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Updated: 08/17/17 08:55 AM
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Updated:08/17/17 08:55 AM
Created:06/27/14 08:20 AM
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Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Data Mods, Info, Plug-in Bars, ToolTip, Miscellaneous
Deome's DataDaedra  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.99.7
by: Deome [More]
Deome's DataDaedra
by Deome (@deome) - [email protected]

Deome's Addon Suite:
Deome's DataDaedra -

  • Sales Data and Crafting Cost shown before you craft!
v1.9.2 -- changed getKeyedItem, isKeyedItem to public functions

v1.9.1 -- Huge update, compatible with MM, new version control, new layout, same great function.

v1.77a -- Small bugfix

v1.76 -- Tooltip prices, etc., should now display properly.

v1.73 -- All tooltips should now display properly.

v1.65 -- Final update (for now), documentation pending. DataDaedra is, for all intents and purposes, finished!

v1.48 -- Quick bugfix to address popuptooltip prices

v1.46 -- Minor update that fixes major problem. Prices should save correctly now. Also started work on localization so that future updates may be translated to Fr and De. v1.43-1.45 are garbage uploads. Sorry about that.

v1.42 -- Update to published LibGuildHistory, removed a few now unnecessary options, and added a new "EASY" button to automatically set DD to Deome's preferences (which ARE different from default values, and provide what I think are the most accurate prices). Fixed bug causing DD to not display on tooltips on login.

v1.41 -- Fixed an evil bug in the recency filter.

v1.40 -- The new update (re)-introduces time since sale occurred as a factor in calculating prices. I've been playing with it all evening, and while prices are remarkably more accurate, there are a few things that make prices (with or without considering recency) act rather silly. My advice: Play around with the new system--default settings are as loose as possible, so the new update shouldn't make anything go haywire, but you'll see far fewer records as you lower the settings. Also, I have found that ZO isn't helping with the sillyness--many things, such as glyphs, have individual item levels that screw with prices; I've seen both lvl 8 and lvl 10 versions of the same glyph, for example, which is stupid. My advice is to either turn on all (or all except enchants) pricing characteristics before playing around with recency. And when I find time, I'll try to correct for ZO's sillyness in the future.

v1.39.1 -- Found the source of the bug preventing DD from moving through guilds properly. Fixed.

v1.39 -- Settings should now save your preferences properly.

v1.38 -- Update 5 update.

v1.37.3 -- More minor fixes, and it appears v1.37.2 may have been missing core files (whoops). Includes LibAddonMenu-2.0 r16.

v1.37.2 -- Second quick fix update, the last one did not display notifications correctly. I've been lax about documentation since v1.22, but I'll do my best to keep up with new changes (documentation and answering questions usually takes more time than fixing bugs/issues, and my time is limited--I prioritize stable DD releases above all else). I won't go into detail here either, as I will be adding a FAQ/Walkthrough for DD very soon.

v1.22 -- Some updates to sales table, price updating routine, settings, and a lot of spit and polish. Users may notice things run smoother, tested with no crashes. Also, a new feature many might miss: Harvest Buffer, in the Advanced tab of the settings, may now be turned on and off. If you think you're not getting any new data (you are. Give it time.), flick that off and hit the Data Harvest button. And everything else that has a slider may be turned off as well.

For those who fear the Lua memory limit, use /ddluamemory to see how much your UI is using (thank you, Garkin, for that wonderful command). Default is 64mb, but it can be raised much much higher in the User Settings file for ESO.

v1.21.x -- Minor fixes, updates, spit and polish, update at your leisure.

v1.20 -- Stability, stability, stability! It may have taken ages to narrow down the source of the crashes that have plagued us all, and certainly took a while to fix, but after extensive testing with VERY large sales histories, it looks as if those days are gone.

Modular design -- DataDaedra will now be split into separate extension projects to accommodate different uses for the data collected and the engine that runs the whole show. This allows for separate development projects, so that one change won't destablize the core addon, and allows users to tailor extensions to their needs. Two extensions were included in the last few releases, and they'll be getting their own pages shortly (there hasn't been any real work on them, so your old copies will be just fine. Just update the core DataDaedra module).

