Results: 904Comments by: Dolgubon
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/18/20
Woops! I made the setting automatic...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Woops! I made the setting automatically disappear at the end of the event, but clearly still keep the same functionality. I'll do some cleanup on that. I can't find that option. Can I disable only looting anniversary boxes, but enable loot for writ boxes? After event end I have tons of boxes with only transmute crystals I can't lo...
File: DoItAll (Mass Extract/Deconstruct/Move/Mail attach/...)04/17/20
I use it
Posted By: Dolgubon
I use it Yep, and I'm currently not planning on adding something for it as the ZOs lock item stuff is annoyingly difficult to apply/remove (do ppl even use this?) + checking more stuff on each inventory row will just slow down everthign even more. What do you mean by...
File: Lazy Alchemy Learner04/14/20
Re: Re: Re: No activity
Posted By: Dolgubon
There's no response or anything in chat, but that's a good idea and I'll add something there. It only for now uses poison solvents. Do you have any you can use? Ideally lvl 1 of but any level of them should work Can't seem to see any activity after typing as directed and visiting the crafting station. Should there be some prompts o...
File: AI Research Grid04/12/20
Minor bug: If you are on the 'show...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Minor bug: If you are on the 'show unknown motif' mode and you learn a full motif, then if you swap back to the viewing all motifs the one you learned will be invisible. Also, Sheilds of Senchal is missing: |H1:achievement:2750:13025:0|h|hI also noticed New Moon Priest, but I'm not sure that's available yet: |H1:achievement:2748:0:...
File: Lazy Alchemy Learner04/12/20
Re: No activity
Posted By: Dolgubon
Can't seem to see any activity after typing as directed and visiting the crafting station. Should there be some prompts or notification? It should just automatically start crafting. Note that if you already know all traits it won't do anything, and there's a list of alchemy mats for which it doesn't learn traits (mainly cause they'...
File: Transmute Saver04/12/20
Really nice standalone addon :) Jus...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Really nice standalone addon :) Just want to make sure.... This feature already exists in LazyWritCrafter right? Partially. It exists but only for jubilee boxes. (and that only if you have auto loot for jubilee boxes) This addon extends it to all types of containers or looting.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter04/12/20
Firstly, thanks for this amazing ad...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Firstly, thanks for this amazing addon! I would mostly like to ask: what does your addon calculate the gold cost of the materials from? It depends on what other add-ons you've got. It can take prices from multiple different add-ons. Iirc possible sources are MM, TTC, and through libprice basically everything
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter04/10/20
Re: Not working when i Play in German
Posted By: Dolgubon
Is there a Option do add Master Writs in Que that does not write in English? It dont works on Tables when i play in German :( i just can do it manually. TyAdd Master Writs to queue is not a feature of this addon. It's a feature of this: You'll have to contact that addon's author.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/10/20
How can I disable "Has saved you fo...
Posted By: Dolgubon
How can I disable "Has saved you form stealing while doing writs" ??? You check the settings menu like for most other features of the addon. As of update today Lazy Writ no longer works for provisions. It doesn't show what writs you have active nor can you search in your receipts. Edit: It also no longer shows which recipes you...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter04/08/20
Re: Question about armor types
Posted By: Dolgubon
First of all, thank you for this awesome add on! On my desktop when I use this add on and I select from the favourites list, the saved presets will remember the armor type selection when it was marked as a favorite (i.e., a CP 160 set for Hunding's Rage in medium armor, will change the armor type to medium when I select it from the...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/06/20
Re: Change Request
Posted By: Dolgubon
I really like the mod but I just discovered something I did not much care about and would like some "restraint" put into the mod so it only uses the common style materials such as I can buy from any NPC at a crafting station. I never occurred to me but I was creating various items using my rare and hard to replace style material unt...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/05/20
Re: Weird issue with Korean
Posted By: Dolgubon
Not sure why you thought downloading the KR version of the game's UI would work but you're gonna want to delete that first, as well as any other KR stuff you might have, and then do the script again. EsoKR is probably undoing it. First off, love the add-on! Definitely my favorite one for the entire game! Second, I clicked on the b...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/03/20
Re: Anniversary Box Auto Open
Posted By: Dolgubon
How about instead of complaining, you actually read the settings menu, and see that IT'S RIGHT AT THE TOP Your update message for Lazy Writ Crafter said, "Added anniversary boxes to auto looting. You can turn it off in the settings!" Well, t...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/03/20
Not entirely sure if these are bein...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Not entirely sure if these are being looted but not deleted, or just jamming, but the seventh Jubilee box (i'm guessing that it's the seventh and final box) isn't being removed/deleted when opened. I'm not sure if it even has been opened via the Auto Loot feature, all I know is that on two chars I have a Jubilee box left that won't...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/02/20
What was the process for adding a n...
