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Updated: 06/04/24 12:39 PM
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Gold Road (10.0.0)
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Updated:06/04/24 12:39 PM
Created:05/19/24 01:16 AM
Monthly downloads:100
Total downloads:927
Categories:Plug-Ins & Patches, Discontinued & Outdated
Tinydog's Crafting Calculator 2.0
Version: 1.23.1
by: wolfstar [More]
This is the entire addon, not just a patch. There's no need to install the original version, unless you just prefer to use outdated addons. Please do not ask for new features.

Below is the original description by Tinydog.
To summon Tinydog's Crafting Calculator, type /tcc or map a keybind:
ESC > Controls > scroll down to Tinydog's Crafting Calculator > click First Bind > press a key (I use [F8])

What Tinydog's Crafting Calculator does:

Item Builder / Item Order screen:

•"Simulate" crafting an equipment item by choosing an item type, level, trait, racial style, quality, and set (e.g., Ashen Grip). Defaults to the player's current level.
TCC will display the icon and quantity for all of the materials needed to craft the item.
•Add your virtual item (as many as you want) to the Item Order / To-Do List.
•The Item Order section will display all of the items you added, in an easy-to-read scrollable list.
•A cumulative summary of ALL the materials required to craft your Item Order is displayed, as well as the total Market Value of all those materials (according to Master Merchant, if you have it). Mouse over the Market Value total to see a detailed breakdown of the material component prices.
Note: Master Merchant is NOT REQUIRED in order to use Tinydog's Crafting Calculator. If you do not have MM, though, material price information will not be shown.
•If a material can be refined from sub-components (Malachite, Dwemer Frame, Cassiterite), then the sub-component material and quantity needed are also shown.
•If there is Master Merchant data for a material and its sub-components (e.g., Cassiterite and Cassiterite Sand), then the cheaper average price will be used when calculating the total Market Value.
•Click a button to paste a summary of your Item Order - or a summary of the required materials - to a new in-game mail, to the chat box, or to the clipboard.
•Your entire Item Order is saved automatically, so it will still be there the next time you log in (unless you clear the order).
•Save your Item Orders (as many as you want), then Load them at a later time on any character.
•Hover over any material icon to get the full standard tooltip for that material including its description, and the Master Merchant pricing information (if you have MM).
•Right-click a material icon to get the standard context menu with "Link in chat", and "Stats to chat" (if you have MM).
Note: Some of the icons may not register your right-click. This is a known issue that I am investigating.

Crafting XP (Inspiration) Calculator screen:

•For Blacksmithing, Clothing/Leatherworking, Woodworking and Enchanting, calculate how much Crafting XP (Inspiration) you need in order to get from your current skill level, to whichever skill level you want to reach. Although TCC defaults to your character's current skill level and progress, you can enter whatever values you want. This is useful when assisting other players with their crafting.
TCC will tell you exactly how many items at each skill tier you will need to deconstruct or create, in order to reach your Crafting XP goal. Example: 100 Level 6 Iron Daggers, or 70 Level 16 Steel Daggers, or 50 Level 26 Orichalc Daggers, etc.
•The grid also shows the materials needed to craft each item (e.g., 4 Iron Ingots), the total materials needed to craft ALL of the items for each skill tier (e.g., 100 Level 6 Iron Daggers require 400 Iron Ingots), and the total Cost of Materials based on the average Master Merchant price (if you have MM).
•Note: For most equipment crafting skill tiers, the maximum "XP per raw material" is gained from deconstructing the lowest level item for that material type (e.g., Level 16 for Steel, or Level 26 for Orichalcum). However, there are a few oddball skill tiers where the optimal item level is not the minimum, such as with Iron (Level 6 Iron Daggers are optimal). TCC highlights the material quantity for these "oddballs" in a purplish color (see Blacksmithing screenshot), so you don't accidentally craft items at the wrong level that will yield sub-optimal XP.
•Choose whether you will be getting your Crafting XP by creating items or deconstructing items, and the quality of the items you'll be deconstructing (or creating, if you're doing Enchanting). The grid, item/material quantities, and costs will update accordingly.
•EXAMPLE (see screenshot): Your current Blacksmithing skill level is 12, and you already have 45,230 Blacksmithing XP progress toward the next skill level. You want to reach skill level 32 so that you can purchase the rank 3 Miner Hireling ability. TCC calculates that you need 959,410 more Blacksmithing XP in order to reach skill level 32. You choose to deconstruct green quality items. In order to earn 959,410 Blacksmithing XP you will need to deconstruct 245 Level V7 Quicksilver Daggers, or 215 Level V9 Voidsteel Daggers, or 147 V15 Rubedite Daggers. You like the idea of deconstructing fewer items, but you see that the total Cost of Materials is actually cheapest for the Quicksilver Daggers so that's what you decide to go with.
•Click the "Show Passives" button to pop-out a window that lists all of the passive abilities for your selected craft (passives such as Metalworking, Keen Eye, Hireling, Temper Expertise). Grids will indicate which passive ability ranks you've purchased, the minimum skill level at which each rank of that passive ability is available, and whether your character's skill level is high enough to purchase each rank.
•Click on an "Available at skill level" number in order to copy that value to the "Desired skill level" box in the calculator window. Everything will recalculate.

What Tinydog's Crafting Calculator DOES NOT do:

•The Item Builder and Crafting XP Calculator DO NOT limit your available choices based on your character's learned traits, racial styles, or crafting level. You can choose any item level/trait/style, or Current Skill Level. TCC is intended to be a calculator, not a character management tool.
•There is no Item Builder for Enchanting, Alchemy, Provisioning, or Furnishings. There are other add-ons that have those trade skills covered quite well.
•Alchemy and Provisioning are not currently included on the Crafting XP (Inspiration) calculator.
TCC does not keep track of your trait research or learned racial styles. Other add-ons have those covered.
TCC does not keep track of your Crafting Writ quests. Other add-ons have those covered.

Special thanks to Philgo68 for allowing me to integrate Master Merchant pricing, and to sirinsidiator for his Awesome Guild Store icons.
Original author returned.

U42 update

U41 compatible
Jewelry system updated
Image corrections
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File Name
05/19/24 01:16 AM

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