Expanded Settings -- DataDaedra has a plethora of new settings that allow users a much greater degree of control over the core functions. Some of the more significant features include the ability to limit item prices to the ____ most recent sales data (handy for high volume items like mats and consumables), sliders for speed of data collection (I recommend using the lowest settings on first run, then raising them up to slow speeds for active adventuring), default guild store IS working now, and of course there are now menus for the ddExport and (soon!) ddGuildFoundry extensions.

v1.19e -- DD should now run smoothly and crash free. Please be patient as the pricing tables are rebuilt; it may take some time. You may adjust the speed at which they are built in Settings - Update Frequency. Your old data is safe. Your new data is safe. And if anyone sees DD crash at load, using THIS version, I want to know about it immediately! :D

I can be contacted in-game, @deome. Mail works best. Will be catching up on correspondence all weekend, then 1.2 should be ready for release.

* The "Autobackup" feature of ddExport has been removed. The short of it is, I don't trust it; backing up or exporting your data with ddExport is a good idea, but I'm thinking it's not so great when it runs every time DD is scanning sales histories (and I really don't have the time to hook it to some other, less frequent event). One issue I've noticed with the data tables is that a crash or a /reloadui while the scans/backups are still running--like, y'know, when you first log in and the system is a bit overwhelmed for a couple minutes--will corrupt them, and that's what makes ESO go boom. You can still backup/export/import your data, but you've got to click the button yourself :D
(You can also use /ddexport and /ddimport!)

* Item tables have been heavily rebuilt. This is an update most folks will never even know is there, but it does make it much easier to include new features in the pricing/item data. For example, I'm hoping to add options that allow users to differentiate item values based on traits, styles, etc. for more discrete data--of course, the most obvious advantage would be the ability to see just how MUCH more valuable some traits are than others.

* Working on some minor visual changes to the tooltip additions. Sadly, I'm more of a Woz than a Jobs, so I tend to de-prioritize appearances, but I'll keep tweaking from time to time until I have time to implement more tooltip customization options.

v1.10d -- Quick bugfixes. Tooltips in inventory should no longer generate errors when TooltipBuffer option is on. German and French clients should no longer have issues with stables. Item Tables updated, crafting materials should now display prices properly. ddExport should now function properly. Settings have been changed to account-wide, as some settings affect account-wide SavedVariables.

v1.10 -- Some major rework, some work deprecated, plenty of bugfixes, etc. More importantly, v1.1 includes some greatly anticipated features!

* Now includes separate addon that allows users to export and import DataDaedra market histories! Many folks asked for this while in development as GuildMarketExporter seems to be abandoned; since DataDaedra relies on the same trading house sales data, this feature was simple, easy to implement, and I think will be very popular.

Yes, I am aware that there was a website that collected histories from Guild Market Exporter, but I really have no interest in building or running a website. If anyone wished to build or adapt such a website to be able to read/import exported DataDaedra market history files, they would have my blessing and permission. However, if you like those sorts of statistics, you may wish to hold off until v1.2...

* Selecting options that require a UI reload will no longer automatically trigger a reload. A ReloadUI() button has been added to the settings menu for your convenience.

v1.02 -- Guild tabards and mousing over your inventory should no longer...ugh...big update coming soon, as soon as I put it through some rigorous bugtesting. Would've been nice to do that earlier this week, but of course ZO just *had* to shut all guilds down. Sigh.

v1.01 -- Guild Tabards should no longer crash the game (seriously, ZO?) Please notify me immediately, in game mail (@deome), if this still happens after updating.

v1.0 -- RELEASE!
* Saved Variables tables are finalized.
* Market History table has new duplicate killer
* Tooltips have been fixed, finally--mousing over something should no longer generate an error message on certain items
* "AutoBackup" feature implemented. Recommended that it be left off for now, just because it doubles the size of your Saved Variables file, but is perfectly safe to leave on if you really value your market history. Feature will also automatically restore your history from backup should your history ever get lost (without losing the saved variables file itself).
* Still working on History export for external sites
* Thank you Garkin, Kraeius, Focus, and everyone else who has helped out through the Beta!

v0.97c -- Thanks to Focus for finding one of the stranger bugs I've encountered. This is a temporary fix--in other words, it's not as clean as it could be--but DataDaedra should now recognize all unique sales (I had no idea that the duplicate catcher was throwing out so much good data). Currently working on release (1.0), but wanted to get this fix out quickly.

v0.97b -- Put some work into the PopupTooltips. If any developers know what they're doing with those, would appreciate input--currently trying to reduce redundant/unnecessary code and understand what events/etc. affect popups. Settings should now be working properly. Added an "Autobackup" setting.

v0.97a -- Settings should now save and load correctly; ItemIds etc. should now display correctly on tooltips.

v0.97 -- This will be the last beta version before release (barring any damn bugfixes). This version is mostly backdoor and UI cleanup, especially of the settings menu, however one new and significant feature has been added: You may now back up your sales history data so you never need lose your historic data again should the saved variables versions need to be changed for the main database.

