Results: 2Comments by: draco0273
File: CraftStore Gold Road03/27/21
how to remove old data
Posted By: draco0273
Does anyone know how to remove old data for this addon? I've had to delete a few old characters i no longer play to make room for new ones but those same characters i've deleted are still showing up in the CraftStore addon which is annoying the bugger out of me. lol Before anyone asks i did try uninstalling the addon then reinst...
File: Recipe Book - View All Known Recipes Anytime!07/12/14
Sorting feature
Posted By: draco0273
It would be nice to have a feature to sort or view all of your recipes by lvl and/or quality. As in all the recipes for a lvl 20 toon would be together & could then be further sorted by quality if need be or wanted. I know it can already be sorted by type of food or drink but further sorting would be nice. I do a lot of cooking fo...