Results: 6139Comments by: Baertram
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)04/10/23
Hi M-ree, I found out that pChat...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi M-ree, I found out that pChat stores those messages in the SavedVariables already with that doubl timestamp somehow. I'll see where this origins from and fix it. So far I can at least say I have improved the copy dialog and added more buttons to disable/enable all channels, disable/enable all non-guild or enable/disable all...
File: Maelstrom Arena Helper04/10/23
Hi and welcome to esoui addons. If...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi and welcome to esoui addons. If you change your uploaded files please think about telling the users what was changed, by adding the info to the "Changelog" tab at the addon mainteannce panel. Thank you.
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)04/09/23
Re: Re: Home invite links
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks! I think I foudn where Corbin had added the self posted text colors and will be able to detect the housing links and skip it then. Oops, I rewrote the comment as I narrowed down the cause of the bug and accidentally deleted that part too :'D The housing links are created from the Collections > Housing tab. There is a bu...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/06/23
Re: Re: settings not saving
Posted By: Baertram
All settings under the timesavers (including autoloot containters) are not saving for me when I log off or reload the UI. I've tried reinstalling the addon completely, and also editing the settings fields directly in the savedvariables file. I also have unboxer installed if that is related at all. Are any of the other settings...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)04/05/23
Re: Home invite links
Posted By: Baertram
Uhm I'm not that housing afin means not doing anything with them except chests :) How do I create such a link of a house so I can test this myself please? :p Thanks for the report Hi, I think I have found a bug. Having name mention coloring turned on for your own messages breaks the formatting of links of your own homes....
File: NoAccidentalStealing (+no accidental casting)04/03/23
I think this addon is missing some...
Posted By: Baertram
I think this addon is missing some texts @Shinni? The slider for the criminal actions got no en nor de etc. texts. I've added this to the en.lua file: L.NAS_ABILITY_HEAD = "Criminal abilities" L.NAS_ABILITY_TEXT = "Define the criminal ability tap duration. You need to re-press the same ability within this time, to cast it. 0...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)04/02/23
Hello, I was wondering if this add-...
Posted By: Baertram
Hello, I was wondering if this add-on can resize the text entry box of the chat screen vertically? I can see that I can resize the chat box and text-entry box horizontally, but when dragging vertically it just does the chat box and not the little single-line box where you type. Is this possible to change at all? I do RP and it's frus...
File: SummonAlly - manage companions and assistants04/01/23
Hi, your SavedVars do not differ b...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi, your SavedVars do not differ by server right? Many players got chars on both (all 3 , PTS) servers meanwhile. You should consider adding that as different servers and same accounts do not use the same companiosn e.g.! Add GetWorldName() to your ZO_SavedVars call as the 5th param -> profile e.g. This will add "NA Megaserver"...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/31/23
Thanks for the fun and effort this...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the fun and effort this year! :banana::banana:
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/31/23
History after leaving game: pChat w...
Posted By: Baertram
History after leaving game: pChat will store the chat history even after quit of the game. History after logout: pChat will only store the chat history until you quit the game, means eso game is not closed in total. So how does it know that? I have checked the add-on, but can't figure where does the value of db.lastWasQuit/db.las...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/31/23
History after leaving game: pChat w...
Posted By: Baertram
History after leaving game: pChat will store the chat history even after quit of the game. History after logout: pChat will only store the chat history until you quit the game, means eso game is not closed in total. In both cases the next login will just check what option(s) is/are enabled and either restore the history, or not....
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/31/23
Logout -> Go back to Char selection...
Posted By: Baertram
Logout -> Go back to Char selection but game client is still open Exit (leaving the game)-> Leaving game and closing the eso64.exe This is the difference. How does the add-on know whether I logged in to any other character after I logged off or not? O.o Oh, wait. Does "exit" mean leaving the game without logging out to the ch...
