the game.
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Unread 07/23/20, 05:48 PM  
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Originally Posted by Marazota
any news on bugreport 3048???
I'm considering whether or not I want to balloon up the message cache by storing system messages in it.
If I choose to do it, it will be after the message length problem.

Originally Posted by Marazota
also reported another bug, the same as in pchat

Already responded.
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Unread 07/23/20, 02:26 AM  
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any news on bugreport 3048???

also reported another bug, the same as in pchat

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Unread 07/22/20, 03:29 PM  

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When ever I make any change customization, the addon stops doing it's thing. chat ect.. Only way to get it back to working, is close the game, delete rchat*.lua and leave everything default. Gonna trouble shoot conflict perhaps with Hoft's chattabselector or some other addon (seems they conflict somehow).

EDIT: Settings chose @userID, but still shows character name in guild and group chat.
Last edited by sMuggle : 07/23/20 at 09:29 AM.
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Unread 07/15/20, 09:18 PM  
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Originally Posted by Koffin
rChat gives LUA errors when the Text Trials Guide add-on is used, and although the /ttg command works, the others don't. If rChat is disabled, the errors stop and TTG commands work as they should. I am sorry I cannot post more info about the LUA error, but I don't know much about this stuff. rChat is very useful and thanks very much for making this add-on.
It's an issue with the length of the messages that TTG is added to chat. rChat currently has issues with enhancing messages that are so long that the enhancements cause it to exceed the maximum message length. It's at the top of my work queue.
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Unread 07/15/20, 02:22 PM  

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rChat gives LUA errors when the Text Trials Guide add-on is used, and although the /ttg command works, the others don't. If rChat is disabled, the errors stop and TTG commands work as they should. I am sorry I cannot post more info about the LUA error, but I don't know much about this stuff. rChat is very useful and thanks very much for making this add-on.
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Unread 07/14/20, 09:17 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Bug with number of characters

Originally Posted by Teva
I noticed with a few long messages yesterday that this was happening to me, sorta. All that was showing in my chat window (or my partner's, we both use rChat) was the letter "r" instead of the multiple sentences I'd typed.

I then wondered aloud about the odd behavior and guildmates told me they'd seen my full message. So it is something happening on the "incoming" end rather than the "outgoing" end since they (without rChat) could see it fine... just in case that info helps debug.
Yes, it is the "fault" of the addition of colors and headers and links that are done when a message is received that makes the message longer than the maximum message length that ZOS chat can handle. And so it kind of barfs on the too-long message when displaying it. I can generally display what was originally a 200 character message without problem, but longer than that and I start running into problems with exceeding the max length with all the extra formatting.
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Unread 07/13/20, 01:09 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Bug with number of characters

I noticed with a few long messages yesterday that this was happening to me, sorta. All that was showing in my chat window (or my partner's, we both use rChat) was the letter "r" instead of the multiple sentences I'd typed.

I then wondered aloud about the odd behavior and guildmates told me they'd seen my full message. So it is something happening on the "incoming" end rather than the "outgoing" end since they (without rChat) could see it fine... just in case that info helps debug.

Originally Posted by Talrol
I am curious if you have made any headway on this issue yet? If you need any other information from me let me know and I'll try to get it for it.

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Talrol
I recently started using this addon as pChat has been presenting issues and not functioning regularly.

While everything so far seems to be wonderful there is one problem that I've run into. When I reach 239 characters in the chat box (doesn't matter which chat) it cuts off and instead leaves something like this:

o good. Let's see how much farther we can go before it cuts off the text in the chat window.r

The actual text that was typed there was just to get information and should read:

How many words can I get in? Continuing. And again. Hmm. I seem to be able to get at least three lines, it's when it close to max that it seems to stop working properly. But until I find the max it won't help me to turn in the bug. So far so good. Let's see how much farther we can go before it cuts off the text in the chat window.

If I cut the text off at the following it will still display fine:

How many words can I get in? Continuing. And again. Hmm. I seem to be able to get at least three lines, it's when it close to max that it seems to stop working properly. But until I find the max it won't help me to turn in the bug. So far

It's after it goes past the space after the last word that it displays as described above.

I have attempted disabling all addons other than rChat to see where the problem might be, however, it does the same even when rChat is the only addon running.
I will look into that. Thanks for your work investigating!
Last edited by Teva : 07/13/20 at 01:10 PM.
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Unread 07/12/20, 10:16 PM  

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Re: Re: Bug with number of characters

I am curious if you have made any headway on this issue yet? If you need any other information from me let me know and I'll try to get it for it.

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Talrol
I recently started using this addon as pChat has been presenting issues and not functioning regularly.

While everything so far seems to be wonderful there is one problem that I've run into. When I reach 239 characters in the chat box (doesn't matter which chat) it cuts off and instead leaves something like this:

o good. Let's see how much farther we can go before it cuts off the text in the chat window.r

The actual text that was typed there was just to get information and should read:

How many words can I get in? Continuing. And again. Hmm. I seem to be able to get at least three lines, it's when it close to max that it seems to stop working properly. But until I find the max it won't help me to turn in the bug. So far so good. Let's see how much farther we can go before it cuts off the text in the chat window.

If I cut the text off at the following it will still display fine:

How many words can I get in? Continuing. And again. Hmm. I seem to be able to get at least three lines, it's when it close to max that it seems to stop working properly. But until I find the max it won't help me to turn in the bug. So far

It's after it goes past the space after the last word that it displays as described above.

I have attempted disabling all addons other than rChat to see where the problem might be, however, it does the same even when rChat is the only addon running.
I will look into that. Thanks for your work investigating!
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Unread 07/10/20, 01:35 AM  
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submitted bug report

im interesting in this fix and next fix - to copy that messages without errors with gold icon
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Unread 07/07/20, 05:38 PM  
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Fair enough, thank you for the reply. I'll give it a go.
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Unread 07/05/20, 06:32 PM  
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Originally Posted by RavenMind
How is this addon different or better than pChat?
Aside from the abillity to detect mentions? Not much as far as a user can see... maybe some bugs have been fixed that you have or have not noticed. The majority of the changes (ongoing) is out of sight of the user.

Honestly? The major difference that started this, was to have a chat addon that worked on my wife's game. pChat didn't work ... neither did vanilla ZOS chat for that matter. Both of those have changed a lot over time so they might work now, but I'm having fun with this.
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