Results: 1795Comments by: Phinix
File: LibUespQuestData03/23/22
Posted By: Phinix
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for your work on this. I referenced the quest ID's for Dungeon Tracker's new feature to show dungeon skillpoint quest completion status in tooltips.
File: Dungeon Tracker03/23/22
New feature: Dungeon quest completion!
Posted By: Phinix
bBMLRz48UQY Version 1.42 Updated for Firesong. Added support for Earthen Root Enclave & Graven Deep dungeons. Added support for Dreadsail Reef trial. New unique icons for above dungeons and trial. Added support for Spire of the Crimson Coin & Ghost Haven Bay public dungeons. Fixed saved variables of alternate accounts being...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/23/22
@diamond_10 - That sucks, I will de...
Posted By: Phinix
@diamond_10 - That sucks, I will definitely help if I can. Lots of those addons I use; Inventory Insight, Action Duration Reminder, etc., and I cannot replicate this strange behavior. None of the ones on your list are big UI overhauls that I would suspect as being responsible. The only one I'm not familiar with is CrowdControlTracker...
File: Votan's Keybinder03/23/22
Re: Chat Message
Posted By: Phinix
Hello Votan, since the update I always get a chat message "jo1"... I am seeing this as well. I thought maybe someone was goading Trump supporters or something lol. XD
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/23/22
I was talking about the ingame tool...
Posted By: Phinix
I was talking about the ingame tooltips for the compass sliders. They mention a slider for pin size, but that doesn't exist anymore, so the text should most likely be removed. Yes. I already removed the part that referenced pin size from those tooltips. If you are still seeing reference to them try updating, or let me know which s...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/22/22
@Octopuss - Text label tooltips are...
Posted By: Phinix
@Octopuss - Text label tooltips are fixed in the latest version to reflect the change to compass pin scaling. As for them changing size, I tested and you are right, I just hadn't noticed. But the thing is, they NEED to stay the same size for Harvest Map to work. I honestly didn't find them too big even with my compass configured to b...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/22/22
Re: Update: Fixes & new features.
Posted By: Phinix
@_Zodiac - OK I misread, you meant the ability bar. It looks like if you have game settings -> combat -> ability bar set to automatic it is not showing when it should. I will fix that ASAP. In the meaintime you can set that option to "always show" temporarily. @Octopuss - That option was removed. The compass now automatically scal...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/22/22
Hi. I am facing a big issue after l...
Posted By: Phinix
Hi. I am facing a big issue after last update with action bars not appearing. Maybe it has to do with the opacity update? Hey, I'll have to check how I set up the default settings. In the meantime you can turn on the global opacity option under Misc on the General tab to show everything.
File: FCO ItemSaver03/21/22
Yeah, using it since last year as I...
Posted By: Phinix
Yeah, using it since last year as I started the beta and it's really nice :o Hi Baertram, good to see you around, and one of my fav addons still alive and kicking. :) Haven't checked out the mentioned feature as I don't have access to the game ATM, but just a thought if it isn't an option: Allow setting a filter for binding ite...
File: HarvestPins03/20/22
Fixes Harvest Map bug...
Posted By: Phinix
This addon has the pleasant side effect of fixing the missing icon problem in the current Harvest Map which was causing map pins and compass pins not to show, and 3D pins only to show the cone base icon. :) You could actually fix it by setting ALL pin types to use the generic icon that is still available in the base addon, but the...
File: HarvestMap03/20/22
FIX: Missing icons & map pins...
Posted By: Phinix
So in troubleshooting whether resizing the compass with Azurah was causing problems, I discovered something. With no other addons enabled but Harvest Map and the required libs, if you go into Pin Type Options it looks like almost all the icons for pin types are missing: If you set these to one of...
File: Dungeon Tracker03/20/22
Re: Delves...
Posted By: Phinix
If you do look into LibAchievementsArchive, perhaps I could share my saved vars so you have some data to work with... It has a block like this that hopefully makes for easy update/sync with your characters (unless it used my account/character values to encrypt the data stored; it's not humanly readable, hopefully just binary encoded)...
File: Dungeon Tracker03/20/22
Re: Fixed...
