Results: 163Comments by: tim99
File: New Life Festival01/02/22
BeamMeUp is checking for any guy in...
Posted By: tim99
BeamMeUp is checking for any guy in the zone, not at a special wayshrine (addons cannot detect where someone is, at what particular wayshrine), so you do not need to integrate anything here. Just right click the zone "Eastmarch" etc. in BeamMeUp's UI and add it to your favorite and then it will be at the top of your lists during t...
File: New Life Festival01/01/22
Grrrrrrrrrreat news mate! :banana:...
Posted By: tim99
Grrrrrrrrrreat news mate! :banana: Again, thanks for your time and your work :D oh, and just uploaded another version which includes an option for the amount of tickets. totally forgot about that in the last one :rolleyes: Couldn't test it very much, because already got tickets for today but we will see if the number is correct o...
File: New Life Festival01/01/22
Can't answer in detail any more, my...
Posted By: tim99
Can't answer in detail any more, my mind gets overloaded with the quotes and quotes of the quotes. In summary: :D For the Reapers March the setting to choose if you wanna port to the house or to the wayshrine is implemented and uploaded. I also disabled some annoying guys, "Galthonor" in Reapers' March and "Dagnir Hard-Heart...
File: New Life Festival01/01/22
I was dubious about using the addon...
Posted By: tim99
I was dubious about using the addon, not the addon itself but the fact I would use it instead of going to the wayshrine next to Breda and keep traveling "the old fancy way :D "... Well, i agree. For that point of view the addon is absolutely bad. Sometimes i stand 10 meters next to a wayshrine and prefer to fasttravel for gold anywa...
File: New Life Festival12/31/21
I don't know how in-depth you want...
Posted By: tim99
I don't know how in-depth you want to get with this addon, but if the appearance of the wayshrine icon does bother you because you couldn't find the original one in the game, I wonder if the authors of PointsofColor might be able to direct you to it. They were all over the map icons and essentially recolored/retextured all of the van...
File: AlphaStyle (Outfit, Mount, Pet, Collectibles)12/29/21
So... sad story... I decided to try...
Posted By: tim99
So... sad story... I decided to try and have a jab at fixing it myself, and while doing so noticed that Minion had downgraded me back to 0.0.5, for whatever reason... Manually patching it back to Baertram's custom 0.0.6 version fixes it once again... Any chance this can either be placed here, or be created as a separate "AlphaStyle...
File: New Life Festival12/29/21
Yeah, I had a feeling it might be s...
Posted By: tim99
Yeah, I had a feeling it might be something like that, as far as outside/inside the house. What about TP'ing to the Kynesgrove shrine instead of the globe house? Or maybe you could add a toggle in the options to choose your location for the "Return to Breda" button as either the globe house for those who own it, or the wayshrine for...
File: New Life Festival12/28/21
- For returning to Breda, I do like...
Posted By: tim99
- For returning to Breda, I do like the house icon rather than the mousewheel, which I'm already using for weapon swap, LOL. So for the transport itself, it takes you actually into the globe itself, and then you still have to go through a loadscreen and then at that point you're standing right beside Breda which is very nice. But the...
File: New Life Festival12/28/21
would it be possible to automatical...
Posted By: tim99
would it be possible to automatically pick up the next quest from Breda after turning in That's the spirit! :D You have a new option in the addon menu: "Accept Bredas follow-up quest". how about a SHFT-click or CTL-click to return to the Kynesgrove shrine near the pavilion? I actually thought about this. Had something like "Mo...
File: Inventory Insight12/27/21
In case someone else is close of go...
Posted By: tim99
In case someone else is close of going crazy because in the overview it just shows "IIfA" instead of the full name: change the textfile "IIfA.txt" (with Notepad++ e.g.) from this: to this: And we are back to normal: h...
File: New Life Festival12/25/21
had a couple sleepless nights and r...
