(73 Kb)
Updated: 06/19/24 04:56 AM
File Info
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:06/19/24 04:56 AM
Created:12/03/14 10:45 PM
Monthly downloads:2,264
Total downloads:407,752
Postmaster Mail  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.1.8
by: silvereyes, Garkin
PSA: silvereyes is no longer playing ESO, so this addon is being maintained by the Postmaster team.

Mail addon to simplify receiving and sending mail. Full gamepad support for inbox features.

Fork of Zierk's Postmaster.


Postmaster Mail provides several features to simplify mail handling.
  • Suppressing confirmation dialogs for deleting mail
  • Suppressing confirmation dialogs for returning mail to sender
  • Auto-return / bounce mail messages beginning with any of the following prefixes:
    • RTS
    • BOUNCE
    • RETURN
    Note: prefix matching is not case-sensitive, so "rts" and "Bounce" work as well.
  • New keybind "Take" that takes attachments and deletes mail with a single keypress
  • New keybind "Take All" that takes and optionally deletes multiple messages based on configuration rules (see below)
  • For mail without attachments, remaps the Delete keybind to use the primary action key/button
  • Keyboard UI only: adds a right click menu to recall recent text values for the following Send Mail text boxes:
    • To / Recipient
    • Subject
    • Message body text

Note for Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter users

Dolgobon's Lazy Writ Crafter has a feature to automatically take hireling mail attachments without any keypress. It is not Postmaster that does this. If you want to disable that feature, go to Settings > Addons > Lazy Writ Crafter > Time Savers > Hireling Mail Actions and set it to "nothing".


You must install the following libraries separately from this addon in order for it to work. I highly recommend using the Minion addon manager to simplify this process.



General Options
  • Automatic mail return
  • Suppress delete confirmation prompts
  • Suppress return to sender confirmation prompts

Keyboard Keybind Changes
  • Primary (E): Take - Takes attachments and deletes the mail after looting.
  • Primary (E): Delete (empty messages) - alternating Take and Delete uses the same key, for ease of use.
  • Secondary (R): Take All takes and/or deletes all mail according to configured options
  • Tertiary (F): Reply - opens the send mail screen and fills in the To: and Subject: fields. This is the same as the base-game default.
  • Negative (X): Return to Sender or Cancel a Take All operation.
  • Quaternery (T): Take by Subject or Take by Sender, if configured.

Gamepad Keybind Changes
  • Primary (A): Take - Takes attachments and deletes the mail after looting.
  • Primary (A): Delete (empty messages) - alternating Take and Delete doesn't require finger gymnastics
  • Secondary (X): Take All takes and/or deletes all mail according to configured options
  • Cancel Take All (B)
  • Options (Y):
    • Take by Subject
    • Take by Sender

Bindings Options
  • Enable / Disable custom keybind mappings. Disabling will revert the Primary, Secondary and Negative keybinds to their base-game actions.
  • Quaternery Action (Keyboard): Choose what action the T key performs.

Take All Options
  • Reserved Slots - will leave the given number of backpack slots open
  • System Mail
    • Alliance War / PvP Rewards
    • Hirelings
    • Guild Store
    • Undaunted
    • All other system attachments
    • System mail without attachments
  • Player Mail
    • With attachments
    • Returned mail
    • Player mail without attachments
  • C.O.D.
    • C.O.D. Mail - Pays and takes C.O.D. attachments that you have enough gold for.
    • C.O.D. Limit - Only mail with a C.O.D. amount less than this value will be paid. Set to zero (0) for no limit.

Take By Subject Options
  • Delete (if you disable this option, Take by Subject will only take attachments, not delete)

Take By Sender Options
  • Delete (if you disable this option, Take by Subject will only take attachments, not delete)