Just to be clear, PLEASE BACK UP YOUR SALES HISTORY. The button is in the "Data Cairn" tab of the settings menu, you really can't miss it. /reloadui is recommended after clicking the button (and backing up your data--it goes very quickly), but is not strictly necessary; reloading your UI just ensures that the backup is saved. And yes, you want to back up your data because I'll be restructuring tables in v1.0, and you will lose your sales history without the backup (don't worry about the item price table--it reassembles itself without harm automatically).

I appreciate all the support and help I've received over the past couple months with this project. Thank you all--your enthusiasm and appreciation fuels my creativity (and helps me get updates out in a timely fashion). And don't worry, those features you're anticipating will soon be available in release; check my ESOUI Author Portal to request a feature or submit a bug, or check the status of features/bugs/other projects.

v0.96c -- Fixed the damn crafting tempers, and discovered/fixed a bug with the crafting tooltips displaying blacksmithing item data on clothing/woodworking crafting stations.

v0.96b -- Tooltip checks now include a check for quest reward and loot container items. Quest reward dialogues should no longer occasionally spit out an error on mouseover tooltip (which was only happening to a small number of item rewards).

Known Bug: Crafting tempers, such as Dwarven Oil, etc., are either not displaying tooltip prices or are displaying slightly inaccurate prices. This will be addressed in the next update, working on a fix now. If prices appear, please note that the prices displayed may not necessarily include all historic sales of those items, but the prices shown are based on at least one actual sale.

v0.96a -- Another horse bug caught and fixed.
A few bugfixes (thank you, Garkin!); tooltips should behave themselves a bit more, and stable mount tooltips should no longer be confused with item tooltips.
Still working on the Primary Guild Selector thingy. I'd leave it alone (it won't do much right now, don't worry). Right now, I think the whole Guild section of the API is riddled with dremora, so it may be a while before I get this working.
Default settings should be set properly. New savedvars table for Settings, so you'll want to go into settings and configure it to your liking again.
Started implementing into tooltips for crafting stations. Right now it's just blacksmithing, for testing. After release, I'm planning to integrate into the "Create" tooltips (and that's a whole other set of cheese-filled slippers, I assure you); imagine being able to know beforehand if that potion or armor piece is actually worth more than the mats involved.

v0.95a - Notes
GUI Settings Menu courtesy of Seerah's LibAddonMenu-2.0. Bless you, Seerah, you took all the work out of the feature I expected would be the most work.
Rebuilt data tables again. Sales history and individual item price statistics are now separated into individual tables, which makes it possible to include a feature to export the guild sales history--a la Guild Market Exporter--in a future version (look for it in 0.95b or so). Also, future data table upgrades no longer will require erasing all current sales records. Thanks to Focus for the suggestion!
To solve issues with large (four or more digit) price averages, the Settings menu now offers a multi-line tooltip option, which will put "Seen", "wAvg," etc. each on their own line. No more ugly spillovers! Thanks to Kraeius for the suggestion, and I will continue to provide other tooltip appearance options before release.
Settings menu also offers a feature to include ItemId, Quality, Level, EnchtId values for an item in the tooltip. I doubt anyone other than developers will find this useful, but for those developers who (like me) like to see visually how different items are structured in the API, this feature is a nifty bonus. Think of it as a helpful addition to Zgoo!
Other options in the settings menu are experimental (debugging works, but will not do much right now).
I wanted to put a bit more time into this version, however since folks are having issues with the 0.93 I thought was stable, I'm pushing this version right now, as I believe it's currently stable. I'll be updating it within a day or two with all the other features I wanted to include, but hopefully this version will resolve the loading screen bug for those who have it.

v0.93 - Notes
BIG update here. Popup Tooltips (chat links, etc.) and inventory/store/guildstore/etc. tooltips are now working properly and seamlessly. There may be a half-second delay as they're now being buffered to increase stability and performance, but once I finish the settings menu buffering will be an optional setting.
Completely redesigned the database, though I'm afraid to say prices will only be based on each item's ItemId, regardless of quality, enchantment, etc., and the SavedVariables have a new version that will replace current records.
Huge increase in speed/performance. The database is now slim and memory efficient, record matching for tooltips is streamlined for instant response, and many, many imps have been soultrapped and cruelly sacrificed to provide enough soulgems to bring you these improvements (to say nothing of the horkers that provided the fat for the fires).
Next update will include integration with LibAddonMenu-2.0 to provide a UI interface for settings and statistics, allowing for customization of records and metrics.

