Results: 1134Comments by: sirinsidiator
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/22/20
Re: Having an issue
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I'm trying to setup addons after being away from the game for a while. I'm unable to figure out that AGS error, I read the FAQ and the forums and no luck. Here is my LibDebugLogger SavedVariables file. Can't seem to show my error image in the post ... this link will take you there. Thanks f...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.011/19/20
Re: This addon causing crashes?
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hi. I'm having an awful time with disconnects since Markarth, in pvp zones (Cyro & bg's) disconnecting literally every 10-15 minutes. I'm only running bandits UI and rapid assist, both which use Libaddonmenu2.0 - I disabled bandits and ran fine for a while, then enabled it again, and problem persisted. Bandits is updated, while th...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History11/17/20
Which addons use this? A buddy h...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Which addons use this? A buddy has it and was wondering what addon required it? Thanks! It's currently used by Master Merchant v3 and in the future other addons which require access to the guild history should use it too.
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/16/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New feature
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I'd like to suggest adding filter for Set collections (sticker book) known/unknown once Markarth patch comes. Or has this feature already been added? This would be GREATLY appreciated! I third the motion. Would be great for finding deals for uncollected set items. Yesss Please :D THx for this great AddOn btw! I imagin...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/15/20
I can't open the GuildStore with la...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I can't open the GuildStore with last Update 1.5.0 , Older Version 1.4.4 works correct. > UI ERROR user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/frontend/filter/QualityFilterFragment.lua:72: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/frontend/filter/QualityFilterFragment.lua:72: in function 'QualityFilter...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/15/20
After the recent update the AGS do...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
After the recent update the AGS do not work for me anymore. Every time it tries to get offers in the store it says "unknown error". Leaves also these errors on the list: When I disable AGS, every guild store works just normally. I have the same error. Any idea of what is causing this? No idea, but...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/14/20
Hi, i have this issue forever, wha...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hi, i have this issue forever, whatever it's not addon-breaking, so i just wanna mention it. If the prizes are high, i cant see them any more, because the %-Number is on top of it, and covers up the first numbers of the prize. Here is an example: I wonder if it would be possible, to move i...
File: LibDebugLogger11/12/20
Looks like there's been a regressio...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Looks like there's been a regression of the AddonVersion? I think AddOnVersion should be 211? pChat has a dependency on 196 and has stopped working following recent update to libDebugLogger. Tested locally and chaning to 211 works nicely. You are right. Looks like the version reset to an incorrect value. It's not tied to t...
File: LibDebugLogger11/12/20
Looks like there's been a regressio...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Looks like there's been a regression of the AddonVersion? I think AddOnVersion should be 211? pChat has a dependency on 196 and has stopped working following recent update to libDebugLogger. Tested locally and chaning to 211 works nicely. You are right. Looks like the version reset to an incorrect value. It's not tied to t...
File: LibGPS11/12/20
I have the most recent version and...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I have the most recent version and am still getting errors. This was thrown on entering Deshaan: user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:29: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:29: in function 'MapStack:Push' |caaaaaa self = {}, adapter = {}, mapId = 205, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, of...
File: LibGPS11/11/20
Re: I don't use EHT
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I had to google what EHT is. That said it's not installed. Up until the latest update of LibGPS I had never had it throw an error. I've received errors like this on going into the final main story quest (both the fight with Molag Bal, and the afterward with Meridia). As well as when I zoned into BlackHeart Haven. user:/AddOn...
File: LibGPS11/10/20
Re: Error after updating
Posted By: sirinsidiator
So first off, I am not using EHT. Logged in without issue but got this zoning into Coldharbour to do main quest on alt. Had no issues prior to updating to LibGPS v3.0.2 just before logging in today. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:274: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:...
