Results: 4Comments by: amoebae
File: Wykkyd Toolbar01/13/16
Odd problem: the soul gem icon has...
Posted By: amoebae
Odd problem: the soul gem icon has disappeared and been replaced with a red ? and the soul gems aren't being accurately checked (unfilled and filled showing up as 0/0 even though I have several of each in my inventory). It was working fine, this only started yesterday. ReloadUI didn't change it, neither did a full close and restar...
File: Wykkyd Toolbar01/13/16
Odd problem: the soul gem icon has...
Posted By: amoebae
Odd problem: the soul gem icon has disappeared and been replaced with a red ? and the soul gems aren't being accurately checked (unfilled and filled showing up as 0/0 even though I have several of each in my inventory). It was working fine, this only started yesterday. ReloadUI didn't change it, neither did a full close and restar...
File: AUI - Advanced UI01/12/16
I think I'm doing something spectac...
Posted By: amoebae
I think I'm doing something spectacularly wrong, because I can't get the action bar quickslots to work. This is the only module I'm using from this mod. I've got items assigned to my radial quickslots, and they are showing up on the quickslot action bar. I've assigned keybinds in Controls, and they are showing up on the quic...
File: AUI - Advanced UI01/12/16
I think I'm doing something spectac...
Posted By: amoebae
I think I'm doing something spectacularly wrong, because I can't get the action bar quickslots to work. This is the only module I'm using from this mod. I've got items assigned to my radial quickslots, and they are showing up on the quickslot action bar. I've assigned keybinds in Controls, and they are showing up on the quic...