Chat Messages Options
The following options customize the way the summary messages sent to the chat box appear.
  • Use Default System Message Color: no special coloring. Just the default yellow.
  • Chat Message Color: custom color messages
  • Prefix
    • Use Short Prefix: PM instead of Postmaster will prefix chat messages
    • Use Postmaster 3.8 Colored Prefix: In version 3.8, before color was customizable, the prefix looked like this: PM
  • Loot History
    • Loot History Summary: Enable/disable printing a summary of attachments taken by Postmaster in the chat box.
    • Minimum Loot Quality: Only items with quality equal to or greater than this will be shown in the summary
    • Show Loot Icons: Enable/disable showing icons of the items in the summary next to their item links
    • Show Uncollected Sets Icons: If enabled, an icon will appear next to any item in the summary if it is not yet in your item sets sticker book.
    • Icon Size: Increase or decrease the dimensions of icons in the summary
    • Show Loot Trait Names: If enabled, gear with special traits (e.g. Divines, Training, etc.) will have the name of the trait displayed next to the item link in the summary.
    • Hide Quantity for Single Items: excludes the quantity multiplier text (i.e. x1) for items that only had a single item of that type collected from attachments.
    • Combine Repeated Items: If the same kind of item was picked up by Postmaster from multiple mail messages, the total number of items from all messages will be reported once. Otherwise, it will be reported separately for each message.
    • Sort Order: determines how items in the summary are sorted.
    • List Delimiter: determines what text separates item links in the list.
    • Link Style: Either with or without square brackets around the link.
    • Messages Count: When enabled, display how many messages were taken by Postmaster.

Send Mail Options
  • Save Recipient: whether or not to enable the recent recipients right-click context menu.
  • Clear Saved Recipients: clears recent history of saved recipients.
  • Save Subject: whether or not to enable the recent subjects right-click context menu.
  • Clear Saved Subjects: clears recent history of saved subjects.
  • Save Messages: whether or not to enable the recent saved messages right-click context menu.
  • Clear Saved Messages: clears recent history of saved messages.
  • Recent Messages Menu Character Width: sets the maximum number of characters to display in the right-click context menu for saved messages, since they can be quite long.
  • Number of Recent Entries to Save: sets how many recent recipients, subjects or messages will be retained for display in the right-click context menus.

Known Issues
  • A few of the warning messages still need translations, and some of the other translations are a bit rough. Any improvements to the translations would be welcome, if you want to send them on.

Future Feature Ideas
  • Master Merchant integration for C.O.D. mail - don't pay C.O.D. missing MM data or that's a bad deal

  • If you like this addon, please click Favorite on the right, share with friends, and maybe leave a nice comment in the Comments tab above. I'm much more likely to continue development if I see the community appreciates it.
  • If you have new feature ideas, please submit them at the Features button on the right
  • If you find bugs, please submit reports using the Bugs button on the right
  • When submitting bug reports, please do your best ahead of time to determine that the problem actually is with this addon. Disable other addons and make a list of steps to reproduce the issue.
PSA: silvereyes is no longer playing ESO, so this addon is being maintained by the Postmaster team.

Version 4.1.8 @PacificOshie 2024-06-19

- Bugfix: Fixed the delete exception for keyboard. Now using DeleteMail because ConfirmDelete is obsolete.
- Updated api version to 101042.

Version 4.1.7 @PacificOshie 2024-02-24

- Bugfix: Fixed the "unread mail" count when automatically returning mail (RTS). Thanks tralce and DakJaniels.
- Bugfix: Fixed a nil reference exception when logging out of the game. Thanks Baertram and DakJaniels.
- Updated version to 101040.

Version 4.1.6 @PacificOshie 2023-08-21

- No code changes. Updated version to 101039.

Version 4.1.5 @PacificOshie

- No code changes. Updated version to include Scribes of Fate 101037 and Necrom 101038.

Version 4.1.4 @PacificOshie

- Bugfix: Fixed an error with showing the context menu, such as right-click in the SendMail To field.

Version 4.1.3 @PacificOshie

- Bugfix: Fixed an error with TakeAndDelete and TakeAll keybinds when there is no mail open yet.

Version 4.1.2 @PacificOshie

- This version is compatible with both PTS (Scribes of Fate) and live (Firesong)
- No code changes. Verified compatibility and updated the version so it's no longer out of date.

Version 4.1.1

- This version is compatible with both PTS (Deadlands) and live (Waking Flame)
- Reverted Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter integration changes from version 4.0.0
- Lazy Writ Crafter > TimeSavers > Hireling Mail Actions will no longer be set automatically to "nothing" whenever the Postmaster > Take All > System Mail > Hireling setting is enabled.
- Dolbugon fixed the issue with not being able to disable that feature. Please upgrade to the latest version of Lazy Writ Crafter, if you have it installed.

Version 4.1.0


- This version is compatible with both PTS (Deadlands) and live (Waking Flame)
- Added missing Baertram author credit in settings panel
- Special handling for mail containing only unique item attachments that conflict with items in your bag
+ Will now display a grey attachments header "ATTACHMENTS (UNIQUE)"
+ Will disable take and take all keybinds for those messages once opened the first time in your play session.

