Results: 533Comments by: M-ree
File: Bandits User Interface07/27/19
Re: Re: New bug
Posted By: M-ree
Is there a way to get heath bars for different types of NPCs colored differently Heath bars is not interface part. Post this request in ZoS forum. What do you mean? They most certainly are an interface part, and are customizable. Frankly, that's the main and almost only reason I don't use Bandit's outside trials, running with...
File: Item Saver07/20/19
The add-on gives following error on...
Posted By: M-ree
The add-on gives following error on load: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: table index is nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: in function 'ItemSaver_RegisterMarker' |caaaaaa markerInformation = tbl |r user:/AddOns/IS_AdvancedFiltersMarkerTextures/IS_AdvancedFiltersMarkerTextures.lua:7:...
File: Info Panel07/20/19
The fishing achievement info does n...
Posted By: M-ree
The fishing achievement info does not show anything in "customized" areas like CWC ("Oily" holes) or Artaeum ("Mystic"). Tested on english version. English version here, too. Actually, a correction. It does not show info in ANY DLC zone. My main just recently got the Master Angler and was fishing in CWC, so I thought on tha...
File: Bandits User Interface07/20/19
Is there a way to get heath bars fo...
Posted By: M-ree
Is there a way to get heath bars for different types of NPCs colored differently (i.e., invulnerable, civilian, guard, regular mob, "powered" mob, boss)?
File: Info Panel07/19/19
The fishing achievement info does n...
Posted By: M-ree
The fishing achievement info does not show anything in "customized" areas like CWC ("Oily" holes) or Artaeum ("Mystic").
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)07/16/19
There's a bit of a wording mistake....
Posted By: M-ree
There's a bit of a wording mistake. When the character inventory is full, PA gives following error: PA Banking: Could not move to Bank. Not enough space! Should be /from/ Bank, not /to/ ;)
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)07/14/19
Yes I identified the issue now; the...
Posted By: M-ree
Yes I identified the issue now; the problem is that there are items with 0 value that cannot be sold (e.g. items from Kari's Hit List cannot be sold at a fence), but to my knowledge there is no easy way to see if an item can be sold or not. But maybe it would not be necessary for regular Merchants; I need to look into this. I have...
File: Unboxer07/14/19
Unboxer does not unpack Half-Digest...
Posted By: M-ree
Unboxer does not unpack Half-Digested Document Pouches. Right-click shows Unboxer -> Dragon, the box is checked. Other (e.g., adventurer backpacks or mat sacks) dragon drops unbox ok. That's odd it's not working for you. I just tested on my account, and it's working... Are you sure you ha...
File: Unboxer07/08/19
Unboxer does not unpack Half-Digest...
Posted By: M-ree
Unboxer does not unpack Half-Digested Document Pouches. Right-click shows Unboxer -> Dragon, the box is checked. Other (e.g., adventurer backpacks or mat sacks) dragon drops unbox ok.
File: WritWorthy07/08/19
Really nice addon. Code looks great...
Posted By: M-ree
Really nice addon. Code looks great too. I enjoy the integration with libprice, and wonder if you could add an option to pick which source to use for prices? :) Libprice just grabs the first one it finds by default, so if you have both MM and TTC installed, you might end up with MM average when you want TTC suggested. I think you...
File: WritWorthy07/05/19
I tried to use this add-on w/o any...
Posted By: M-ree
I tried to use this add-on w/o any pricing source add-ons (I am not much of a seller, so MM is out of the question, and TTC needs the external exe so I don't often use it, either) and found that price fallback does not work properly. E.g., for tempers, while the add-on code has following prices hardcoded, they mostly resolve to si...
File: WritWorthy07/05/19
I tried to use this add-on w/o any...
Posted By: M-ree
I tried to use this add-on w/o any pricing source add-ons (I am not much of a seller, so MM is out of the question, and TTC needs the external exe so I don't often use it, either) and found that price fallback does not work properly. E.g., for tempers, while the add-on code has following prices hardcoded, they mostly resolve to si...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker07/05/19
... That totally sailed a few feet...
