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Compatibility: | Thieves Guild (2.3) Orsinium (2.2.4) |
Updated: | 02/19/16 10:20 PM |
Created: | 10/29/14 09:05 PM |
Monthly downloads: | 63 |
Total downloads: | 9,875 |
Favorites: | 23 |
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Categories: | Bags, Bank, Inventory, Utility Mods |
SortIt allows you to create sort packages for sorting your inventory. You can choose to sort weapons to the top (or bottom) of your inventory, then armor, then sort by quality or name. You can choose to sort jewelry to the top, then 1h maces, then medium armor, then 2h swords, then the rest of the weapons, then by quality...or however you choose. You can choose the sort order (ascending or descending) for each sort key and you can chain up to 9 different sort keys.Highlights
You can create several different sort packages and toggle between them by clicking on the sort header in your inventory (see pictures for examples). Sort it allows you to apply different sort packages to different inventories (backpack, bank, guild bank) and remembers the last sort pack you were using and reloads it whenever you log in or reload your ui.
Version 2.1 --
Code Update Delayed the initialization of SortIts slot data to wait for all addons to load. This will "help" eliminate errors in "other addons" that are caused because the other addons did not initialize their slot data when their addon was loaded.
Version 2.0 --
Library Update Minor update to make an early return if another addon crashes the EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE to prevent SortIt from showing UI errors even though nothing is wrong with SortIt.
Version 1.9 --
API Update No changes, just an API update
Version 1.7 --
API # Update
Version 1.6 --
Added Missing "Woodworking Filter"
Fixed the "Create Pack Name" so it doesn't clear every time you make a change to the filter your creating.
Version 1.5 --
Code Change There was a bug that when you clicked on the sort header to change the sort while in a guild bank everything would go blank. That has been fixed....but the problem is caused by that annoying spinning wheel...you know what I mean. 3/4 the time you try to open the guild bank & you have to wait & wait. Close the bank & open it back up, exc... That is what was causing the problem. The filters should no longer make your guild bank go blank,
BUT, when you open up the guild bank despite what sort it says it is on....items will NOT be sorted :(
However if you click the sort header it will then sort them. The problem is because the items populate in the guild bank sooo slow and there is no way for me to know when it is done adding items to the guild bank and I can't add the necessary data for sorting to the items in the guild bank until all of the items are done loading.
I've been thinking about this and I am coming up blank. I don't think its going to be possible to fix as long as the guild bank populates so slowly...but at least "after the guild bank loads" if you click on the headers it will work & sort them then, it just can't sort them when it initially loads.
Version 1.4 --
Added 1h Weapon & 2h Weapon Sort Filters
Increased the number of possible sort filters from 9 to 12
Version 1.3 -- Update & Bug Fix
Updated API version
Updated LibAddonMenu
Version 1.1-- Bug Fix [indent]Guild Store: Addon should no longer break when using the guild store.
Bug Fix: Apparently whenever you dropped an item into your bank, withdrew an item, or anything that caused an item to change slots the sortKeys for that item were not getting repopulated which would prevent that item from being sorted properly. It has been fixed.
New SortKeys: Added a bunch of new SortKeys to sort by.
Updated the API Version Number:
Saving Sort Packs: Sort Packs should now be properly saved between ui reloads.
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Uploader |
Date |
2.1 |
54kB |
circonian |
02/12/16 07:08 PM |
2.0 |
54kB |
circonian |
11/03/15 03:21 PM |
1.9 |
49kB |
circonian |
08/31/15 06:58 PM |
1.8 |
49kB |
circonian |
08/31/15 06:49 PM |
1.7 |
49kB |
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06/08/15 02:02 PM |
1.6 |
49kB |
circonian |
04/08/15 09:35 PM |
1.5 |
49kB |
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03/11/15 03:02 PM |
1.4 |
49kB |
circonian |
03/04/15 08:59 AM |
1.3 |
45kB |
circonian |
11/03/14 07:12 AM |
1.1 |
43kB |
circonian |
10/30/14 06:28 PM |
1.0 |
43kB |
10/29/14 09:05 PM |
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Mithrandir |
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05/23/17, 10:20 AM | |
Morrowind finaly broke this AddOn, I wish there was a good replacment
Tonyleila |
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02/07/17, 08:11 PM | |
Anyone else having issues with this addon where it won't allow you to hit E to withdraw, equip, ect.
BigM |
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Tonyleila |
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circonian |
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02/19/16, 06:03 AM | ||
Re: Can you set default sort?