- Bugfix: fixed tracking code for unique items like treasure maps in your bag

Version 4.0.0


- Update 32 Deadlands compatibility. This version is compatible with both PTS (Deadlands) and live (Waking Flame)

- Gamepad compatibility, at long last!

- New Bindings settings
+ Postmaster keybinds (Take / Take All) can now be disabled
+ New customizable quaternary action keybind. Options include:
* Take by Subject: takes all messages matching the subject of the current message.
* Take by Sender: takes all messages matching the sender of the current message.

- Send Mail saving features (keyboard only, require LibCustomMenu to be installed)
+ Right clicking send mail fields allows you to select from recent values to quickly fill in that field.
+ Restore recent recipients in the To field
+ Restore recent subjects
+ Restore recent mail message text
+ History can be cleared in the Postmaster > Send Mail Settings
+ Individual saved values can be removed directly from the right-click menu.

- Russian language support. Just Google Translate for now, but please feel free to send improved translations to me, and I will incorporate them and give you credit.

- Improved Dolgubon's Writ Crafter compatibility.
+ Automatically sets the new Lazy Writ Crafter > TimeSavers > Hireling Mail Actions option to "Nothing" whenever the Postmaster > Take All > System Mail > Hireling setting is enabled.


- Removed code for "reply" keybind now that the base game includes it.
- Removed custom PostHook method. Now uses SecurePostHook from the API.
- Refactored code to use object-oriented programming to improve legibility.
- Removed unnecessary prehook to KEYBIND_STRIP:SetUpButton()


- Bugfix: Fix for Automatic Mail Return messages causing the selected mail in the inbox to advance
- Bugfix: Fix for Cancel keybind sometimes getting stuck after use
- Bugfix: Fixed logic for identifying PvP / AvA / Battlegrounds mail in non-English languages.
- Bugfix: Fix for exceptions thrown when another addon calls TakeMailAttachedItems() directly

- Removed almost all methods from the topmost Postmaster namespace.

Version 3.14.4

- This version is compatible with both live (Blackwood) and PTS (Waking Flame)

- Bugfix: Fix API version numbering for Waking Flame, which unexpectedly jumped from 100035 to 101031. The last two digits now match the update number.

Version 3.14.3
- Update 31 Waking Flame compatibility
- This version is compatible with both live (Blackwood) and PTS (Waking Flame)
- Lays the groundwork for removing the custom Reply keybind once Update 31 is released.

Version 3.14.2
- BUGFIX: Fixed Take All keybind not appearing the first time mail is opened if all applicable mails are from players.

Version 3.14.1
- Update 30 Blackwood compatibility
- This version is compatible with both live (Flames of Ambition) and PTS (Blackwood)
- BUGFIX: Fix for Take All sometimes not handling unique items correctly. Thanks, kawamonkey.

Version 3.14.0
- This version requires updating LibLootSummary to version 3.1.0 or newer.
- Added "Messages Count" option to "Chat Messages" settings. When enabled, a count of how many messages were looted to produce the chat summary will be printed at the end of the summary.

Version 3.13.2
- Deprecated Update 28 compatibility
- This version is compatible with Update 29 Flames of Ambition

Version 3.13.1
- This version is compatible with both live (Markarth) and PTS (Flames of Ambition)
- Fixed error thrown when toggling between keyboard and gamepad views

Version 3.13.0
- This version is compatible with both live (Markarth) and PTS (Flames of Ambition)
- Split Guild Store mail settings into Guild Store: Sales and Guild Store: Items, to allow taking one but not the other.
- Added support and dependency for LibLootSummary 3.0.0
- New Chat Message options:
+ Show Uncollected Item Set Icons
+ Combine Repeated Items
+ Sort Order
+ List Delimiter and Link Style

Version 3.12.0
- Preliminary support for Update 29 Flames of Ambition's new separated player and system mail UI
- This version should be compatible with both live (Markarth) and PTS (Flames of Ambition)
- I haven't had as much time to test this as I would like, so please leave bug reports

Version 3.11.4
- Update 28 Markarth compatibility

Version 3.11.3
- Fix for potential error if taking mail and the underlying ESO data is empty
- This version is compatible with both live (Greymoor) and PTS (Stonethorn)

Version 3.11.2
- Update 27 Stonethorn compatibility
- This version is compatible with both live (Greymoor) and PTS (Stonethorn)

Version 3.11.1
- Added mail envelope icons to chat summaries to better distinguish them in chat
- Fixed bug with chat settings only updating either account or character settings, whichever was active during login
- Fixed bug with chat color setting appearing black after resetting to defaults
- Add support for upcoming LibSavedVars defaults trimming feature.
- LibSavedVars >= 5.0.0 is now required. Please update your libraries.