File: DoItAll (Mass Extract/Deconstruct/Move/Mail attach/...)03/31/23
Thanks for the feedback, but the cu...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the feedback, but the current default settings were tested with a lot players and it does not kick you from the server, at least it did not do for 100% of the tested tries. If it does for you you might have a lot of other addons activated at the same time? Or meanwhile the servers have changed and will kick you now, I'...
File: Untaunted03/30/23
Thank you!!
Posted By: Baertram
Thank you!!
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/30/23
Logout -> Go back to Char selection...
Posted By: Baertram
Logout -> Go back to Char selection but game client is still open Exit (leaving the game)-> Leaving game and closing the eso64.exe This is the difference. I'll test with your timestamp settings, thanks for sharing them. Must have to do with those then if no other addons intefere. Hi M-ree, thanks for the info, though this...
File: Caro's Skill Point Saver (Builds, Champion Points, Presets, Gear, Quickslots, Appearances/Outfits)03/30/23
Hint: Update your addon title here...
Posted By: Baertram
Hint: Update your addon title here at esoui and add the appeareances. Many players use the addon search and will never think about addons that do not provide the info in the title :p And your description (which can be searched as well) is lacking the information too.
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/30/23
Hi M-ree, thanks for the info, t...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi M-ree, thanks for the info, though this is not happening for me, just tested it. I guess some addon does add those to the RAW chat messages, and maybe supports pChat somehow to not show it at the chat itsself (or pChat does filter it there somehow), but copying the RAW data shows the duplicate entries then. Not sure how thi...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)03/28/23
Hi DeadSoon, I often get the err...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi DeadSoon, I often get the error message "You are not in the same group" if I try to teleport to someone. It seems to happen as the target is not in the zone anymore as the port is actually starting. Is there a way to chaneg that error message to a more describing one, like "Target not in zone anymore" or similar, or is this...
File: Advanced Filters - Arena sets filter03/27/23
Just in case that was not on purpos...
Posted By: Baertram
Just in case that was not on purpose: Your image is showing the trial sets, not the arena ones.
File: LibSkillBlocker03/26/23
I think you could improve this line...
Posted By: Baertram
I think you could improve this line to only one "match" check against the pattern: local slotNum = tonumber(debug.traceback():match('keybind = "ACTION_BUTTON_(%d)')) or tonumber(debug.traceback():match('keybind = "GAMEPAD_ACTION_BUTTON_(%d)')) Change to: local slotNum = tonumber(debug.traceback():match('keybind = \".*ACTIO...
File: Untaunted03/24/23
Hi Solinur, after changing the s...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi Solinur, after changing the settings of the untaunted UI I cannot move the UI to the right screen edge anymore: The green rectangle is kind of blocked. I had changed the width from default to 150, height to 20, max bars to 10, switched the bars to expand at the top for new taunts. As I sw...
File: Addon Selector (Save AddOn profiles/packs)03/23/23
Is there a way to have saved packs...
Posted By: Baertram
Is there a way to have saved packs across servers? Only manually by logout and copying the contents manually in your SavedVars, with a text editor. ->Manual changes to SavedVariables You'll find the packs, if sved per account: AddonSelectorSavedVars = { = {...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/21/23
My apologies, the errors aren't rep...
Posted By: Baertram
My apologies, the errors aren't reproducible, in fact they only occurred for 2 days (I think?), then never again. ... No problem, thanks for letting me know and glad it's fixed by it's own :p
File: LibScrollableMenu03/21/23
Wouldn't it be best to maybe add th...
Posted By: Baertram
Wouldn't it be best to maybe add this directly to LibCustomMenu so there is 1 menu related addon / library only? Less compatibility issues, more benefit to all (imho). Maybe talk to Votan and show him your code here, if this will work.
File: Namez - More info when you put your reticle on other players!03/20/23
Please write the needed dependencie...
Posted By: Baertram
Please write the needed dependencies at the top of your addon description so players directly see what they need to install (LibAddonMenu). Thanks And also please check your uploaded zip files to not include any hidden files and folders or .folders like .git or .idea etc.