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Wobin 06/03/14 09:47 PM

I write addons because I feel there's a lack in the UI that doesn't supply the functionality I would like. It makes it hard to work on 'request' addons unless I feel it's correcting an issue I had not noticed. I tend to write addons that try to require the least amount of future maintenance, just due to laziness, also, it's a nice excuse to keep the scope of the addon relatively clean =)

Donations -are- nice, I admit, but they're just that, donations, completely voluntary on the part of the donor. They certainly make my day, but it's not something in any way expected. Download numbers make me happy that what I've done is of use to so many people.

I was fairly deep in the addon writing in WoW to begin with, and really it was the only thing that kept me playing after a few years, although it was mostly the community I was participating in, in IRC and the like, and many friendships made there have lasted well beyond the MMO subscription itself.

I really enjoy trying to figure out solutions to issues, and when there -is- a way to solve it, that's the majority of the fun I get out of addon writing. Talking things out with other addon devs, helping them solve their own issues, or getting them to solve mine makes for much of the 'job satisfaction' so to speak.

I'm currently not playing as much ESO, as others have mentioned, looking at Wildstar atm, getting a grip on the way Carbine do stuff.

katkat42 06/04/14 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by ingeniousclown (Post 9062)
Oh, yeah. I expected to love this game for at least three months. Bought a 3-month sub, but haven't played much at all. The I'm discontinuing my support once I lose my sub :P

Will you be adopting out any of your add-ons to new maintainers when you leave ESO? I'm quite fond of Advanced Filters, and I'm better at maintaining complex code than I am at writing it... :p :D

ingeniousclown 06/04/14 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by katkat42 (Post 9084)
Will you be adopting out any of your add-ons to new maintainers when you leave ESO? I'm quite fond of Advanced Filters, and I'm better at maintaining complex code than I am at writing it... :p :D

Definitely. It'd be a shame to let my stuff die.

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