File: LibGPS11/09/20
Hey, 3.0.2 makes my game freak o...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hey, 3.0.2 makes my game freak out. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize' newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZ...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.011/09/20
A lot of my addons are saying I nee...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
A lot of my addons are saying I need a newer version of this. Is there something I need to do on my end or just wait for the new update? <3 As a matter of fact, addons cannot speak. Not sure who's telling you that you need a newer version of LAM, but the answer is no - you don't need a newer version. Simply make sure that you have L...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/08/20
Re: 3.x just plain doesn't work
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Reading the book on how to properly use 3.x, and following the steps to the letter - results in missing data for multiple guilds, with data being limited at 100 sales for each of the guilds where data is saved incompletely (in spite of pulling 100% of the 10-ish days of data by hitting the E button). LibHistoire won't automatically...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/07/20
AwesomeGuildStore 1.5
Posted By: sirinsidiator
I've just uploaded AwesomeGuildStore 1.5 to my website. It's exclusive for my Patrons for one week and will be uploaded here on ESOUI next Saturday. Changes: Updated search tab categories to match the new in-game subcategories NOTE: Going forward the official subcategories will be used as the source for how the category fil...
File: LibLazyCrafting11/05/20
Same problem. When trying to craft...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Same problem. When trying to craft a writ with one of the newly added crafted sets, it throws this error: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:445: attempt to index a nil value |rstack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:445: in function 'GetCurrentSetInteractionIndex' |caaaaaa itemLink = "|H0:item:1...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.011/05/20
Re: NIL value error?
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hi, I encountered this error while trying to do a farmrun using Harvestmap: user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:211: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:211: in function 'GetTopPanel' user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAd...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History11/04/20
Anyone else having issues with the...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Anyone else having issues with the guild history not updating? IDK if it is this addon or the Markarth update, but my guild history is no longer updating until after I reboot my computer (which makes no sense unless there are locked files maybe?)? LibHistoire is clearly showing it has scanned all the events, but I look on my wifes sc...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History11/03/20
hmm did u think of a "press e" cool...
Posted By: sirinsidiator
hmm did u think of a "press e" cooldown which collects the ampount of e pressed and makes sure, noone gets autokicked for spamming e? That's not as easy as you may think. Addons cannot interfere with the keybind, otherwise it would follow the same cooldown that addons have.
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/03/20
Re: Locked range fields divide by 1000 when rightclicked.
Posted By: sirinsidiator
1) What were you trying to do? I was just mouse flailing, and accidentally clicked on the upper price range of a locked search, which was set to 60,000, while speaking to Mauhoth, trader in Vivec City. I did not expect anything to happen. 2) What actually happened? The 60,000 in the field changed to 60. 3) Which steps di...
File: Aetherius Badge Filter11/03/20
Re: Colours and Character limit
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hi, Im trying to sort out a LUA for a guild i'm an oficer in, and want to use a number of badges. However any colour string adds to the character count. Some badges I'd like to have coloured but there are many that I'd br happy to just use the default note colour. Is there a way to do this without using the colour string to keep c...
File: AwesomeGuildStore10/31/20
Re: UI Error
Posted By: sirinsidiator
When I try to go into the guild store this ui error shows up user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/wrappers/SellTabWrapper.lua:56: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/wrappers/SellTabWrapper.lua:56: in function 'CreateSlider' user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/wrappers/SellTabWrapper.lua:191: in fu...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History10/31/20
Re: How do i get the I please ?
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Hi Mate, thanks for your nice work. I cant find a way to get the UI shown, please enlight me. TiA Wastelcat Just open the guild history menu (press G and select the correct tab). It should show itself there when you have everything installed correctly.
File: Master Merchant 3.010/30/20
Re: MM 3.x.x Proceses Backup MMxxData Files
Posted By: sirinsidiator
Please refer to the following edited screenshot posted on Why does MM search the subfolder in which I stored backup copies of the most recent MMxxData files? Then it accepts them as the MMxxData files which it updates. It leaves unchanged the ones that are stored in the .../Addons folder...