Posted By: Phinix
For character specific delve details, are you leveraging LibAchievementsArchive like CharacterZoneTracker and CharacterAchievements did? (assumes a person used addons like these before U33 to preserve their character achievements) Public dungeon achievements are still tracked as character specific in-game, and this is what Dungeon...
File: Dungeon Tracker03/20/22
Posted By: Phinix
Oops! That's what I get for making last minute updates. XD These errors should be fixed now. :)
File: HarvestMap03/20/22
Re: Re: Generic icons always respawn as generic.
Posted By: Phinix
Do you have your compass resized by any chance? It breaks the NodeDetection pins. I will add an option in the next Azurah update to reset the compass to default. I did add the option to set the opacity to 0 with a keybind. Do you know if hiding it that way will interfere as well?
File: Dungeon Tracker03/20/22
Major update!
Posted By: Phinix
Version 1.37: - Completely rebuilt from near scratch for the global achievement update. - Show both version 1 & 2 on the dungeon tooltips that have them (no more shift click). - Improved delve tooltips to indicate they are still character-specific (shows current character status). - Changed saved variables to index by in-game...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/19/22
Major new update in testing...
Posted By: Phinix
Hi all. Just wanted to give a quick status update on a major new feature currently in final testing. After hearing multiple people suggest it, I have added the ability to set opacity (transparency) per-frame. Additionally, you can enable a second slider for opacity in combat! Azurah will then automatically swap your frames betwee...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker03/18/22
Re: Error fixed...
Posted By: Phinix
v2.4.78 ~Phinix (3-18-2022) Fixed errors caused by assigning the new Cooldown Action Bar to the same frame as Your Proc Cooldowns. (For real this time.) No more restriction on assigning Action Cooldown Bar to the same as Your Cooldowns: You can assign it anywhere! Improved code for Action Cooldown Bar in general, eliminated some c...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/18/22
Re: Ultimate Relative Percent not following both bars...
Posted By: Phinix
I narrowed the problem down to the Azurah addon. With that disabled everything works fine again. I installed the latest Alternative Attribute Bars and tested it with Azurah and it works fine for me. The problem you described doesn't sound like something Azurah could be causing. Azurah's functions are all event driven, meaning t...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/17/22
@choekstr - It sounds like one of y...
Posted By: Phinix
@choekstr - It sounds like one of your addons is using an outdated embedded library. My guess would be something using an old version of LibAddonMenu. You can try using a program like Notepad++ and Search -> Find in Files then search your addon folder, and look for any addons that put LibAddonMenu in a subfolder of their own addon. I...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker03/17/22
Re: Error on Addon after update
Posted By: Phinix
v2.4.77 ~Phinix (3-17-2022) Fixed errors caused by assigning the new Cooldown Action Bar to the same frame as Your Proc Cooldowns. Srendarr will now warn you when attempting this that it is not supported due to the auras overlapping (because they are two ways of tracking the same thing.) You CAN assign both of these to two separate...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/17/22
Re: questions...
Posted By: Phinix
does that mean that i have to reload azurah after every change of mode?! Only when you want to move things with Azurah. Once you have things where you want them you can switch modes without reload. But, if you want to move something, and you have switched modes since your last load/reload, you need to /reloadui once to "cement" th...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/16/22
I have a major issue with the updat...
Posted By: Phinix
I have a major issue with the update. With it activated and I used it to move bars up for Alternative Attribute Bars, the keyboard & mouse becomes mostly unresponsive. I can still move and type text, but I can't switch chat tabs, use ESC to see the system options on the left or quit. I can't bring up any menu. I use Toogle Error t...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/16/22
Re: Fix pending...
Posted By: Phinix
I see where the error happened and it is fixed already in the version waiting approval. I apologize for the oversight that caused the error, but let's be honest, what billion dollar game company has a patch day go off without a few glitches? ;) It is frustrating for me too, as I was hoping to hear people enjoying being able to tot...
File: FastReset03/16/22
Can you add an option that puts rab...
Posted By: Phinix
Can you add an option that puts rabbit ears over the group member frame of the person who dies to signify their shame? LOL sorry shameless Final Fantasy reference. :p This sounds pretty rad. I don't do trifecta's but I love slick automation and this seems pretty slick.