Results: 7Comments by: sfada
File: MyStatusWindow05/18/14
Re: Re: error at level 50
Posted By: sfada
Just a heads up, I got a Display / UI error after I fed my horse and got it to level 50. Not a huge issue, after I hit lvl 50, the timer isn't really needed so I turned it off and the error went with it. Was this with the latest version (2.5)? Thanks for the word on the drag bar. I completely forgot the need to keep it fr...
File: MyStatusWindow05/18/14
Re: Re: error at level 50
Posted By: sfada
Just a heads up, I got a Display / UI error after I fed my horse and got it to level 50. Not a huge issue, after I hit lvl 50, the timer isn't really needed so I turned it off and the error went with it. Was this with the latest version (2.5)? Thanks for the word on the drag bar. I completely forgot the need to keep it fr...
File: MyStatusWindow05/18/14
error at level 50
Posted By: sfada
Just a heads up, I got a Display / UI error after I fed my horse and got it to level 50. Not a huge issue, after I hit lvl 50, the timer isn't really needed so I turned it off and the error went with it. Another strange bug I encountered, I managed to move the "dragable area" of the status window off the screen by repeatedly t...
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)05/10/14
Re: Suggestion
Posted By: sfada
I'm tired of having to run from my guild bank to a cooking fire and back and forth to work out what i can make and how many. is there a way you can make a list or something so that i know what recipes i have and what they need? that would make this addon indispensible. If I understand you correctly, Recipebook will do that. http:/...
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)05/10/14
Feature Request - Filtering
Posted By: sfada
Thanks for an awesome addon! I hope you consider my request: It would be awesome to have the ability from the cooking screen to also filter the recipes for up to a given level and also a given color. For example, if I only wanted to see my blue (or purple) recipes that are usable by a lvl 32 character. Thanks again!
File: AI Research Grid05/10/14
close the grid when alt is pressed.
Posted By: sfada
Hey so I was thinking when I have the grid open (when i'm deconstructing items) it would be nice if when I pressed the alt key that the grid closed with all the other windows I have open. Maybe also to have it remember that it was open and pop it back up when I hit alt again? Thanks for an awesome addon!
File: Recipe Book - View All Known Recipes Anytime!05/04/14
Feature Request - For selling
Posted By: sfada
I like the 3 sort options currently available, but I'd really like it if there was a sort that would show me the best order for what foods or drinks to make and how many of each for the single purpose of selling to a vendor for the best possible price. This sort could also assume that the food would be made in the order it suggests...