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Updated: 05/20/14 06:57 AM
Live (1.0)
Updated:05/20/14 06:57 AM
Created:05/20/14 06:57 AM
Monthly downloads:14
Total downloads:1,678
Version: 1.0
by: thelegendaryof [More]
My little army of Monkey Helpers called LibOrangUtils.

I'm using those in most of my Addons (they all come with a local copy of it so no need
to download it if you don't plan on implementing LibOrangUtils in your own Addons).

The most usefull of it is probably LibOrangUtils:CopyToClipboard(text, autoSplit) -
while autoSplit is a boolean that is true by default and will split long text after 1000 characters
(which is a limitation by the official API) and create an Alert that will wait for each 1000 characters
to be copy & pasted until you click next.


function LibOrangUtils:str_replace(string source, regex find, string replace, boolean wholeword = false)
function LibOrangUtils:str_escape(string str)
function LibOrangUtils:str_split(string str, regex del)
function LibOrangUtils:str_lensplit(string text, int atLength = 1000)
function LibOrangUtils:str_cleanup(string str)
function LibOrangUtils:CopyToClipboard(string text, boolean autoSplit = true)
Credits and further description to be found in the source-code.
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