Results: 3Comments by: KriHavok
File: Destinations02/17/16
Suggestion -- Breadcrumb Quests
Posted By: KriHavok
Hey Snowman, just a little suggestion here... Would it be possible for you to make breadcrumb quests a different pin color? Because it can be annoying sometimes when you realise you missed a quest by skipping too far ahead in the quest that the breadcrumb was for. This then means that the breadcrumb is unavailable once that quest is...
File: Destinations10/29/15
Re: Re: Inaccessible Quests
Posted By: KriHavok
Hey, is it possible for quest markers to not appear for quests that you can't start? For example, in Coldharbour, depending on who you side with in the quest 'Into the Woods', you can only get one quest after it, either from the Lamia ('An Unusual Circumstance') or a quest from Faraniel ('The Shadow's Embrace'), which is different de...
File: Destinations10/28/15
Inaccessible Quests
Posted By: KriHavok
Hey, is it possible for quest markers to not appear for quests that you can't start? For example, in Coldharbour, depending on who you side with in the quest 'Into the Woods', you can only get one quest after it, either from the Lamia ('An Unusual Circumstance') or a quest from Faraniel ('The Shadow's Embrace'), which is different de...