(74 Kb)
Updated: 05/02/22 09:32 PM
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Ascending Tide (7.3.5)
Updated:05/02/22 09:32 PM
Created:05/02/22 09:32 PM
Monthly downloads:24
Total downloads:1,477
Seas of Oblivion Guild Hall
Version: 1
by: Oceanbluee [More]
Seas of Oblivion Guild Hall

The purpose of this addon is to provide members of the Seas of Oblivion Guild with a quick and easy way to teleport to the guild hall! By clicking the Seas logo on the chat, it creates a dropdown menu that gives you a few options.

Dependency: LibCustomMenu

The first option lets you teleport to the guild hall. The guild hall as all of the amenities. All mundus stones, crafting tables, a well, many types of parsing dummies, an armory assistant, and a ragpicker!

The second options allows you to teleport to the secret parse house. Just you, an empty house, a 21m dummy, and a well!

The third option brings up a link to the Seas of Oblivion discord server for easy access!

There may be more features needed, but this is all for now!
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