v0.92 - Notes
Found, and hopefully fixed, stability issue/crash bug. Please let me know if it continues.

v0.90 - Notes
Most functionality is complete. Works for all bags, banks, guild store, and shopkeeps.
"(seen)" is the number of sales involving the item. "(wAvg)" is the weighted average price per unit for that item; if 100x[Saltrice] and 2x[Saltrice] sell in two different sales, the larger stack's price will greatly outweigh the price of the smaller stack sale. "(stack)", of course, gives you a quick price for the current stack.
There will be obvious differences for large/100 stacks between wAvg and stack prices. wAvg is rounded to the nearest whole number for summary purposes, but is calculated to two decimal places for stack prices. Thus, [Jute] may show a wAvg of 6g, but a recommended price of 578g for a 100 stack. This is normal, and allows for an accurate price recommendation for selling stacks in bulk.
Future revisions will expand available tooltips to include rewards, loot, chatlinks, trade windows, and whathaveyou. Release will also feature a settings menu with more data options.
Post-release, may be expanded to include data from COD sales and player-to-player trades!
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Unread 04/12/15, 04:44 PM  

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Please work with Master Merchant

I use both Data Daedra and Master Merchant, and the relationship is shaky at best...

They seem to conflict regarding the LibGuildHistory.lua library, and it looks like it depends on load order.

When I get errors, I go to Addons and un-check and re-check the two addons, until the load order apparently works itself out. Sometimes (about half the time) both addons load up with no issues and all is well.

It's strange, because Master Merchant doesn't seem to use that library...

Anyway, it would be extremely nice if both worked together!

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Unread 03/28/15, 07:44 AM  

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Originally Posted by Sarovan
Sorry for newb question but do I need both this and Deome's ddShopkeeper?
I was wondering because it seems the ddShopkeeper is scanning sales as well, so what do I need DD for?
ShopKeeper uses the same system as DD for as far as i know.
You can use either.
I like DD more cause it's simpler.
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Unread 03/25/15, 07:13 PM  

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Sorry for newb question but do I need both this and Deome's ddShopkeeper?
I was wondering because it seems the ddShopkeeper is scanning sales as well, so what do I need DD for?
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Unread 03/25/15, 12:01 PM  

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Originally Posted by GT-Schorsch
Originally Posted by Deome
Originally Posted by GT-Schorsch
@Deome: I would like to contribute a German translation for your addon, since I really like it. How can I do this? Can I simply translate your EN.lua in the i18n folder to German and upload it or email it to you? Can I insert German umlauts (Umlaute) and the sharp S (so ü, ö, ä, ß) as well or does they need to be inserted like in HTML for example?
How I can test my own translations? Once I put in a DE.lua in that folder will the game automatically load the German translations while the client language is German?

Particular questions:
1.When does your addon display the variable "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_ONLOAD", "Summoned and bound.")" ?
2. What is "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TASKMASTER_EASY_BUTTON_NAME", "EASY")" and should it be translated?
3. What is "cFFD700" in "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TOOLTIP_CRAFTING_WAVG", "|cFFD700<<1>>|r <<2>>")"? A colour code, I guess?

@Xantaria: This addon does not seem to be compatible with the german client (yet). If you switch the language to English with the help of Khrill Language Selector (no need to download a second copy of ESO!) you will see that this addon works while the client language is English. Please note that you do not find Khrill Language Selector in Minion, so you need to install it manually (because it is sorted under "Utilities" on this site and not under "Stand-Alone Addons", but technically it is an addon though). With Khrill Language Selector the whole game is set to English, but just text information, no voices. It helps a lot, if you want to know the English term for an ability or if you need to google a quest (you can now insert the English term for it!).
I converted most of my strings to the multi-language platform some time ago because I would *love* help with translation--up until now, I simply haven't had time, but as things are winding down programatically this is my next big effort.

How is it incompatible with the German client? It's possible there are still some localized strings in the code, but it would be helpful to know what particular issues it has with the client.