Version 3.11.0
- Update 26 Greymoor compatibility
- This version is compatible with both live (Harrowstorm) and PTS (Greymoor)

Version 3.10.1
- Update 25 Harrowstorm compatibility
- This version is compatible with both PTS (Harrowstorm) and live (Dragonhold)
- NOTE: LibChatMessage is broken on PTS as of the time of publish.
* Unofficial patch available here

Version 3.10.0
- Add chat message summary options
+ Minimum Loot Quality
+ Show Loot Icons
+ Show Loot Trait Names
+ Hide Quantity for Single Items
- Chat message summaries are now sorted by quality first, and then by name
- Chat message summaries are now combined at the end of a Take All operation
- Chat message summaries now contain the sender name in the tag
- LibChatMessage is now a required dependency
- LibLootSummary requires an update
- LibAddonMenu may require an update if you haven't done so in a while
- Removed LibStub dependency
- Fixed bug with Take All > C.O.D. > +Delete setting having no effect

Version 3.9.2
- Update 24 Dragonhold API bump

Version 3.9.1
- Fix chat formatting bug when using old blue prefix
- Fix for 'Cannot find a library instance of "LibSavedVars"'

Version 3.9.0
- Update 22 Elsweyr compatibility
- This version is compatible with both live (Wrathstone) and PTS (Elsweyr)
- Added new Chat Messages options:
+ Use system color or custom color
+ Use short prefix [PM] or full prefix [Postmaster}
+ Prefixes can use old blue color, or the system/custom color that the rest of the chat message uses.
- Removed bundled libraries. You must now install the following addons separately:
+ LibAddonMenu
+ LibLootSummary
+ LibSavedVars
- Removed dependency on LibStub

Version 3.8.2
- Upgrade LibSavedVars to v4.0.1
- API bump for Update 21 Wrathstone

Version 3.8.1
- Fix for crash to desktop when taking an email with both items and gold attached, such as Rewards for the Worthy mail.

Version 3.8.0
- Update 20 Murkmire compatibility. This version is compatible with both Murkmire PTS and Wolfhunter live.
- Support for account-wide and server/world-specific settings.
- Upgrade LibAddonMenu-2.0 to r26

Version 3.7.4
- Update 18 Summerset compatibility; this version is compatible with both PTS and live

Version 3.7.3
- API bump for Update 17 Dragon Bones

Version 3.7.2
- Upgrade LAM2 to version r25

Version 3.7.1
- Update 16 Clockwork City compatibility
- Fix for "Our Thanks, Warrior" mail not getting collected under the PvP / Alliance War category.

Version 3.7.0
- Added support for including Battlegrounds rewards emails under the PvP category.

Version 3.6.5
- Added missing German translations for error messages (Thanks, @Scootworks!)
- Update 15 Horns of the Reach compatibility

Version 3.6.3
- Update 14 Morrowind compatibility
- Fix LibTimeout bug when multiple addons use it.
- Convert loot summaries to use LibLootSummary

Version 3.6.2
- Fix version number so Minion stops complaining about an update

Version 3.6.1
- Fix error that sometimes appears if you exit the inbox during a Take All operation and then open the inbox again.

Version 3.6.0
- Added options to turn off the quick Take command so that the current mail isn't deleted when looting attachments
- Made the Delete part of Take All optional, so you can take the attachments and leave the message.
- Fixed some issues with the first mail in the inbox being broken and Take All not running until you select the next mail.
- Patch for Homestead (Update 13)
- Upgrade to LAM r23

Version 3.5.1
- Fixed Take All getting stuck at random when deleting a mail.
- Fixed Take All getting stuck on mail with treasure map attachments that have a duplicate in your inventory.

Version 3.5.0
- Hireling emails will now be looted even if they would fill your reserved slots, if you have craft bag access and it is configured to loot directly to the craft bag.
- You still need to have at least one free backpack slot, just like when you do a Take operation.

Version 3.4.5
- Fix duplicate treasure map deletion bug

Version 3.4.4
- Fix for broken Japanese translations

Version 3.4.3
- Fix for duplicate treasure map attachments being lost.