Posted By: Dolgubon
What was the process for adding a new container to the auto loot list? Because the current Anniversary boxes aren't auto-looting, and I can't remember how to tweak that. Well, one option is to wait for me to get off work and add it myself It's in the LootHandler.lua fi...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/01/20
Addon no longer works as of 4/1. A...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Addon no longer works as of 4/1. After manually accepting the quests and visiting a crafting station it says the addon is out of date. Reinstalled everything and it's still happening. Yeaaah.... that's not anything to do with the date, somehow your addon has become out of date. Try uninstalling and reinstalling
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/28/20
Just wanted to add that even after...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Just wanted to add that even after the latest update I am not seeing the billboard messages telling me I started such and such crafting writ. I am getting the quest updates with LWC enabled. So, this is not really affecting my play at all. Just more of a heads up. There's a setting to turn those on/off, if you do want to see them.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/08/20
Re: Addon has a breaking bug for me
Posted By: Dolgubon
The message is correct. Follow the instructions. So before this major update the addon was working perfectly fine but once the game updated the addon won't work for me and i seem to be the only one. I made a reddit post and asked my guild mates for help and no one can seem to help I get the error message Post: https://www.reddit....
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/08/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Jewelry Master Writs
Posted By: Dolgubon
Since the big update I have had things not appearing on screen. Before the update I would gather up all the daily writs and I would get the STARTED ENCHANTING WRIT etc for all of them display on the screen, then all the individual 0/1, 1/1 etc. After the update I am no longer getting the STARTED messages. I also wasn't getting the in...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/08/20
Re: Re: Jewelry Master Writs
Posted By: Dolgubon
Jewelry Master Writs are not working at the specified stations (Kvatch Gladiator), I have to actually create it myself. I was trying to create a superior protective necklace and it would not make it, so I had to make it manually. FWIW... This add-on is not designed primarily to do Master Writs. For those, the add-on author (as wel...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/03/20
Re: PC/NA Had to disable, inhibited interaction
Posted By: Dolgubon
This is an.... interesting error. It's not something that should really be able to happen. It's something so low level in the addon that if there was an issue with it I'd probably hear about it from everyone and their mother. Try the following: 1. Go to the settings menu (May well not be able to, but try even if you see errors) and t...
File: Dolgubon's Guild Reorder03/02/20
It looks like it's a conflict with...
Posted By: Dolgubon
It looks like it's a conflict with the new version of pChat. I'll see if there's anything I can do. Edit: Should be working now! Today's update seems to have broken the reordering again.
File: LibLazyCrafting02/29/20
Anyone know what this means?: "LibL...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Anyone know what this means?: "LibLazyCrafting: beginning scrap of set items. Estimated time: 21s" "libLazyCrafting: items scrape complete" It means LLC is scanning through all item links in the game to find crafted set item links. It only needs to do this once per update
File: Dolgubon's Guild Reorder02/25/20
Re: Addon no longer appears to work?
Posted By: Dolgubon
Heya Dolgubon, This addon seems to have stopped working as of today's update. Until today, I was using my custom /g# assignments without issue. This is no longer the case. No error msg, just doesn't work. Can you look into this? I know it's not a super popular addon, but it's a system critical one for my brain. =/ Thanks.I'm the sam...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter02/23/20
Is there a way to turn off the writ...
Posted By: Dolgubon
Is there a way to turn off the writ rewards window that seems to pop up every time you log a character in now? Thanks! Update