Overloaded with multitasking, will come back and respond later...
I will take some screenshots later this day, but your addon currently does not show a single string in German nor English while the client language is German. There are just display errors or blank places where strings from DataDaedra should be. This applies to both chat messages as well as the price display inside the tooltips while in inventar view as well as addon settings.
Finally I know what the problem was all along
So simply switching to english would have solved all problems...

Thx a lot for that info
i thought that add on was lost for me
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Unread 03/25/15, 01:41 AM  

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Okay, I took the time while my bounty was decreasing to make some screenshots and uploaded them on Imgur.

Normal behaviour while English set as the client language
Same screenshot while German set as the client language
Settings window while German set as the client language
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Unread 03/24/15, 10:28 PM  

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Originally Posted by Deome
Originally Posted by GT-Schorsch
@Deome: I would like to contribute a German translation for your addon, since I really like it. How can I do this? Can I simply translate your EN.lua in the i18n folder to German and upload it or email it to you? Can I insert German umlauts (Umlaute) and the sharp S (so ü, ö, ä, ß) as well or does they need to be inserted like in HTML for example?
How I can test my own translations? Once I put in a DE.lua in that folder will the game automatically load the German translations while the client language is German?

Particular questions:
1.When does your addon display the variable "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_ONLOAD", "Summoned and bound.")" ?
2. What is "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TASKMASTER_EASY_BUTTON_NAME", "EASY")" and should it be translated?
3. What is "cFFD700" in "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TOOLTIP_CRAFTING_WAVG", "|cFFD700<<1>>|r <<2>>")"? A colour code, I guess?

@Xantaria: This addon does not seem to be compatible with the german client (yet). If you switch the language to English with the help of Khrill Language Selector (no need to download a second copy of ESO!) you will see that this addon works while the client language is English. Please note that you do not find Khrill Language Selector in Minion, so you need to install it manually (because it is sorted under "Utilities" on this site and not under "Stand-Alone Addons", but technically it is an addon though). With Khrill Language Selector the whole game is set to English, but just text information, no voices. It helps a lot, if you want to know the English term for an ability or if you need to google a quest (you can now insert the English term for it!).
I converted most of my strings to the multi-language platform some time ago because I would *love* help with translation--up until now, I simply haven't had time, but as things are winding down programatically this is my next big effort.

How is it incompatible with the German client? It's possible there are still some localized strings in the code, but it would be helpful to know what particular issues it has with the client.

Overloaded with multitasking, will come back and respond later...
I will take some screenshots later this day, but your addon currently does not show a single string in German nor English while the client language is German. There are just display errors or blank places where strings from DataDaedra should be. This applies to both chat messages as well as the price display inside the tooltips while in inventar view as well as addon settings.
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Unread 03/23/15, 10:53 PM  
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Originally Posted by GT-Schorsch
@Deome: I would like to contribute a German translation for your addon, since I really like it. How can I do this? Can I simply translate your EN.lua in the i18n folder to German and upload it or email it to you? Can I insert German umlauts (Umlaute) and the sharp S (so ü, ö, ä, ß) as well or does they need to be inserted like in HTML for example?
How I can test my own translations? Once I put in a DE.lua in that folder will the game automatically load the German translations while the client language is German?

Particular questions:
1.When does your addon display the variable "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_ONLOAD", "Summoned and bound.")" ?
2. What is "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TASKMASTER_EASY_BUTTON_NAME", "EASY")" and should it be translated?
3. What is "cFFD700" in "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TOOLTIP_CRAFTING_WAVG", "|cFFD700<<1>>|r <<2>>")"? A colour code, I guess?

@Xantaria: This addon does not seem to be compatible with the german client (yet). If you switch the language to English with the help of Khrill Language Selector (no need to download a second copy of ESO!) you will see that this addon works while the client language is English. Please note that you do not find Khrill Language Selector in Minion, so you need to install it manually (because it is sorted under "Utilities" on this site and not under "Stand-Alone Addons", but technically it is an addon though). With Khrill Language Selector the whole game is set to English, but just text information, no voices. It helps a lot, if you want to know the English term for an ability or if you need to google a quest (you can now insert the English term for it!).
I converted most of my strings to the multi-language platform some time ago because I would *love* help with translation--up until now, I simply haven't had time, but as things are winding down programatically this is my next big effort.

How is it incompatible with the German client? It's possible there are still some localized strings in the code, but it would be helpful to know what particular issues it has with the client.