Version 3.4.2
- Patch for One Tamriel (Update 12)

Version 3.4.1
- Fix "System Mail Without Attachments" EN text

Version 3.4.0
- Automatic mail return
- Separate Take All options for "Returned: " player mail and other player mail with attachments
- Option to suppress return to sender confirmation dialogs
- Renamed "empty mail" to "mail without attachments" for clarity

Version 3.3.1
- Fix bug: Take All getting stuck after switching to send tab

Version 3.3.0
- Reserved slots
- Suppress delete confirmation
- Filter system messages by:
* Alliance War / PvP Rewards
* Hireling
* Guild Store
* Undaunted
* All other system attachments
- C.O.D. maximum
- Organized settings menu
- Updated LAM-2.0 to r22

Version 3.2.1
- Better French translations. Thank you Llwydd!
- Better Japanese translations. Thank you k0ta0uchi!
- Better German translation formatting. Thank you Scootworks!

Version 3.2.0
- New setting "Take All Skips Empty System Mail"
- New setting "Take All Skips Empty Player Mail"
- Fixed bug with last mail removed from inbox not clearing from reading pane during Take All

Version 3.1.0
- Improved German translations (thank you Scootworks!)
- Wykkyd Mailbox (WM) compatibility and bug fixes
- Fixed Return to Sender not appearing when WM is enabled
- Fixed Cancel not appearing during Take All when WM is enabled

Version 3.0.0
- Complete rewrite for better stability and performance
- Patch for Shadows of the Hist (2.5)
- Exiting the inbox during a Take All operation no longer throws errors or leaves unreadable mail in the inbox
- Take All no longer stops on mail that doesn't match settings criteria. It skips and continues on.
- Take All no longer removes mail that has no attachments
- Take All can now be aborted with a new Cancel keybind (X)
- Added item links to chat window summaries
- MailR compatibility and bug fixes
- New option for Take All to skip C.O.D. mail
- Added Google translations for German, French, Japanese, and Russian.
(They are probably horrible, so if you are willing to help, please send your corrections.)
- Keybind strip integration of all commands
- Removed custom keybinds for Take and Take All
- Take is now primary (E) key bind
- Take All is now secondary (R) key bind
- Return to Sender replaces Delete (X) key bind
- Delete command moved to primary key bind (E) and appears when mail has no attachments
- Reply command added to tertiary key bind (F)
- Removed UI buttons from the inbox window
- Removed right-click menu
- Updated LAM2 to r21

Version 2.4.1

- Fix UI error on Reply
- Reword "skip other player mail" to "stop on other player mail" for clarity.

Version 2.4.0
- Patch for Dark Brotherhood

Version 2.3.0
- Patch for Thieves Guild

Version 2.2.0
- Patch for Orsinium

Version 2.1.1
- New add-on menu
- New "verbosity" option controlling chatbox messages
- New "skip other player mail" option
- Localization support: Translators needed!

Version 2.1.0
- Patch for Imperial City

Version 1.7.5
- Oops, I have accidentaly overwitten MailR's "Save Message". Fixed.

Version 1.7.4
- added context menu when you right click on inbox item
- added additional check if mailId is valid

Version 1.7.3
- fixed Take button which was broken by previous fix...

Version 1.7.2
- another attempt to fix issues with Take All button, now it should make sure that mail is really empty before it is deleted.

Version 1.7.1
- updated API Version to 100011
- fixed issue that TakeAll won't stop when mailbox is closed
- hopefully fixed issue that TakeAll function couldn't correctly get the first mailId to start processing mails

Version 1.7
- a lots of changes in code, mainly because compatibility with MailR
- fixed some variables leaking to global

Version 1.6.1, 2 & 3
- fixed "Take" button. I really hate that I have no way to properly test it...

Version 1.6
- fix for compatibility issues with MailR (not fully tested yet)
- added check if player has enough space to take attachments

Version 1.5
- Updated for API 100010
- Moved buttons from independent window to the mailbox window
- A few changes to the code to prevent conflicts with other addons
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Archived Files (65)
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Unread 07/25/16, 01:40 AM  
silvereyes's Avatar
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Re: Feature request

