Results: 533Comments by: M-ree
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)03/19/23
Suggestion: add an option to post h...
Posted By: M-ree
Suggestion: add an option to post house links to chat. First, let me clarify that we never try to rebuild Port to Friend's House. Thats why house features will always be limited in BeamMeUp. With the integration tab we already try to harmonize both addons. However, this kind of feature is actually implemented in BeamMeUp. Inst...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)03/18/23
Suggestion: add an option to post h...
Posted By: M-ree
Suggestion: add an option to post house links to chat.
File: Unboxer03/17/23
Ugh. Stolen shipments most certainl...
Posted By: M-ree
Ugh. Stolen shipments most certainly need to be moved to a separate category from laundered. They ain't even mentioned in that section.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/12/23
I have noticed that LWC pulls prefa...
Posted By: M-ree
I have noticed that LWC pulls prefabs out of the bank when you access the housing storage. It's definitely an unexpected and undesirable behavior. Actually, this was intentionally coded. In your house the inventory functions are a little more open. I see no point in forcing the player to interact with a specific storage box when t...
File: FCO Companion03/11/23
Ok, now I am confused. Do you mean...
Posted By: M-ree
Ok, now I am confused. Do you mean junk markers per se being saved per character, or the option to enable them? All of that is saved "per character" only, due to limitations within the API and junk bahaviour accoun wide data was not easily doable. I did not split it up so that the "Enable companion junk" is saved per account but t...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/11/23
I have noticed that LWC pulls prefa...
Posted By: M-ree
I have noticed that LWC pulls prefabs out of the bank when you access the housing storage. It's definitely an unexpected and undesirable behavior.
File: FCO Companion03/11/23
Ok, now I am confused. Do you mean...
Posted By: M-ree
Ok, now I am confused. Do you mean junk markers per se being saved per character, or the option to enable them? All of that is saved "per character" only, due to limitations within the API and junk bahaviour accoun wide data was not easily doable. I did not split it up so that the "Enable companion junk" is saved per account but t...
File: FCO Companion03/10/23
The junk markers only will save per...
Posted By: M-ree
The junk markers only will save per toon, not per acount. That's restricted and cannot be changed! I've added that to the description, thanks for the reminder. Ok, now I am confused. Do you mean junk markers per se being saved per character, or the option to enable them? Also, on closer testing, the option to unsummon on fishing...
File: FCO Companion03/10/23
For whatever reason, I can't get FC...
Posted By: M-ree
For whatever reason, I can't get FCO companion save the settings. It is set to "Account wide" and I switch on marking companion gear as junk and unsummoning companions when fishing. But I have to do it every single time I log in. I have tried a reinstall and even with no other add-ons (save dependencies), same thing. Any ideas...
File: Thief Tools02/21/23
I have noticed that for some reason...
Posted By: M-ree
I have noticed that for some reason, the countdown timer no longer takes the Swiftly Forgotten passive into account. Dunno if something changed in the game, or what else, nor how to check why.
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)02/18/23
Just noticed that the Companions -...
Posted By: M-ree
Just noticed that the Companions - Equipment: Weapons, Accessories tab lists bows and staves as "2H", not their actual type (bow/destro/resto). Same with shields showing as "1H". Would be better to show the actual skill used. Bows and staves are actually two-handed items, so "2H" is the correct type. Also with shields, which are...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter02/18/23
Can you please add an option to cho...
Posted By: M-ree
Can you please add an option to choose whether to use the style stones with minimum count? As is, LWC seems to use the highest count stones first, trying to keep their amounts as even as possible -- which makes sense when you have lots of them, especially in a craftbag. Now when you don't have ESO+ and carry them in inventory, you...
File: Character Knowledge (Scribing, Motif, Recipe, and Furnishing Plan Tracker)02/18/23
Hi. A suggestion/question. Do you k...
Posted By: M-ree
Hi. A suggestion/question. Do you know if there is any add-on that can add pop-ups with motif page sources? Or, can you add that?
