Results: 47Comments by: Shinntarou
File: SimpleDPS Meter06/17/24
Bug report
Posted By: Shinntarou
The addon changes unexpectedly in-game setting(nameplate > friend npc). When I change select box "personal stat format", the bug happens 100%.
File: Personal Assistant + Companions06/01/24
Re: New codes
Posted By: Shinntarou
There is a redundant space before "XYN_PLANAR_PURVEYOR". I think, you would better modify your original message for my convenience... Thank you for your code. I can continue to use the add-on. UseCollectible(PERSONNAL_ASSISTANTS.PERSONNAL_ASSISTANT_ XYN_PLANAR_PURVEYOR)
File: Armory Build Display05/26/24
Re: Re: I want to display the message anytime especially in armory scene.
Posted By: Shinntarou
In armory screen, the message'll undisplayed.(and , if I do "Save build" or "Equip Build", the message displays again. It's too inconvenient. because, I need especially re-check before doing "save build". Take a look at the update v1.0.8 posted today. I believe I fixed what you were trying to describe. Apologies on the delay, I d...
File: Armory Build Display05/09/24
I want to display the message anytime especially in armory scene.
Posted By: Shinntarou
In armory screen, the message'll undisplayed.(and , if I do "Save build" or "Equip Build", the message displays again. It's too inconvenient. because, I need especially re-check before doing "save build".
File: LibMultilingualName05/07/24
Hi Shinntarou, please read my co...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hi Shinntarou, please read my comment #180215 from 2024-05-01. Please remove hidden files and folders BEFORE upload and clarify why and if ESOExtractdata.exe and dlls is needed to be incuded into this "addon library". Having exe files in them is not good idea. Please just link to the files at, as the newest version...
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant05/04/24
Link In Chat(LIC) replacer is now fixed, but downgraded.
Posted By: Shinntarou
Link In Chat(LIC) replacer is now fixed, but downgraded. In Past ESO, LIC could have their own title in multibyte characters. Now, can't. If Ninja add multibyte title, the whole original message having LIC will die, can't be shown. I modified the replacer to not have own title. and instead of own title, item names as normal cha...
File: LibMultilingualName05/03/24
Re: You can add zh
Posted By: Shinntarou
Since it is an official language? Now checking....wait more while. And, I leave message to future me 1. ps/globalVariables.ps1 $script:langCodes = @( "en" , "de" , "fr" , "jp" , "ru" , "es" , "zh" ) 2. create new folder as LibMultilingualName_zh and zh.txt LibMultilingualNa...
File: LibMultilingualName03/17/24
I'm checking new language. Maybe it...
Posted By: Shinntarou
I'm checking new language. Maybe it'll cost a lot of time. Now then, I'll release new updates for files except it.
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant03/16/24
maybe Link In Chat replacer bugged....
Posted By: Shinntarou
maybe Link In Chat replacer bugged. I'll try to fix if requested.
File: LibMultilingualName03/14/24
Re: You can add zh
Posted By: Shinntarou
Since it is an official language? Yes, I can. wait plz.
File: Item Saver06/06/23
I still use it.
Posted By: Shinntarou
I love this addon (than another) and still use it. I remember that we can use it to simply rewriting below. ## OptionalDependsOn: ## DependsOn: LibCustomMenu LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibStub libAddonKeybinds LibFilters-3.0 #lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua #lib/libAddonKeybinds/libAddonKeybinds.lua #lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0...
File: LibMultilingualName06/05/23
Too many changes happened.
Posted By: Shinntarou
Too many changes happened. I'll try to check, but, It looks so complicated so I need a lot of time. first, I update and release new raw lib.
File: LibMultilingualName04/25/23
Hi, please do not include exe and d...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hi, please do not include exe and dll and other executable files (EsoExtractData) if not really needed. Our antivirus tools and security measurements warn us each time and we have to check them. Better link them as done in your description and let the users who really need it download the newest versions from the official ressou...
