Results: 299Comments by: timidobserver |
File: AwesomeGuildStore06/10/17 |
@timidobserver I added the filters...
Posted By: timidobserver
@timidobserver I added the filters for armor to "all" only because light, medium and heavy are split up into subcategories and it made sense to add a way to filter for all three types in one go. The jewelry is already collected in one subcategory, so you can filter for both types there. Adding these filters to "all" would just give y...
File: AwesomeGuildStore06/07/17 |
Disregard if this has already been...
Posted By: timidobserver
Disregard if this has already been requested.
If you open up a guild store and select the apparel category and the all sub category. You can filter by armor type, traits, and enchants. Can you add jewelry type, enchants, and traits to this filtering screen as well since we are in the all sub category which includes jewelry.
File: SuperStar - Character Builder05/31/17 |
I know the list of stuff that you m...
Posted By: timidobserver
I know the list of stuff that you maintain is huge, but I would like to see Warden in this addon.
File: Combat Metrics05/24/17 |
For some reason my parses aren't be...
Posted By: timidobserver
For some reason my parses aren't being saved when in battlegrounds. When it ports me out, I only have some but not all. Can you look at making sure that all combat from battlegrounds remains in the combat log after it ports you out at the end of the match.
I haven't set a foot into Battlegrounds yet, but I'll look into it. Can you...
File: Combat Metrics05/24/17 |
For some reason my parses aren't be...
Posted By: timidobserver
For some reason my parses aren't being saved when in battlegrounds. When it ports me out, I only have some but not all. Can you look at making sure that all combat from battlegrounds remains in the combat log after it ports you out at the end of the match.
File: Lui Extended02/23/17 |
Nevermind, I figured it out.
Posted By: timidobserver
Nevermind, I figured it out.
File: Action Duration Reminder02/23/17 |
So, I'd like to be able to disable...
Posted By: timidobserver
So, I'd like to be able to disable the countdown for each bar slot. It would also be nice to be able to do this for the alerts as well.
So for example, in the options panel I would like to see
Bar 1, Slot 1 Count On/Off Alert On/Off
Bar 1, Slot 2 Count On/Off Alert On/Off
and so on for bar 1 and bar 2.
File: Combat Metrics02/22/17 |
Should the group damage and healing...
Posted By: timidobserver
Should the group damage and healing percentages be working properly? Mine are not. My healing regularly is over 100%.
File: Combat Metrics02/20/17 |
Hey, maybe it was a fluke or is jus...
Posted By: timidobserver
Hey, maybe it was a fluke or is just me, but deleting from the combat log is no longer working for me.
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker02/20/17 |
Any chance that bug 1808 can be loo...
Posted By: timidobserver
Any chance that bug 1808 can be looked at? It would be really nice if this addon tracked blazing spear.
File: Radiant Time02/20/17 |
What changed in this add-on today?
Posted By: timidobserver
What changed in this add-on today?
File: Combat Metrics02/15/17 |
The addon has stopped working since...
Posted By: timidobserver
The addon has stopped working since I updated it. I get the same errors as above.
File: AwesomeGuildStore02/15/17 |
@thunder Good to hear that it worke...
Posted By: timidobserver
@thunder Good to hear that it worked :) The blueprints are just recipes, so they should show up in the consumable > recipe category. There is even a subfilter for the individual recipe types.
@timidobserver No, and I do not plan to add a way unless you have a really really good reason why it should be disabled. ;)
Reduced likel...
File: AwesomeGuildStore02/14/17 |
Any way to disable the unit price b...
Posted By: timidobserver
Any way to disable the unit price box that was added for writs?
File: Combat Metrics02/05/17 |
I'd like to track the effects of th...
Posted By: timidobserver
I'd like to track the effects of the Troll King set on my Health Recovery.
Combat Metrics currently tracks max and average stamina and magicka recovery. How much trouble would it be for you to add in health recovery?
From the point of stats it's easy, The hard part is finding a place where to display the value. I'll try to thin...
File: Combat Metrics01/23/17 |
I'd like to track the effects of th...
Posted By: timidobserver
I'd like to track the effects of the Troll King set on my Health Recovery.
Combat Metrics currently tracks max and average stamina and magicka recovery. How much trouble would it be for you to add in health recovery?
File: Miat's PVP Alerts01/17/17 |
Posted By: timidobserver
File: Group Damage Share01/16/17 |
Good work.
It would be awesome i...
Posted By: timidobserver
Good work.
It would be awesome if this thing could track and share debuff uptimes as well. It would be awesome to be able to see PoTL, Ele Drain, Akosh, ect uptimes.
File: Combat Metrics01/05/17 |
Recently Rich Lambert posted some C...
Posted By: timidobserver
Recently Rich Lambert posted some Combat Metrics screenshots. When the devs are using your addon and posting screens to demonstrate points you know you did a good job.
File: Tamriel Trade Centre12/26/16 |
New small feature.
1. Add the l...
Posted By: timidobserver
New small feature.
1. Add the location of traders to the stuff that the addon tracks based on what user clients report.
2. Based data from number 1, add trader locations to the map and/or allow people to search for traders.
3. Add how many items the trader has on it to the UI somewhere.
File: JoGroup12/18/16 |
I'd like to see a more compact vers...
Posted By: timidobserver
I'd like to see a more compact version of this addon that tries to fit more into less space(similar to LUI's large group mode) Rather than using a entirely separate line or place to display the whole phrase "being ressed", the class icon, and the cp Icon put something like BR in the health bar of whoever is being ressed. The class ic...
File: JoGroup12/17/16 |
I've got a question for you? Is it...
Posted By: timidobserver
I've got a question for you? Is it possible for the API to tell you whether a player in your group is out of LOS? For example, if they are standing behind a wall or something.
File: JoGroup12/16/16 |
Other stuff is nice, but the ress s...
Posted By: timidobserver
Other stuff is nice, but the ress status is pretty awesome. Surprised no one else thought of that.
File: Combat Metrics12/11/16 |
How much trouble would it be to all...
Posted By: timidobserver
How much trouble would it be to allow us to add a note next to a saved parse? For example, it would be nice to be able to note that one parse is running X gear set and another is running Y gear set.
File: Improved Death Recap12/10/16 |
Woud be cool if you coud make the w...
Posted By: timidobserver
Woud be cool if you coud make the window copy able so that I coud post parts of it in group chat. Is that possible?
I have to check how this can be done, but you cannot paste that much text into the chat entry field, I think. I'll have a look on it, but I'm still quite busy with my other addon.