Results: 3Comments by: Cruxa
File: Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec04/09/21
Would it be possible to automatical...
Posted By: Cruxa
Would it be possible to automatically slot treasure hunter when entering a group dungeon or trial instance? You don't need any other passive there anyway, there are no nodes or anything you could harvest. The automatic slotting when accessing a chest doesn't work here (or rather, is too slow). Chest loot is determined when anyone of...
File: Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec03/17/21
Re: Re: Hotbar queue
Posted By: Cruxa
I have implemented all of this with V.1.1.12, there is now an option in the cooldown menu. V.1.1.12 should be live very soon Awesome! Thanks a lot for your work and the fast implementation! I'm eagerly awaiting version 12, then this addon should be near perfect (or as perfect as it can be, with the stealth cooldown addition ;)).
File: Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec03/17/21
Hotbar queue
Posted By: Cruxa
Could you please add an additional setting, so that skills that can't be slotted due to being on cooldown are not slotted at all instead of slotted after the cooldown ends? A scenario I frequently encounter: I gather mats and in the meantime also open treasure chests and loot containers. Normally master gatherer and plentiful harv...