Results: 6Comments by: MetalFranky
File: Circonians FilterIt04/28/15
How can we manage this, so? I'm now...
Posted By: MetalFranky
How can we manage this, so? I'm now trying to disable alla addons and see the result. EDIT: If i disable every addon and hold FilterIt used, it works properly. Thanks I will look at it. But in the mean time I managed to track down some code that another addon could run that would produce the problem (although I'm not sure its t...
File: Circonians FilterIt04/27/15
How can we manage this, so? I'm now...
Posted By: MetalFranky
How can we manage this, so? I'm now trying to disable alla addons and see the result. EDIT: If i disable every addon and hold FilterIt used, it works properly. Yeah that was my guess. By the first set of messages that shows the marks were actually applied. Which means that the marks "were" there, but are getting erased somehow...
File: Circonians FilterIt04/27/15 Tha...
Posted By: MetalFranky Thank you again. I hope to fix this problem soon <.< I've tried, but still can't reproduce it. Somehow the marks must be getting wiped out of the slotData, but I'm not even sure how that is possible. To test this theory could you install this version of FilterIt: FilterIt Bug Test Here is what it...
File: Circonians FilterIt04/26/15
First of all, thanks a lot for the...
Posted By: MetalFranky
First of all, thanks a lot for the answer ;). Yes, when i log out and back the items are still marked, but they appear in every window, and they can so be sold, deconstructed etc. In this situation, yes, they still show up in vendor window. Only if i unmark and remark them, they works properly, and do not show anymore. i am not us...
File: Circonians FilterIt04/26/15
I found a problem, maybe is somethi...
Posted By: MetalFranky
I found a problem, maybe is something just mine. After the last patch, every item tha i have in the inventory, even if marke, can be sold, researched or deconstructed. If i unmark and remark them, it temporally works properly, but when i log out and log in again it is the same before. How can i fix it? I have already sold many items...
File: Circonians FilterIt04/24/15
I found a problem, maybe is somethi...
Posted By: MetalFranky
I found a problem, maybe is something just mine. After the last patch, every item tha i have in the inventory, even if marke, can be sold, researched or deconstructed. If i unmark and remark them, it temporally works properly, but when i log out and log in again it is the same before. How can i fix it? I have already sold many items...