Results: 259Comments by: SimonIllyan
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded11/23/21
Re: Performance Impact?
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I have been looking into why my FPS hovers around 138 instead of 144. What I found was that disabling this addon immediately pushed my FPS back north of my 144 target. This is a 4.25% loss. It also makes the game have a kind of micro-stutter of sorts when moving a static object (like a brazier) horizontally across my screen at a mid-...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)11/23/21
was opening map in combat in vvarde...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
was opening map in combat in vvardenfell somewhere and...this happened. was unpleasant since the entire UI got that stupid blur stuck in it. … the section erroring is this code: table.insert(categories, FasterTravel.settings.recentsPosition, -- either 1 or 2 { name = GetString(FASTER_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINES_CATEGORY_RECENT)...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded10/13/21
It's not allowing me to change sett...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
It's not allowing me to change settings... all of the settings just have numerical values that can't be changed, and the drop down menu just shows "PvE Only" or "PvP Only", options of that nature. 1) delete your SavedVariables/TEB.lua (while NOT in the game) 2) update TEB and all its dependencie...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded09/29/21
Re: Re: kill-counter battlefields
Posted By: SimonIllyan
it seems that the kill-counter not works or not works correct at the battlefields. if i was killed, the counter works. but if im killing others, so it seems, the counter works not or not correct. everytime zero. Yes, the killcounter in PvP works not correct. :eek: I have played an quest for Cyrodiil with a kill statistic from ZOS...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)09/13/21
Re: Re: Re: Bug
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Then, I tried to reset the mod options to the default ones. I got crashes in LibAddOnMenu. Looking a little bit I found where the options are kept (Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\FasterTravel.lua) and realized that account-wise options where different types than the character ones. In the doubt, I erased the file and ran /r...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)09/11/21
Re: Bug
Posted By: SimonIllyan
user:/AddOns/FasterTravel/LocationData.lua:359: operator % is not supported for string % number Well, the line with the error above is this: local direction = order % 2 so apparently value of order is a string rather than a number. I don't know yet how did it happen, but I'll fix it in the next release.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded09/04/21
Re: Re: Re: Weird crash on UI load
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I eventually starting playing around in the code, and have tracked the issue to the buffs function, somewhere in the block between -- mundus and vampirism and before settings.Trackers.mundus = Roughly lines 1805 through 1870. With that block commented out, no crash. Is your character a vampire? I haven't done much testing for thi...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded09/02/21
Re: Weird crash on UI load
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I just returned from a while away from ESO and, after updating everything, was experiencing a CTD every time the UI finished loading. After a lot of experimenting I've narrowed it down to TEB Reloaded. I can load in with everything _except_ TEB loaded with no problems. If I load in with nothing except TEB and its required libraries,...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded08/15/21
Re: UI Error at Alik'r Desert dolmen
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I got repeating UI error "Avoiding anchor cycle from to " after completing Hollow Waste Dolmen in Alik'r Desert. Had to disable TEB and reloadui to stop reports but when I re-enabled TEB the errors came back (the dolmen was just finishing again and I was still nearby). While error was showing, the bar had contracted to only about 4...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)08/12/21
2.5.13 uploaded
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Version 2.5.13 "Friday the 13th" has been uploaded, it is compatible with Waking Flame and likely contains no new bugs.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded08/05/21
I am also getting errors after an u...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I am also getting errors after an update. Elder Bar hasn't worked since. My wife's works fine and she hasn't updated it yet. I've tried uninstalling the addon, clearing the saved variables .lua and everything. I am quite sure you haven't actually deleted the saved variables. If you did, TEB wouldn't try to call the Upgrade_from_10(...
File: Aldanga's Lazier Writ Precrafter08/05/21
Does this addon support Alchemy and...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Does this addon support Alchemy and Provisioning crafting? These are the only crafts that I would like to precraft at the moment, because these crafted items can be shared between characters. The in-game settings only show enchanting and the 4 "major" crafting skills though, but not Alchemy or Provisioning. Not at the moment. It...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/22/21
Re: Help!
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I can not understand why it's not work... For some reason, your SavedVariables/TEB.lua does not contain either pve or pvp section under gadgets.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/19/21
I reset my variables and tinkered w...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I reset my variables and tinkered with the settings a bit. The research timers appear, but only if the gadgets are unlocked. They are all still monochrome as well. There is progress and I'm happy to see my timers again :) Find "Show this gadget" option under "Research Timers", set it to "always" - this should make the timers vis...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/18/21
I can enable under the settings, bu...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I can enable under the settings, but they do not appear on the bar. Several other gadgets are also broken In this case, remove your SavedVariables/TEB.lua (while not in the game) and configure from scratch.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/18/21
I just updated to the latest versio...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I just updated to the latest version and now the research timers are gone? Check the settings.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/16/21
Re: Alliance Points
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I see only all(!) Alliance Points in PvP areas. It is not possible for me to see the Alliance Points of only one Character or only the active character. If I change the display of the Alliance Points in the Addon, I see no other values. I think there is a bug. Could you proof it, please? Thank you. :) I fixed it in 11.4.0, or so I...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/16/21
Re: no global bar
Posted By: SimonIllyan
im probably missing something in the setup, but how to make this NOT global across all my characters? I have some that i want certain things on/off. when i make those changes it affects all my characters bars. loving the bar btw! You're not missing anything, all settings are per account rather than per character (so you can...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/02/21
Re: Re: Re: UI Error message - research timers
Posted By: SimonIllyan
…it was too hot for the sloths to do their work. What? You didn't know all research is being done by sloths? I mean considering some of these research timers take like a month, makes sense. I should have known! Can we replace the sloths with hamsters? The sloths have been reprimanded, check 11.3.4. No hamsters were available to...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/01/21
Re: Separate Character Settings?
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I notice when I set the research times in The Elder Bar I cannot show separate timers on different characters. i.e. If I set Blacksmithing to do not show on one character, I cannot then see it on any of my other characters whether I wish that or not. Is this working as intended or am I missing something here? Working as intended -...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/01/21
Re: edeavor
Posted By: SimonIllyan
is it possible to have a drop down text box about daily and weekly endeavors info? I doubt it very much. also some icon dont have color even though i chose to have "icon color". the bounty text box also have a misaligned info Should be fixed in nearest future. EDIT: 11.3.4 is up and it fixes the bounty tooltip problem.
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)06/29/21
Missing lines in RU localization:...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Missing lines in RU localization: Thank you, will be added to next release. Now if only someone did the same for FR and DE translations… ;-)
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded06/28/21
Re: Re: Re: Writ Voucher Enhancement?
Posted By: SimonIllyan
EDIT: Yep, works great for me. I'm sure rewriting balance() would turn out more elegant, but this is a pretty easy/effective stopgap. Good! However, I am still going to rewrite it, so that the users can select if they want total, character-only or bank-only amount for each of those currencies, and so that the tooltip shows amounts...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded06/28/21
Re: Writ Voucher Enhancement?
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Can we get writ vouchers to work like gold? ie: list both backpack/bank totals? Thanks for your consideration and keeping this add-on alive! And the great enhancements you have done. I'll try to do it, but not very soon, as it requires quite a lot of changes. You see, there are two kinds of currencies. Crowns, crown gems, tra...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded06/28/21
Re: UI Error message - research timers
Posted By: SimonIllyan
When Hiding the Research Timers (when not researching), get this error, and the entire TEB bar disappears. have to set to "always" or "only when researching" (which defeats the purpose of hiding them while the timer is ticking down for days at a time....) I think I know what went wrong… also the dropdown for showing the gadget...