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Updated: 12/11/22 10:34 PM
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Firesong (8.2.5)
Updated:12/11/22 10:34 PM
Created:12/11/22 10:34 PM
Monthly downloads:58
Total downloads:1,914
Surging Waters Synergy Warning (Dreadsail Reef)
Version: 1.0.0
by: AlekWithK [More]
This is a simple addon for Reef Guardian in Dreadsail Reef. It warns players when the Reef Heart's health is getting low so that they do not accidentally take the Surging Water synergy and return from portal if they intended to stay down. It always feels bad having to call for a portal backup because you got sent back up when you didn't mean to because of how instantly the Surging Water synergy appears.

Addon settings can be accessed via '/sw' or the standard Addon list.
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