Results: 190Comments by: TaxTalis
File: Rulebased Inventory10/22/18
Re: fcoismarker working in latest version?
Posted By: TaxTalis
I am using fcoismarker("locked") and it is working fine, but this isn’t a dynamic or custom named marker. This functionality hasn’t been touched this version, so I am unaware of any problems. I will investigate this. Hi, First, thanks for this awesome mod. It makes ESO much less tedious. I use fcoismarker("") to tag items f...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/19/18
I don‘t think this is a feature fit...
Posted By: TaxTalis
I don‘t think this is a feature fitting the purpose of RbI. This should be implemented in a specific fishing addon, don’t you think? Wishlist: fillet fish on "pickup", or if that isn't possible, on opening the inventory.
File: Rulebased Inventory10/17/18
MM lags at initialization at my cli...
Posted By: TaxTalis
MM lags at initialization at my client too. When I recall yes, executing an task while MM still initializes does increase this lag. Still, that’s the only occurrence I am aware of at my client. A wilde guess is MM too is using async and they somehow interfere or the load in a frame then just gets to high as there are two addons tryi...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/16/18
Well good point, for looting there...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Well good point, for looting there is no check if there is a rule defined before the addon starts collecting data. But this is a small relieve as when rules defined the addon would still lag. Dustman and RbI sound quite redundant, but neither Dustman nor Itemsaver should lag when RbI comes into play. Anyway what it does is: it co...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/16/18
May I ask what hardware you‘re gami...
Posted By: TaxTalis
May I ask what hardware you‘re gaming on? And do you want a message at login or at bankUI open? The MM message is a login message, thus my confusion. Lag started after I installed the latest update, and it's gone when I disable the addon. Pretty sure it's RbI causing the lag. Maybe it's because I don't use it on my main. It wa...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/15/18
Re: Lag worse!
Posted By: TaxTalis
Lag on loot again? I thought async would have tackled that :/ Can you please confirm this is RbI and not some other addon? I can try to exclude the bagCache again for events but really thought async would do the trick here... this is like really really hard to fix, I encounter no lag at any time introduced by RbI... As for ban...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/13/18
Re: Re: Re: Re: Update 1.2.2
Posted By: TaxTalis
Sounds like you have the threshold for destroy set to on? The "actions finished" is only displayed if there was a task execution at one point. At stations and shops you only need to watch out for "actions finished" and you're good ;) as the actions are now checked on the fly and not on beforehand, there might be an in case of timi...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/13/18
Re: Re: Update 1.2.2
Posted By: TaxTalis
Thank you, thank you ;) Let's just wait a little longer for more people to check on this and see how many bugs get reported :D
File: Rulebased Inventory10/12/18
Update 1.2.2
Posted By: TaxTalis
The update 1.2.2 is now live and includes the asynchronous bagCache and action handling and other optimizations which hopefully reduce lag to a unnoticeable amount. Please note that you now need LibAsync to be installed!
File: Rulebased Inventory10/11/18
Update is on it's way
Posted By: TaxTalis
Refining as eventbased and deconstruction as eventbased will come eventually. With the next update the rule for an item will be checked when executing at it's slot. Thus I will never know if there are things to deconstruct at start. But this will also help reducing lag. Mainly will libAsync do, which will be needed for the next upd...
File: Rulebased Inventory10/08/18
Please disable the "destroy" rules...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Please disable the "destroy" rules while fetching items from the bank, or possibly just add a facility for me to declare they should not operate at that time. Turns out if you use roomba to restack lockpicks in the guild bank, which withdraws the two stacks of 25, and that puts you over the limit you configured.... you don't have...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/30/18
Hey. It'd be great if you were to...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Hey. It'd be great if you were to hook up functions to query the Auto Category addon. You can see the API on the on the AutoCategory GitHub repository; matching on the assigned category name would be what most interested me. Added to feature requests. Will investigate and implement when I have time to do so. Thanks. Thank y...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/26/18
Re: Re: Re: lag
Posted By: TaxTalis
By Version 0.10.1 this should mostly be no problem anymore. And yes, I already check for newItem and for the change in count the event triggers. Surely there can be done more, I will check your suggestions as soon as I can. Thank you. Upon drinking a potion this shouldn't apply any rules, isn't it? Do you use EVENT_INVENTORY_SING...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/18/18
Re: lag
Posted By: TaxTalis
This is a good addon for me,but when i loot and drink a potion or open BankUI,i get a lag,i don't know why......:eek: When looting or drinking potions/eating food there is an inventory update and the addon checks if a condition was met to junk or destroy. I noticed a slight lag, too and am trying to optimize it. When opening th...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/15/18
Uh, FWIW, because ZOS can't manage...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Uh, FWIW, because ZOS can't manage to bill me each month, I end up with, like, 170/100 personal bank capacity reported each month, until I pay them, and relog, so ... maybe something like "previously had ESO+, no longer does" could be in play? IDK, but figured it worth mentioning anyway. Still trying to make sense of this, yes....