File: LibMultilingualName11/15/22
Hi, please check the archive. It's...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hi, please check the archive. It's a "double pack" :o thank you and sorry! I'll revise it ASAP
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant06/16/22
Re: Companion Gear
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hello, the tooltips in the companion gear window show the translation for the equivalent character slot. I know it, and I couldn't solve it. I'll try to tackle the problem again if I feel like it. when I purchase High Isle. last year, I confirmed that the event from the tooltip doesn't proce...
File: LibMultilingualName06/12/22
Hi! Is this mod going to be updated...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hi! Is this mod going to be updated for Spanish? Thank you very much. Gracias. Now I updated Lib and Name Language Ninja. You can use them after few hours. Please check it.
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant12/16/21
Hi, this plugin makes life much mo...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hi, this plugin makes life much more comfortable, thanks a lot! I ran into a snag in combination with "Caro's Loot List" though. While most of the time chat messages show up in German and English, the ones posted when I press the hotkey for CLL show up only in English. Any ideas why? thx afx Thank you for using. now...
File: LibMultilingualName11/19/21
bugfix: skill description of Rattlecage
Posted By: Shinntarou
Lib updated just now. bugfix: skill description of Rattlecage ="Gain Major Savagery and Prophecy at all times, increasing your Weapon and Spell Critical rating by <<1>>.", ="Major Prophecy", Rattlecage has own ability, but the name of the ability is not "Rattlecage".
File: LibMultilingualName11/18/21
bugfix: Sithis'*Touch
Posted By: Shinntarou
bugfix in next version/ now, 79200 is displayed. deleted,setId,abilityIds,setName,dumpedAbilityIds,devTag,comment ,245,79192,Sithis' Touch ,"79192,79200 ",, ="When you kill an enemy you gain <<1>> movement speed for <<2>> and become invisible for <<3>>. The movement speed stacks up to |cffffff20|r times.", ="Sithis' Tou...
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant11/02/21
Re: Re: Re: CP
Posted By: Shinntarou
It'll be resolved at next version. I checked ESOUI and found ZO_Tooltip_AddDivider method. Thank you for your many contributions.
File: Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant10/28/21
Re: CP
Posted By: Shinntarou
Hello, thanks for the champion skill translation! With the German client I see new characters: Thank you for continually using and inspiring me. I intend it as a divider. (Q ... why text? A ... It's a programmatic issue.) ESO Too...
File: LibMultilingualName10/27/21
The issues seem to be related to th...
Posted By: Shinntarou
The issues seem to be related to the file structure of the addon having been changed. I was able to fix it for myself by adding the following lines to the top level LibMultilingualName.txt file: LibMultilingualName_$(language)/GetRawItemName_$(language).lua LibMultilingualName_$(language)/GetRawAbilityDescription_$(language).lua...
File: LibMultilingualName10/20/21
Thank you, all reporters. Sorry fo...
Posted By: Shinntarou
Thank you, all reporters. Sorry for inconvenience. If there are any problem else whom Lib author must handle, please report me. in my opinion, Pollux might better not to use this library. Pollux has been used the HUGE lib for less than 100 fixed quest names. If I were him, I write shell code which use EsoExtractData(client da...
File: LibMultilingualName10/20/21
I got it. the add-on doesn't defin...
Posted By: Shinntarou
I got it. the add-on doesn't defined these quest'name. Pollox must add 16 and 17 to his lang file. is that all about the bug? -- Guild Daily Quests. Undaunted Daily Quests L.SI_DQT_GUILD_DAILY_QUESTS_UNDAUNTED_DAILY_QUESTS_01 = "Ancestor Wards in Deshaan" L.SI_DQT_GUILD_DAILY_QUESTS_UNDAUNTED_DAILY_QUESTS_02 = "Ancient Arma...
File: LibMultilingualName10/20/21
To crewdk now I'm uploaded v1.2....
Posted By: Shinntarou
To crewdk now I'm uploaded v1.2.1. please confirm, and, if you're ok, please report whether it works or not. hi Shinntarou thanks a lot for you fast help. I am another user of Pollox' Daily Tracker and I still have the problem with the empty checkboxes after updating to 1.2.1. I don't see any LUA errors and maybe I have to...