(161 Kb)
Updated: 06/13/24 02:18 PM
File Info
Gold Road (10.0.0)
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base-game patch (9.1.5)
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Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:06/13/24 02:18 PM
Created:02/03/24 01:10 AM
Monthly downloads:73
Total downloads:626
Version: 1.0.03c
by: Citizen [More]
This was my personal Add-on previously made for personal use only, some functions are inspired by other Add-ons or they are completely copy-paste of other Add-ons due to my habit of original Add-on UI or lack of need to change anything in UI.
All the credits are written inside the .txt file inside the Add-on folder.
I did not wanted to have an entire Add-on active just for one function so I decide to make my own Add-on with selected options of others + some other things that I wrote my own.

Depends On:
LibAddonMenu-2.0 >= 35
OdySupportIcons (Hopefully soon switching to LibFloatingIcons)

List of the current options:
  • General options:
    1. Addon manager:
      • Active addon counter: Show amount of Active/All addons in ADD-ONS menu.
      • Addons dependencies checker: Will print the name of Libraries that you have active but no current active addon required it in the chat box.
    2. Marker: Pretty Identical to ElmsMarkers, I fixed some bugs, made it a little better for performance, added graphical menu and some extra Icons which I had them in need but they were not inside ElmsMarkers. You can Import/Export String from/to ElmsMarkers.
    3. Real Time Clock: Shows IRL time based on your PC time zone, pretty close to MiniClock, removed some options that I found them unnecessary for me, and some big changes in performance.
  • Combat options:
    1. Am I Blocking: Similar to Am I Blocking?, only different is a small change in performance and instead of showing a text "Blocking!" it will show a Shield icon.
    2. Resistance Meter: Absolute copy-paste of Armorskull: Resistance Meter.
    3. Nearby Members: Showing the amount of group memebers in the chosen range (Dead members are excluded).
      • ONLY DD tracker: Change the option to show only the amount off DDs in the chosen range.
  • Raids and Dungeons:
    • Cloudrest:
      1. Siroria Flare OSI: Shows an orange arrow above the person who have the flare.
    • Blackrose Prison:
      1. Adds spawn locations OSI: Shows icons in the positions that adds are about spawn before hand, it is under development and currently stage 1 and 2 are completed.
    • Sunspire:
      • Bosses Fly Tracker: Fly and Land tracker for All the bosses with Nahvi's portals. Pretty similar to same option in HowToSunspire.
      • Lokkestiiz:
        1. Laser beam count down: Show a count down 10s before Laser beam.
        2. Laser beam OSI locations: Shows a floating icon for Laser beam standing positions. It's synced with CrutchAlerts.
      • Nahviintaas:
        1. Statue Stone Fist alert: Shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
        2. Portal entrance timer: Show a count down for duration of time shift portal.
        3. Portal wipe timer: Shows how long left till portal wipe.
        4. Eternal servant Interrupt alert: Plays a sound alert andShows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
    • Rockgrove:
      • Oaxiltso:
        1. Poison OSI: Shows a green arrow above the person who have the Poison.
      • Bahsei:
        1. Death touch OSI: Shows a light blue arrow above the person who have the Death touch debuff.
        2. Bleed OSI: Shows a red arrow above the person who have the Bleed DoT.
        3. Bleed tracker: Show a count down for all the Bleeds.
          • ONLY off tank tracker: Change the count downs to only track the Bleeds on off tank.
    • Coral Aerie:
      • Varallion:
        1. Mind Link OSI: Shows a red arrow above the people who are gonna have Mind Link and than change to an Purple X.
    • Shipwright's Regret:
      • Foreman:
        1. Soul bomb tracker: A left behind project...
    • Dreadsail Reef:
      • Trash Fights:
        1. BrewMaster Potion OSI and alert: Plays an alert sound, shows alert and put a floating icon where Potion AOEs are. A customized version of same option in QcellDreadsailReefHelper.
      • Lylanar & Turlassil:
        1. Ice and Fire brand OSI: Shows orange arrows above the people who have the Fire brand and blue arrow for people who have Ice brand.
      • Reef Guardian:
        1. Acid Reflux alert: Shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
      • Tideborn Taleria:
        1. Clock numbers on map: Arrange the map to 12 sections like a clock and put floating icon numbers for it, with Green, Yellow and Purple for locations of each bridge.
        2. Behemoth hack attack alert: Sound alert and shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
        3. Behemoth crush attack alert: Sound alert and shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
        4. Siren Lure Of The Sea alert: Sound alerts and shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
        5. Sea Boiler Aspect Of Terror alert: Shows a CombatAlerts progress bar for it.
    • Sanity's Edge:
      • Yaseyla:
        1. True shot alert: Currently only play sound and give an alert when an archer is charging TrueShot. Hopefully with LibDataShare I can make it to track duration of charge and if it is interrupted or not, soon...
      • Ansuul:
        1. Banish tracker: Shows how much HP left to next banish for pre-execute and a timer for next banish for execute phase. Pretty useless now cause @code65536 added the same option in CombatAlerts in recent updates.
# 1.0.03c (13/6/2024) (ESOUI Update)
## General
- Removed Commands Global Functions and moved them inside the CommandHandler
## General options
### Marker
- Changed CitizenMarker.reverseIconData from a hand written table to a automatic reverse version of CitizenMarker.iconData with a "for" loop
- Added alphabet icons from Bitrock's Elm's Markers, version 3.1.0
## Combat options
### Nearby Members
- Removed isUnitInSupportRange() checker;
Becasue apperantly "Support Range" is only 30m?!
Added IsGroupMemberInSameLayerAsPlayer() instead to avoid unnecessary calculations
- Moved DD Only option checker to before distance calculations, this will add more repeated code lines but it will avoid unnecessary calculations