Overloaded with multitasking, will come back and respond later...
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Unread 03/22/15, 03:35 AM  

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@Deome: I would like to contribute a German translation for your addon, since I really like it. How can I do this? Can I simply translate your EN.lua in the i18n folder to German and upload it or email it to you? Can I insert German umlauts (Umlaute) and the sharp S (so ü, ö, ä, ß) as well or does they need to be inserted like in HTML for example?
How I can test my own translations? Once I put in a DE.lua in that folder will the game automatically load the German translations while the client language is German?

Particular questions:
1.When does your addon display the variable "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_ONLOAD", "Summoned and bound.")" ?
2. What is "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TASKMASTER_EASY_BUTTON_NAME", "EASY")" and should it be translated?
3. What is "cFFD700" in "ZO_CreateStringId("DD_TOOLTIP_CRAFTING_WAVG", "|cFFD700<<1>>|r <<2>>")"? A colour code, I guess?

@Xantaria: This addon does not seem to be compatible with the german client (yet). If you switch the language to English with the help of Khrill Language Selector (no need to download a second copy of ESO!) you will see that this addon works while the client language is English. Please note that you do not find Khrill Language Selector in Minion, so you need to install it manually (because it is sorted under "Utilities" on this site and not under "Stand-Alone Addons", but technically it is an addon though). With Khrill Language Selector the whole game is set to English, but just text information, no voices. It helps a lot, if you want to know the English term for an ability or if you need to google a quest (you can now insert the English term for it!).
Last edited by GT-Schorsch : 03/22/15 at 03:36 AM.
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Unread 03/17/15, 11:45 PM  

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Primary Trade House

**EDIT** by relogging I was able to fix the problem. It was caused due to me joining a guild and extremely simple to relieve.

The addon works beautifully for me, the only trouble I'm having is that when trying to select a primary trade house the only option I am given is guild in the first slot
Last edited by TheHawaiiYankee : 03/18/15 at 12:26 AM.
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Unread 03/17/15, 04:41 PM  

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Doesn't work at all for me since 1.6

I've done multiple clean installs manually, even tried to run it without any addons and any UserVariables.

Everytime I get the same problem:

Other people seem to have the same problem.

Any idea how to fix this?

No UI Errors.
Last edited by Xantaria : 03/17/15 at 04:43 PM.
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Unread 03/07/15, 08:21 PM  
Ibanez K7

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New to ESO and have just installed this add-on manually. Having an issue of no tooltip display at all. Also, when I click summon I get the error shown in the chat box after turning on Debug Messages. I have tried disabling/re-enabling the tooltip as well as changing the fonts. Not sure what the issue is, but as of right now, this add-on is not functioning for me.

Theres no UI Errors.

If any additional information is required, I will be more than happy to provide it.

Link below contains the chat box message as well as a hover over an item in my inventory.


Still having the same issue on 1.73.

I have taken another screenshot showing all settings. I did notice the drop down box for "Primary Trade House" is blank and has no drop down options, not sure if this could be part of the issue or not.
Last edited by Ibanez K7 : 03/09/15 at 12:42 PM.
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Unread 03/06/15, 04:12 AM  
Deome's Avatar
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Originally Posted by luddev
Crashing when looking at the Guild store "listings" page.

No error message though so I cannot be sure it's DD causing it, but i Think I recall you patched DD for something similar a while back and I just thought maybe it came back.

Keep up the good work m8, awesome addon!
Just saw this, testing confirmed it's DD. It'll be fixed right away.
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Unread 03/05/15, 03:45 AM  

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Crashing when looking at the Guild store "listings" page.

No error message though so I cannot be sure it's DD causing it, but i Think I recall you patched DD for something similar a while back and I just thought maybe it came back.

Keep up the good work m8, awesome addon!
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Unread 03/05/15, 12:30 AM  
Deome's Avatar
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Lightbulb FIXING IT

Thank you, very much, @aranock21 for catching this. I see what went wrong in the zip, and while I don't know how I managed to upload a zip without the ddDataDaedra folder, I'm just going to push the version to 1.71 so it should work for everyone. Very sorry, it's not the version, it's just the zip that screwed up here.
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Unread 03/04/15, 10:00 PM  

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1.7 does work guys...

Here's a fix for those wondering about 1.7 until the file get's updated:

Download the zip. Right-click Extract the folder. It will read X:\x\ddDataDaedra 1.70

Delete the numbers 1.70 and the extra space so it reads ddDataDaedra

Put in add-on folder as usual. (Make sure you deleted the previous version)

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