Originally Posted by manavortex
that sounds awesome - if you could include the "BOUNCE"-feature, I could totally delete Wykkydd's Mailbox!
Bounce/return wouldn't be hard to add, but I'm a big fan of keeping addon functionality narrow so that people can mix and match the features they want. I don't use Wykkydd's Mailbox, but I see that it too has a reply feature (everybody has one it seems).
What do you think about me just making Postmaster's keybinds compatible with Wykkydd's Mailbox? Or is there some reason you would prefer not to have it installed?
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Unread 07/25/16, 01:47 AM  
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- Take All no longer removes mail that has no attachments

please make it optional
i usually delete weekly guild mails by this button
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Unread 07/25/16, 02:02 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
- Take All no longer removes mail that has no attachments
please make it optional
i usually delete weekly guild mails by this button
I've added this feature to the list.
I never thought of bulk-deleting all mail without reading it as a desirable feature before, but if people want it, it shouldn't be too hard to add back in.
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Unread 07/25/16, 10:06 PM  
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one last thing, and i can drop MailLooter

add pls ettings for reserve slots, so for example if its 4, and you press Take All, it will proceed until 4 free slots left in your inventory
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Unread 07/26/16, 01:43 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
one last thing, and i can drop MailLooter

add pls ettings for reserve slots, so for example if its 4, and you press Take All, it will proceed until 4 free slots left in your inventory
I've created a feature request for this. Shouldn't be too hard.

There's one other Mail Looter feature that I'd like to implement as well: a maximum gold limit for COD mail. Is this something anyone is interested in? The COD feature currently seems pretty dangerous, since anyone could send you a lockpick for 50k gold and Postmaster will dutifully pay it if you have the funds.
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Unread 08/06/16, 11:44 PM  
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Version 3.3.0

New version is out that adds the following options:
  • Reserved slots
  • Suppress delete confirmation
  • Filter system messages by:
    • Alliance War / PvP Rewards
    • Hireling
    • Guild Store
    • Undaunted
    • All other system attachments
  • C.O.D. maximum
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Unread 08/08/16, 02:03 PM  
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Re: Feature request

Originally Posted by manavortex
that sounds awesome - if you could include the "BOUNCE"-feature, I could totally delete Wykkydd's Mailbox!
This is coming in the next version
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Unread 08/09/16, 05:16 AM  
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Re: Re: Feature request

Originally Posted by silvereyes
Originally Posted by manavortex
that sounds awesome - if you could include the "BOUNCE"-feature, I could totally delete Wykkydd's Mailbox!
This is coming in the next version
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Unread 08/21/16, 02:37 AM  
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addon wont take Item Expired mails

when take all

i didnt login to my EU character for so long
when i did it i got 3-4 Item Expired mails, but without attachements in it..
the items was purged

maybe thats why addon wont take em
Last edited by QuadroTony : 08/21/16 at 02:42 AM.
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Unread 08/21/16, 06:49 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
i got 3-4 Item Expired mails, but without attachements in it..
the items was purged

maybe thats why addon wont take em
If you do not have the "System Mail Without Attachments" option enabled, then that is correct. There is no category filtering for mail without attachments. It is all or nothing.

Tbh, it's so rare that expired attachments aren't picked up within 30 days that it's probably not worth the effort to change this behavior. You can always enable the "System Mail Without Attachments" option.
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Unread 08/28/16, 12:50 AM  
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if i take COD item, by E
after this all controls dissapear
so i need re-open Mail ui to delete this mail
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Unread 08/28/16, 05:44 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
if i take COD item, by E
after this all controls dissapear
so i need re-open Mail ui to delete this mail
I just tested it, and I can't reproduce the issue. Are you running any other addons that affect the inbox?
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Unread 08/28/16, 05:59 AM  
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and thats all
will test more
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Unread 10/10/16, 02:59 PM  
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this addon can delete your items unintentionally

1) i just lost near 5 treasure maps
i Take all Returned mails with maps, addon take em all EVEN if there was maps with similar names, i see error ingame message - you cant pickup more than one unique items or smthing like that
but addon took em all, and duplicated maps just dissapear... from everywhere
this needs to be fixed ASAP

2) also i am sure addon deleted 2 purple dagger, its smthing with reserved slots option, but i cannot reproduce it anymore, i take too much mails, usually addon stop at inventory number to reserve slots,
but that time it take whole last mail with 2 idetnical daggers and 4 other items
daggers dissapear because looks like they claimed 2 reserved slots i had in my settings
Last edited by QuadroTony : 10/10/16 at 04:24 PM.
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Unread 10/11/16, 12:42 PM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
this addon can delete your items unintentionally
No, qt, Postmaster does not delete duplicate treasure maps from your email. I made sure to test this out, but I also did a code review, and there's no way for the delete email command to even be triggered until all attachments have arrived in your inventory.

Here's a test video displaying the functionality:
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