# 1.0.03b (14/5/2024)
## General
- Changed the positions of addon's options initializations to before the lines about Group managers options;
This will fix the issue caused by the new changed on fragments, because it was trying to add a fragment that was not initialized yet;
Strangely it was only happening after a reload UI while player is in group, but not on game start up while is in group;
## Blackrose Prison
- Added Stage 2 spawn points to OSI spawn locations
- Changed OSI spawn locations to Beta3
- Changed time difference requested between waves portal spawns to be counted as a new wave to 700ms from 2000ms;
Because there is a skip in Round 2 than can cause 2 waves to be spawn at same time, hopfuly 700ms is low enough, might need adjusment later
- Added OSI spawn locations option to normal difficulty options too


# 1.0.03a (9/5/2024)
## General
- Changed that instead of having a fragments table and than add all with AddFragmentGroup to HUD_SCENE and HUD_UI_SCENE, it will add each fragments individually;
with this change I have more control to add/remove or hide fragments from main screen
- Added ESOUI release marks to CHANGELOG
## Combat options
### Nearby Members
- Added live show of chosen range
- Added a DD only mode;
Added an UI for it
- Changed the color theme from white to black
- Moved the range UI checker out of the Refresh function, added it inside the Menu slider function;
So it will not keep getting unnecessary refreshes and only get refreshed when there is a change in requested range;
Added another range UI checker inside the main Initialize function to fix the disappearance on game startup or after a reload UI
- Fix the problem that number was stuck at 12 if range was set to 36m
- Changed it to exclude dead members;
Added a text in the menu tooltip for it
- Changed refresh rate to 350 from 300
- Changed it to be deactive if Player is not in the group


# 1.0.03 (3/4/2024)
## General
- Fixed some spelling problems in the Menu
- Made an ESOUI.txt file for Add-on Info page
## Combat options
- Added Nearby Members option
## RG
### Bahsei
- Fix the problem that Bleed tracker was active even when it was Off in settings if you had Bleed OSI active


# 1.0.02c (3/2/2024) (ESOUI release)
## General
- Apperanly AddOnVersion in .txt file have to be ONLY integer, so changed the last alphabet latter to number (a=1, b=2, c=3 and ...) from now on
- Added release dates to CHANGELOG
- Some Trims in Menu
- Changed all the options to be deactive by default, except: BRP.waveIcons and CA.varallion.mindLinkOsi
- Removed CitizenNotifier.OSI.icons to use CitizenMaker.iconData instead
- Removed CitizenAddon.playerDisplayName and CitizenAddon.playerGroupUnitTag and made an CitizenAddon.player table with displayName and groupUnitTag in it
- Edited to make indexs be match with group unit tag indexs. Moved inside of "If IsUnitPlayer" statement
## DSR
### Trash Fight
- Decreased Brew Master Potion OSI duration from 15000 to 10000, because majority of fights take ~10s anyway
## SS
### Nahvi
- Fixed some issues for timers when you are in portal


