Results: 84Comments by: sora0v0
File: Lui Extended07/20/23
A request
Posted By: sora0v0
I have used some slash commands by this addon. So I want to change my role by text command. For example : /changerole tank /changerole healer /changerole dps Can you please add such a function?
File: Wizard's Wardrobe07/17/23
Re: About save styles
Posted By: sora0v0
I'd like to see the difference in builds with each styles. Is there a way to save the style at the same time the build is saved? Also, could you add that function? I can set by lua command with slash. And I want to change rore to each builds. Does anyone know how to change role (dps to tank or healer) by command? An example,...
File: Wizard's Wardrobe07/16/23
About save styles
Posted By: sora0v0
I'd like to see the difference in builds with each styles. Is there a way to save the style at the same time the build is saved? Also, could you add that function?
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/13/23
Option of remove from the quest list
Posted By: sora0v0
Is it possible to add an option to automatically remove from the quest list daily crafts that were not completed the day before?
File: Group Synergy Tracker03/20/23
Update it for new version.
Posted By: sora0v0
File: Group Synergy Tracker03/20/23
Currently, the addon can't see orb and shard synergy timer.
Posted By: sora0v0
On new base game version, skill ids were changed. Sorry I checked only orb and shard timer. If you change id to below, the timer moving succeed. Line 369 : GST.ids = "Orb/Shard" -- Necrotic Orbs GST.ids = "Orb/Shard" -- Energy Orbs GST.ids = "Orb/Shard" -- Blessed Shards GST.ids = "Orb/Sha...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker08/26/22
Debuff's stack points
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello again. I want to see debuff's stack points. For example, "Coral Aerie" first boss mechanics bebuff. Sorry I don't know this English name. Currently I escaped it 7 stacks from other player voice calling. Does it have the way or schedule adding it?
File: Lui Extended07/10/22
I want to see my title
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello, I want to see my title in "Display Your Name" on "CUSTOM UNIT FLAME (PLAYER & TARGET)". Are there the way? or if it isn't, please add it to side on my name for each langage.
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)06/25/22
Re: Re: Re: UI error happened
Posted By: sora0v0
Today we came to new Nirn! But when I use it with "Campion Point Slot", I had UI error. Please check it and fix it or tell the solutions. OK! I found the solution, After I load all each CP profile on base addon, my interface didnt put errors. What do you mean by loading your CP profile on base addon? I still get this error and...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker06/18/22
About proc effect
Posted By: sora0v0
My toon has 10 builds, so each builds have other procs. But when I change Build1 to Build2, Build1's proc effect leave on Build2 on "Cooldown Action bar". Build1 proc bar: "Ice hart" Build2 proc bar: "Symphony of blades" and "Winter respite" After Build2 seen on the bar : "Ice hart", "Symphony of blades" and "Winter resp...
File: LootDrop Reborn06/18/22
TransmuteCrystals name for Japanese
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello! you wrote below on language file. ja.lua : L.TransmuteCrystals = "クリスタルを変身させる" L.TransmuteCrystalstip = "Transmute Crystalsを表示する必要がありますか?" B...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker06/12/22
About Blood Curse debuff
Posted By: sora0v0
I set Blood Curse debuff to a boss, but the debuff counter delete when I bash again to him. But the affect doesn't delete from him. Is it possible to prevent the debuff from disappearing when bashing many times? Bashing many times is necessary for "TURNING TIDE" or "DRAKE'S RUSH".
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)06/06/22
Re: UI error happened
Posted By: sora0v0
Today we came to new Nirn! But when I use it with "Campion Point Slot", I had UI error. Please check it and fix it or tell the solutions. OK! I found the solution, After I load all each CP profile on base addon, my interface didnt put errors.
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)06/06/22
UI error happened
Posted By: sora0v0
Today we came to new Nirn! But when I use it with "Campion Point Slot", I had UI error. Please check it and fix it or tell the solutions.
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)03/22/22
Re: Re: Want to request for automation change each roles
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello Mesota. Im using this add-on everyday. I have 8 builds to one toon, it has each roles to each builds. So I want you to add this system on this add-on. Method : Build1: dps build (solo) => automation change to dps role Build2: dps build (group and trial) => automation change to dps role Build3: tank build => automation...
File: pChat - jp Nickname Patch03/20/22
Posted By: sora0v0
こんにちは。 ニックネームパッチたのしく使わせてもらっています。 こちら表示がとなって...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)03/19/22
Want to request for automation change each roles
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello Mesota. Im using this add-on everyday. I have 8 builds to one toon, it has each roles to each builds. So I want you to add this system on this add-on. Method : Build1: dps build (solo) => automation change to dps role Build2: dps build (group and trial) => automation change to dps role Build3: tank build => automation...
File: Wizard's Wardrobe02/25/22
Request again, please add this thinking.
Posted By: sora0v0
I used this addon, I felt its a best addon. But I want to see different style on each build, because I understand my build by each appearance when I used alpha gear. So I want you to add a function of change the styles according to each build. And my builds are changing for each roles. I want the role to change from build to bui...
File: Wizard's Wardrobe01/26/22
Request : I want to equip builds with style and change our role
Posted By: sora0v0
Hello, I tried it, and I want to equip builds with style. But I couldn't find this way. Please tell me the way if there is it or add affection equip style system. And please add system of changing role with each build. (I have 8 builds on my main templar, it can do all role to dungeons and trial.) It is important for my role play.
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)01/24/22
I have a request again
Posted By: sora0v0
I use this addon everyday, and I use this the most. I have 8 builds of my templar toon, it can do all roles by 1 character by the builds. So each builds have a group role that we want to change it together. Is it possible to add the role change function and role mark in the add-on? If this is added, this add-on will be perfect fo...
File: Display Leads - with Location Info - JP PATCH01/21/22
Please only contain addon relates f...
Posted By: sora0v0
Please only contain addon relates files no MACOSX or github files. Pelase remove these files from the zip archive: displayleads/.DS_Store - 262 b __MACOSX/displayleads/._.DS_Store - 53 b Thank you the advice, I have changed archive software for win PC. Please check it again.:p
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)01/06/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bug and worry point to me
Posted By: sora0v0
Thank you fixed my one issue. And I have ideas for my another issue. I don't have knowledge of addon's (lua) syntax, so could you think the way with my ideas? idea1 : set1 (ex : mask1 set1 set2 and pale order ring) to unequip all gears to set2 (ex : mask2 set3 set4 and kilt) There is no equipment in the middle, So th...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)01/04/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bug and worry point to me
Posted By: sora0v0
Bug : I want to use it with "champion point slot" addon, but the "ON" switch is gray. I can't push it. My langage is "jp", If everything else works, this may be involved Worry : If I set one relic armor to other one, I can't set it. because the system found 2 relics to my gears. For example; mask1 set1 set2 and pale order rin...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)01/02/22
Bug and worry point to me
Posted By: sora0v0
Bug : I want to use it with "champion point slot" addon, but the "ON" switch is gray. I can't push it. My langage is "jp", If everything else works, this may be involved Worry : If I set one relic armor to other one, I can't set it. because the system found 2 relics to my gears. For example; mask1 set1 set2 and pale order rin...
File: AlphaGear 312/29/21
it can't set gear if excavation item to other it
Posted By: sora0v0
So I want to modify it, so I think "sleep" syntax can success it. If anyone know addon's sleep syntax, please tell me. or if you know other solutions, please tell me.