Posted By: M-ree
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears :) I know what github is, but that's it :) ... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet). It's a way for you to share your changes. Check out: I will be a...
File: AUI - Advanced UI07/03/19
To anyone having a minimap issue ri...
Posted By: M-ree
To anyone having a minimap issue right now, this should fix it. Go to AUI\modules\minimap\classes\MapPinClass.lua, open that in notepad and change "IsImperialCityGate()" to "IsImperialCityPin()" Hello deflorate, thank you for this hint, but I think it is better to remove it instead because ZOS removed all ImperialCityGate s...
File: JunkBuster07/03/19
I'm sorry that I can't provide any...
Posted By: M-ree
I'm sorry that I can't provide any of the requested new features with this initial update for Elsweyr. Many of those suggested by people here I find very good and would truely love to implement. But sadly right now I just can't seem to find the time required to propperly do that. This is mostly because I'm currently head of a not so...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)06/20/19
- changed the functionality of the...
Posted By: M-ree
- changed the functionality of the "Visit Primary Residence" button: You get now a list of all of your houses. Primary Residence is on top. In upcoming updates we plan to improve the feature to port to your own houses. Your feedback is always welcome. Maybe make an option to "bookmark" someone else's house? You know, would be real...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker06/16/19
... That totally sailed a few feet...
Posted By: M-ree
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears :) I know what github is, but that's it :) ... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet). It's a way for you to share your changes. Check out: I will be a...
File: Mass Deconstructor06/11/19
Re: Glyphs
Posted By: M-ree
It will not allow me to mass decon at the enchanting table. It does list items to decon, but no buttons appear at the bottom of the screen. Check with other add-ons (esp. craftstore) disabled. ... You can use craftstore's mass decon glyphs button, too, if you have it.
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker06/03/19
Those are both good ideas if I get...
Posted By: M-ree
Those are both good ideas if I get to making new features. You are also welcome to make a pull request on github if you end up implementing that yourself. ... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears :) I know what github is, but that's it :) ... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailie...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter06/01/19
Can dismissal in Mournhold be tight...
Posted By: M-ree
Can dismissal in Mournhold be tightened down, please? It fires up essentially every time I leave town thru the gate where the turn in location is, even when I have no writs active, and even if I just take the south or west roads, not actually getting anywhere close enough to the boxes. Edit: Same with Vivec. Just passing through t...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated06/01/19
Miscellaneous - Disguise filter doe...
Posted By: M-ree
Miscellaneous - Disguise filter doesn't seem to work. It is always greyed out, even when the disguise type items are in inventory.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter05/10/19
Re: Re: Pet keeps getting unsummoned
Posted By: M-ree
I see in the changelog you added something for unsummoning pets in crafting areas, well it's really playing havoc with my sorc pet, it keeps disappearing at the worst possible time like walking in rivenspire not even in a town ! Please remove the feature or allows us to make it inactive. (i did check, it's definitely caused by the a...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter05/10/19
Similar to Sp00sty, getting random...
Posted By: M-ree
Similar to Sp00sty, getting random errors. None on withdraw, but 50/50 on master writ accept/turn in and on teleport when there's an accepted master writ quest: On quest accept: ....Looking at those errors tells me they aren't from this addon but from Crafting Writ Assistant Oops. That's strange though, 'cause I don't have tha...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)05/10/19
Re: Question about Auto Selling
Posted By: M-ree
Does it automatically sell all stolen items ( if option turned on ) to Fences? Some Items I want to launder instead. If it does would it be possible to separate the sell junk items to vendors and sell items to fences to two different options. Thanks for this amazing addon. It has replaced about 3 or 4 other addons.:banana: Sec...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)05/10/19
Great mod! Finally a replacement fo...
Posted By: M-ree
Great mod! Finally a replacement for BMR (having 40 meg savedvariable for that :D) Option to check known recipe/motif sounds great. I was just about to ask for it. Thanks for your positive feedback! :) Yeah, that feature is being finalized right now and I want to release it before end of this week. Heh. If talking of finalizi...