Or do you mean you want to set a default sort so that you can: change the sort, close the inventory, open the inventory & it changes the sort back to something you set as a default (even though its a different sort than the one you used last)? |
circonian |
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02/19/16, 05:54 AM | |||
Re: Re: Re: Lua Error
The only thing I can think of that SortIt does that could effect any other addon is that it refreshes the inventory slots sometimes. If another addon was storing data in the inventory slots table and they did not handle slot updates properly a refresh would wipe that data out. Then if they tried to use the data they stored there (which would no longer exist), without properly checking if the data values exist, it would cause an error just like the one you posted. That could also explain why turning off SortIt stops the error, because then SortIt is no longer running to refresh the inventory slots. |
circonian |
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02/18/16, 10:13 AM | |
Can you set default sort?
I have tried this addon in the past but I ended up giving it up because I was not able to find a way to set a default sort method that the inventory would open with. Was I wrong? I wanted more of a set-it-and-forget it type sorting addon. I have been using "MrPlow - Inventory Sorter" for a long time but it is a bit limited. Thank you.
Jhenox |
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02/17/16, 11:21 PM | ||
Re: Re: Lua Error
The problem is when this error happens I can't use my inventory any more the items are locked and the tooltips are gone untill I reload.
I use: Craft Store, BankManagerRevived, AdvancedFilters, Inventory Insight - From Ashes, InventoryGridView, JunkIt
Last edited by Tonyleila : 02/17/16 at 11:24 PM.
Tonyleila |
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02/12/16, 07:19 PM | ||
Re: Lua Error
Some addon is causing an error in the middle of zos updating the inventory slots which messes up the slot data. Even though an error occurred zos code still fires the EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE, but the inventory slots table no longer exists due to the error which is causing SortIt to throw that error because the slot technically exists, but the inventory slots table does not exist due to whatever caused the original error. I placed an early return in to stop early if the table does not exist, but that will not fix your problem. It will only stop SortIt from showing up in the UI error window. When slots are updated, due to the different ways that CraftStore & SortIt watch for slot updates, the CraftStore code always runs first. Which means the CraftStore error occurred first, which then caused the SortIt error to be displayed. I'm not saying CraftStore is the main cause of the problem. It is possible some other addon caused the original problem, which then caused CraftStore to thrown an error, which caused SortIt to thrown an error...although I doubt it since you only posted error messages referencing CraftStore & SortIt. I installed CraftStore and could not reproduce the error, but the error msgs you displayed leads me to believe for ...whatever reason, the inventory slot data: data.lnk (thats what craftstore calls the location they save a link) does not exist. I looked at that code too & I do not know why that would happen. SortIt does not do anything that would cause data.lnk to dissappear, as hard as I tried to get CraftStore to mess up and throw that error, I could not get the error to occur without manually nilling out the data.lnk value myself. Do you use any other addons that do anything with the inventory?
Last edited by circonian : 02/13/16 at 03:19 AM.
circonian |
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02/08/16, 01:01 PM | |
Lua Error
EDIT: Looks like it also causes some erros with craft store, they go away as soon as I disable sortit: got this wen opening my bank: Lua Code:
And this when I deconstrucked: Lua Code:
Lua Code:
Last edited by Tonyleila : 02/08/16 at 06:12 PM.
Tonyleila |
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06/08/15, 02:55 PM | |
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Thanks for that,
Many may not be using it the way I do. I have 7 crafting characters and each carries specific mats, with sortit I can push their primary stock to the top or bottom for easy swapping between bank and bags and stores. Cheers |
Sp00sty |
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06/08/15, 02:04 PM | ||
Re: WoodCraftingMat Sort
It was just something I overlooked. I apparently never added woodworking to the filters & no one ever mentioned it. I added it. Version 1.7 posted. |
circonian |
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06/02/15, 06:56 PM | |
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WoodCraftingMat Sort
Any chance you've had time to check on the WoodCraftingMat sort item I put in Bug and Feature portal? Sorry for the double posting. |
Sp00sty |
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03/08/15, 06:29 PM | ||
If that is the only problem I would recommend you ask sirinsidiator to move the search box over a little bit further to accomidate longer header names. It would only require changing a single number in his code and I don't see any negative side effects to his addon from moving the box a little. Then you would still have the functionality of both addons. You could even do it yourself if you dont want to wait, in the file: SalesCategorySelector.lua Line: 80 Change: Lua Code:
Last edited by circonian : 03/08/15 at 06:33 PM.
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