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Updated: 08/27/14 03:03 AM
File Info
Update 3 (1.3.3)
Updated:08/27/14 03:03 AM
Created:08/24/14 10:22 PM
Monthly downloads:33
Total downloads:2,970
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Data Mods
DataDaedra - ddExport
Version: 1.22
by: Deome [More]
Modular Plugin for DataDaedra
(Requires the DataDaedra addon:

ddExport is a plugin extension for DataDaedra, the guild store addon that bends to YOUR will. With ddExport, one may duplicate the sales history data collected by DataDaedra to use as one wills. Sales data is deposited into a separate SavedVariables file, and may be restored through the import feature should the original sales data become lost. Of course, this isn't the only use one may find for the duplicated data--the sales records contained in the exported file follow a consistent format that may be adapted for use in other databases or programs (I, Deome, will not be developing any data aggregation programs or websites; my intent for ddExport is to provide a simple means for others to do so).

Features -
  • Modular format - ddExport, like other DataDaedra plugins (current or planned), is dependent on DataDaedra. Users do not need ddExport in order to use DataDaedra, however DataDaedra must be installed in order to collect and export sales histories through ddExport.

    Users may, and are recommended to, enable or disable ddExport as needed. Sales histories can quickly become very large, and even the duplicated histories will be loaded if ddExport is enabled. I recommend that users enable ddExport when exporting or importing data, then disable ddExport while adventuring in Tamriel.

    If "LUA Memory Limit" errors begin to appear, disabling ddExport (as well as any other massive data collection addons one may be using) is an immediate solution to resolving these errors. Please note that LUA memory errors are not
    caused by ddExport, or even system memory; the errors appear because ESO has an arbitrary cap on the amount of memory the UI may use. For more information on this error, including an easy solution to increase the amount of memory available to ESO's User Interface, please see this thread in the forums:

  • Incremental Exports/Imports - ddExport allows users to export or import data as often as they wish. Rather than simply copy the entire sales history table generated by DataDaedra, ddExport duplicates or imports each individual sale; users may export their data daily without fear of duplicate entries or overwriting non-imported data, and may import sales records from a SavedVariables file without overwriting existing data in DataDaedra (Saved Variables files are located in the SavedVariables folder of the same directory, usually "Elder Scrolls Online/live/Saved Variables", as addons are installed--which is usually "Elder Scrolls Online/live/Addons"--and bear the same name as the addon. Hence, DataDaedra.lua in the Saved Variables folder is the file that stores DD's data, and ddExport.lua is where exported sales records are located).
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08/25/14 11:51 PM

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