File: Character Knowledge (Scribing, Motif, Recipe, and Furnishing Plan Tracker)02/18/23
Love this addon. I have four a...
Posted By: M-ree
Love this addon. I have four accounts that can log in here (my account and my three children also), and we routinely have to use different computers. Usually I get each account logged into my main one in order to consolidate the lists, but there are three outstanding unsolved issues: 1) Tracking Style Pages and Runebox collec...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)02/16/23
Just noticed that the Companions -...
Posted By: M-ree
Just noticed that the Companions - Equipment: Weapons, Accessories tab lists bows and staves as "2H", not their actual type (bow/destro/resto). Same with shields showing as "1H". Would be better to show the actual skill used. Also, another suggestion. Can you add actual skill XP acquired/needed on hover over skills for companions?
File: FCO Companion02/10/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Settings per companion
Posted By: M-ree
I think there already exist other companion addons which respect these rapport driven stuff, like prevent bug collection while Mirri is out etc. Actually, that add-on does not /prevent/ bug collection (unlike e.g. Lazy Writ Crafter actually preventing stealing), it only hides the prompt, but if you tap E or whatever have you when...
File: FCO Companion02/10/23
Re: Re: Re: Settings per companion
Posted By: M-ree
Hello, could we maybe get an option for settings per companion, since they like/dislike different things? Which use case would come to your mind here for the existing settings? I'm not going to add respawn after crafting etc. as a setting dependent per companion. Ember likes pickpocketing and similar - but Isobel & Basti do no...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)01/31/23
Re: Re: Re: Enhancement Request
Posted By: M-ree
Also, a question. What exactly does "post today pledges to chat" do? It shows both left mouse and right mouse in tool-tip, but I found no difference in what happens when I click either. Indeed, the left and right mouse buttons do the same job when the game client is using EN localization. For other localizations, the right mouse...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)01/30/23
Looks like we finally getting away...
Posted By: M-ree
Looks like we finally getting away with 20h timers: PTS Update 37 Base Game Daily/Weekly Reset Timer Updates Many daily timers have been aligned to the same time as the Daily Login Reward (3am UTC for European servers and 10am UTC for No...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)01/30/23
Re: House Nicknames
Posted By: M-ree
Just updated, and in the housing tab, it's no longer allowing you to show (and therefore sort) by nicknames. Loved that feature. Yeah, noticed that as well. Went thru all settings, couldn't find it anymore.
File: Event Tracker01/26/23
For whatever reason, tickets gained...
Posted By: M-ree
For whatever reason, tickets gained for S Elsweyr dragon hunt are not tracked. Got both tickets, the add-on still shows S Elsweyr as available. Edit: Same thing on another account. Gonna try with non-dragon quest for S Elsweyr tomorrow. Edit2: Folks in guild had it not trigger on S Elsweyr boss daily ticket, either.
File: CraftStore Gold Road01/26/23
Does this addon tell you when an al...
Posted By: M-ree
Does this addon tell you when an alt finishes (or has finished) researching something? I am trying to find out which of my addons do that. Then I want to find out if I can make that happen on demand rather than doing whatever limited action triggers that. It definitely can do it, and when enabled, does so either on log-on, or...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)01/24/23
And another suggestion. Can you add...
Posted By: M-ree
And another suggestion. Can you add housing storage (unlock status and free/space) to the inventory space page?
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)01/24/23
Re: Enhancement Request
Posted By: M-ree
Hello! LOVE LOVE LOVE this add-on! Saves me a ton of time and spreadsheets, like many others here. :D I was wondering if it's possible to add a tab for Wayshrines known by character and zone? When I spin up a new toon, one of my vets ports them around to every wayshrine to level up (can get about 6 levels running a scroll), and s...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)01/22/23
Re: Enhancement Request
Posted By: M-ree
Another suggestion. Can you make the add-on remember which window/tab each character had open? I was thinking about it for a week or two already, 'cause for example, I am mostly interested in companions rapport for some characters, PvP on others, etc. Also, a question. What exactly does "post today pledges to chat" do? It shows...