File: Rulebased Inventory09/15/18
But to clarify: the numbers of inve...
Posted By: TaxTalis
But to clarify: the numbers of inventory are rising higher than the maximum capacity? Like it goes up to 100/100 and than 101/100 and further up? Exactly like that, yes. If you need any other information, I'll provide what I can. That said, this issue isn't exactly game-breaking. Amusing, more like, and hopefully not ban-worthy....
File: Rulebased Inventory09/14/18
Some early impressions: First, t...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Some early impressions: First, thank you for writing this. It saves me doing so, which as you can imagine, means I'm pretty pleased! I have a few feedback on it, based on early interactions. Please don't take this as any slight against the addon, or anything like that! 1. It would be great if the languages of Auto Category...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/14/18
So, uh, I believe RbI is able to ci...
Posted By: TaxTalis
So, uh, I believe RbI is able to circumvent the bank's capacity limit. At least for me, it continues to push items (materials, if that's relevant) beyond the number of items accepted by the bank. The item count reflects this (in red). Naturally, I can't add any more items myself when this happens, but I can remove some. After that, e...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/13/18
So far, this has been working nicel...
Posted By: TaxTalis
So far, this has been working nicely. I'd say that editing rules straight inside the SV file is, perhaps, even more convenient, but that's purely a matter of personal preference. Two more queries (sorry!): 1. I seem unable to turn of the "Actions finished"-notification even when no rules are defined. Take deconstruction, for ex...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/12/18
Re: Treasure type?
Posted By: TaxTalis
Are there terms for the various treasure types, like "Grooming", "Cookware", ... ? I'd like to keep the ones needed for Bursar's daily / Kari's quest and launder all others. Think not, no, it's not even an sType (Specialized Item Type). But a last resort is always the itemname/itemnamematch function. Filter for '(treasure) and ite...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/12/18
Re: gold management
Posted By: TaxTalis
Thanks for the addon. How do I keep a fixed amount of gold (50000) in the bag? (transferring any excess amount to the bank...) Tried this rule, but did not work: (itemnamematch("Gold") and countbackpack > 50000) As SlippyCheeze correctly noted, Gold is not an item residing inside the slot-based inventory of backpack or bank an...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/12/18
Fantastic concept. I'm looking forw...
Posted By: TaxTalis
Fantastic concept. I'm looking forward to trying this out. If I may, I have a couple of questions: 1. What's the difference between, for instance, soulgem (type) and s_soulgem (stype)? Sorry if I've missed that in your documentation. 2. Am I correct in assuming that the term material includes all other, more specific terms (lik...
File: Rulebased Inventory09/12/18
I wish there was an addon exactly t...
Posted By: TaxTalis
I wish there was an addon exactly the opposite of this "After installing it, it does everything for you" addon that auto sales all junk that realy is not worth much so that new players don't have to look for what they have to destroy. In dustman you need forever to set up all the rules to make it work :( What Beartram said, please s...
File: CraftStore Gold Road08/21/18
I found most chapters in crowncrate...
Posted By: TaxTalis
I found most chapters in crowncrates, and bought the missing ones with gems. So, yes, all "unusual". Btw, is there a function in your API (or could you add a function to your API) similar to IsLearnable and IsResearchable but for motifs?
File: CraftStore Gold Road08/21/18
If you've actually logged into that...
Posted By: TaxTalis
If you've actually logged into that character with CS on and it still says it needs to be learned: that sounds like a ZOS issue. I've had similar complaints before and others that CS was showing they needed to research an item, because ZOS wasn't registering it was done. But the CS interface is telling me it's not to learn anymore...