Results: 163Comments by: tim99
File: LoreBooks11/26/19
Hi, just wanna give the idea, to c...
Posted By: tim99
Hi, just wanna give the idea, to color the library for completion status. Like this (photoshoped, screenshot is in german, but its just the colors what i'm after)
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter11/13/19
Not sure if this was already discus...
Posted By: tim99
Not sure if this was already discussed here, but for me jewelry master writs are not working, even thow it is switched on in the settings and all material is present. It works for daily jewelry writs. I use the german client. Dolgubon does not support master writs, use WritWorthy I' always a little confused about this. The ad...
File: Urich's Skill Point Finder11/03/19
Re: Offline Character dungeon list
Posted By: tim99
Hello, Is there any way you could add an offline feature to this, or a way to look up all your characters to see which dungeons have been completed by which characters? I think this would be a great tool. As of now, I have to log into each character to see if they need a certain dungeon and that can be time consuming to say th...
File: Plunder Skull Timer (2022 Witches Festival)10/24/19
it works, but i think they changed...
Posted By: tim99
it works, but i think they changed something on the cooldown. i was running around in a public dungeon so far, and sometimes a get a skull after 4 minutes, sometimes even after 2 min. So it seems its not always 3 min?
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition09/24/19
But i found a small bug as well :D...
Posted By: tim99
But i found a small bug as well :D I have the settings enabled, to store all furniture automatically to bank. So when i pick it up from the bank, go to a housing storage ("furniture"-storagebox in my case), open it: it puts the things back to the banker. So i cant insert it any more in the storage-box :D I need to disable the sett...
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition09/24/19
Hi, i have another 2 ideas which w...
Posted By: tim99
Hi, i have another 2 ideas which would make out of a perfect addon an perfect_x_2 addon ;) but its requesting on high level, like 1st world problem :D 1) i just realized, Eso+ with crafting, if i choice every option for armour (light, med, heavy, woodworking...) to "move to bank" it doesnt move any set armour. Is this WAI or a b...
File: Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition09/17/19
Hi, i have another 2 ideas which w...
Posted By: tim99
Hi, i have another 2 ideas which would make out of a perfect addon an perfect_x_2 addon ;) but its requesting on high level, like 1st world problem :D 1) i just realized, Eso+ with crafting, if i choice every option for armour (light, med, heavy, woodworking...) to "move to bank" it doesnt move any set armour. Is this WAI or a b...
File: Static's Quickslot Profiles08/30/19
Hi, i have nearly the same config l...
Posted By: tim99
Hi, i have nearly the same config like in the addon-preview screenshot (pve, cyro, ic, rp, while rp is mostly throwing things at people like mudball, cakes, crows...) :D it would be really great, if the addon would change pve, pvp and ic automatically, e.g. if you enter cyro it uses "pvp". i talked to Baertram, and he already...
File: Action Duration Reminder08/30/19
Re: Re: Re: Timer disappear when killing mob
Posted By: tim99
As title says, anyone else have problem with the timers dissapearing everytime a mob is killed? Im wondering if its any other addons that make this not work well anymore. However it did work flawlessly before scalebreaker (and i have not changed other addons). Cheers! Avantor Yes thats what i meant on my previous post. T...
File: Furniture Catalogue05/27/19
Posted By: tim99
Hi, is it jusz me or is the crafting table for jewelry missing? all other tables are there?
File: FCO ItemSaver04/21/19
Thanks, we found the reason. I've...
Posted By: tim99
Thanks, we found the reason. I've coded the addon panel in a way which was changed in LAM r27. Will fix it soon and use the new feedback methods of LAM r27 I've implemented there then. :banana:
File: FCO ItemSaver04/21/19
Posted By: tim99 no error, just empty
File: Thief Tools05/12/18
hey, would it be possible to add...
Posted By: tim99
hey, would it be possible to add a smal window to toggle with whole account info of sales? that would be nice :) sometimes i dont know with wish chars i sold my stuff + maybe just a small frame, which only opens and loads data after activating by a keybind e.g? i also have the problem, that sometimes the bar gets hidden af...