# 1.0.02b (29/1/2024)
## General
- Moved all the options and EVENTs behind If statements and added Request Reload UI warning to all the options;
This means if you enter a zone with at least one active option related to the zone, you do not need reload UI for activing
or deactiving other options related to that zone, but if enter the zone with no active option related to the zone, you will need
reload UI for activing or deactiving options;
due to complex of the scenario, added Request Reload UI warning to all the options to avoid any inconveniency
## General Options
### Real Time Clock
- Changed Real Time Clock tick rate from 2500 to 750;
added a switch to change to 60000 tick rate at exact beginning of a minute;
added another switch to go back to 750 tick rate in case of getting desynced for more then 2s to make it sync again
### Marker
- Added some icons that was in OSI but not in my list or Elm'sMarker list
- Incrased the size of visibleRows in menu to 6 from 5
## Sunspire
- Removed all the SS options out of BETA
- Changed Fly Tracker to show from 15% instead of 12%;
so Nahvi Portal Spawn Tracker (New feature) will be shown 5% before hand instead of 2%;
with this change there is no need for additinal EVENTs and Code Lines for Nahvi Portal Spwan tracker
### Nahvi
- Trimed Eternal Servent interrupt
- Added portal spawn tracker with-in Boss Fly Tracker for this boss
## RG
### Bahsei
- Separated Bleed OSI and Bleed tracker of each other


# 1.0.02a (13/1/2024)
## General
- Lots of changed in death tracker and group tracker
- Added a CitizenAddon.playerGroupUnitTag for player's group unit tag
## Sunspire
- Fixed Flying tracker (1.0.02b update; apperantly not fixed yet)
### Lokke
- Added Laser beam timer (1.0.02b update; apperantly not working)
- Added Laser beam OSI locations (1.0.02b update; apperantly not working)
### Nahvi
- Fixed Portal Wipre timer
## Blackrose Prison
- Changed OSI spawn locations to Beta2
- Changed OSI spawn locations to be pre-spawn rather then on-spawn
- Chnaged big adds OSI size from +48 to +24, added small adds icon size a -24
- Chnaged spawn locations icon duration defualt to start counting after wave spawns, changed defualt value from 7s to 3s


# 1.0.02 (23/12/2023)
## General
- Added missing Unregistors for SS and BRP event listers
- Added a general death tracker
## BRP
- Added adds spawn locations OSI Beta1 version
- Changed defualt OSI spawn location duration to 7s


# 1.0.01a (23/12/2023)
## General
- Some trims in menu texts
- Commented GroupMemeberCleaner function
- Removed CitizenNotifier.sound to use ingame sound play with no table
- Removed CitizenNotifier.OSI.color to not using table
## General options
### Real Time Clock
- Added Real Time Clock cretids in .txt
- Chaned Real Time Clock update rate from 2000 to 2500
## DSR
### Taleria
- Added Behemoth Crush attack CombatAlert progress bar and Sound alert
- Added Sirens Lure Of The Sea CombatAlert progress bar
## BRP
- Added adds spawn locations OSI Alpha1 version


# 1.0.01 (23/12/2023)
## General
- Changed the credits one time popup to a key inside the menu
- Moved general functions from CitizenAddon to CitizenFunctions
- Moved Marker saved positions table from CitizenAddon to CitizenMarker
## General options
- Added Real time clock options
## Menu
- Added icons to menu
- Added information footer
- Changed headers colors from cdfffd to bfffff
## Sunspire
### Nahvi
- Added statue StoneFist CombatAlert progress bar
- Added portal Wipe Timer
- Added portal Entrance Timer
- Added portal Eternal servent Interrupt CombatAlert progress bar
## DSR
### Reef
- Added acid reflux CombatAlert progress bar
### Taleria
- Added clock Numbers on map OSI
- Added Behemoth Hack attack CombatAlert progress bar and Sound alert


# 1.0.00 (19/10/2023)
- Released
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02/03/24 01:10 AM

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Your addon currently is on hold and won't be released as mandatory information is missing.
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Thanks for adding a proper description, needed dependencies etc.!
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