Posted By: tim99
had a couple sleepless nights and rewrote most of the functionality. Too bad it will be useless in a couple days :D During the rewrite i also renamed the folder of the addon, realized too late, that Minion will not know this... So if you get an Lua-Error at the start like "Object alreday exists", pls delete the folder in your add...
File: New Life Festival12/18/21
Your function tny.onSceneChangeAll(...
Posted By: tim99
Your function tny.onSceneChangeAll(oldState, newState) would not be needed if you use your exisitng fragment code. Create your own TopLevelControl for the quest UI: You did that already. Create a scene fragment (ZO_SimpleSceneFragment is enough, you do not need to always use ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment). Add the TLC to that fragment....
File: New Life Festival12/18/21
How can I turn off: Skips some que...
Posted By: tim99
How can I turn off: Skips some quest-dialogues (in work) I don't use those features in any addons. Why? Because I want the option to read and re-read stuff. Didn't even thought about that :D But it's 10 different quests, you can do them on 18 characters each day.. do you really read the texts 180 times every day? And the next d...
File: New Life Festival12/17/21
Re: Ru lang
Posted By: tim99
Hi, can u add it for ru client? thx, added it. It doesn't always register a completed quest. Today it missed Mud Ball, Fish Boon, and War Orphan. Strange, never happened to me. However, i took the english names from UESP. There might be some weird signs or blanks in it ingame. So would be cool if you can monitor it, if it's alway...
File: tim99s Toolbar12/07/21 :D...
Posted By: tim99 :D
File: IsJusta Favorite Collectibles12/06/21
I love this addon, thank you. Makes...
Posted By: tim99
I love this addon, thank you. Makes spamming totems and swapping around fancy hats easier :D same. :D Just have one tiny request still: is it possible to get rif of the "welcome" message? Too much addons telling me their version when i loggin/reloadui. :) edit: oh, i have some more t...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)11/29/21
not 100% sure about this, but was t...
Posted By: tim99
not 100% sure about this, but was there a change in the (vanilla-) behaviour of minimizing the chat in menus? -talking to banker doesn't minimize (while switched the setting "off", same with deactivated addon) -talking to trader does minimize (while switched the setting "off", same with deactivated addon) when switched the settin...
File: Quest Buddy11/17/21
Some even went far and made fun of...
Posted By: tim99
Some even went far and made fun of the small userbase sometimes eso really seems to be a magnet for human trash 😂
File: LorebooksColoredLibrary11/15/21
Re: You are amazing
Posted By: tim99
love it :D 👍
File: Bandits User Interface11/12/21
Hi, i think for the pets in BUI_Eve...
Posted By: tim99
Hi, i think for the pets in BUI_Events the ZoneId and Lobby of the BW-Trial are: local TrialZones,TrialNames={ ... 1263, --Rockgrove },{} local TrialLobby={...,u30_rg=true} (1263 and u30_rg)
File: PvDoor11/11/21
guess saras has a new fav :D
Posted By: tim99
guess saras has a new fav :D
File: Essential Housing Tools10/28/21
me :eek: ... having a heart attack...
Posted By: tim99
me :eek: ... having a heart attack at home: ;) btw. awesome :D
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)10/14/21
Is there are a way to split up the...
Posted By: tim99
Is there are a way to split up the behaviour of the auto-selling to a normal trader and the stolen things to a dealer in the options? I would love to auto-sell junk to trader, but not auto-sell stolen things to the dealer in the outlaw zones. Right now it seems there is one option, which handles both, if i didnt miss anything. :(
File: DO NOT USE - IsJusta Writ Helper (WIP)09/14/21
Re: need opinions
Posted By: tim99
I've been thinking of options for the writ pannel. 2 for sure :)
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter09/14/21
@Dolgubon The fix didn't take....
Posted By: tim99
@Dolgubon The fix didn't take. The addon resets itself to one of the other options as soon as the Settings window is closed. The addon then starts looting hirelings as soon as mail window is opened. ah thats why "Postmaster" was so confused to find half of them as empty mails. And i was too. :D