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Rhyono 12/06/17 06:03 PM

Did you remember to exempt crafting skills that you start with points in (order changes by language)?

Ayantir 12/07/17 04:21 AM

Did you read my code paste ? :(

*feels ignored* :(

fritzOSU03 12/07/17 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 33333)
Did you read my code paste ? :(

*feels ignored* :(

Haha, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just going through the stages of grief in dealing with the fact that so much code is required because GetUsedSkillPoints() and/or GetEarnedSkillPoints() isn't in the API (poke @ZOS_ChipHilseberg). I've gotten past denial, anger, and bargaining and I'm closing in on depression and acceptance. :banana:

Seriously though, I've looked at both your addon, which I have had for a while now, and SpentSkillPoints. Both do something similar. I suppose I'll start hacking away at it today. I need to try to do it in a way that I don't need to preserve another big table of data. Keeping track of all of the skill point achievements, skyshards, and quests is already a lot to maintain. And that's on top of all of the individual points being stored in another big table so that the GUI can be accurately displayed.

Rhyono 12/07/17 10:03 AM

I went through this recently for an addition for CS and I chose the lazy way out and borrowed SSP. Out of all of the weird obscure things ZOS DOES let us check on, they couldn't give us a function to access something extremely useful?

fritzOSU03 12/07/17 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 33336)
I went through this recently for an addition for CS and I chose the lazy way out and borrowed SSP. Out of all of the weird obscure things ZOS DOES let us check on, they couldn't give us a function to access something extremely useful?

Yeah, I know what you mean. Makes me feel dirty when I have to hack up bits of code to make it work. And you know the info is there because the re-spec skill points shrine doesn't just magically know how many to give you.

fritzOSU03 12/08/17 02:49 PM

Well I was able to identify the two-point difference on all but one of my characters by going through the skills tree. Oddly enough, my main is actually showing one skill point that he doesn't actually have. Someone mentioned that there were some issues at some point with public dungeon group boss events not properly awarding a skill point. I'd be interested in hearing if any of you know any of the details about that. Anyway, I went ahead and published the addon in case any of you would like to give it a try. Thanks for all your help.

Ayantir 12/08/17 03:27 PM

I think you should consider more the language switch in craft.
and also the vampire / ww skilllines removed but not respec'ed.

fritzOSU03 12/08/17 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 33345)
I think you should consider more the language switch in craft.
and also the vampire / ww skilllines removed but not respec'ed.

What exactly do you mean by the language switch in craft? I'm checking those lines in the first and second tiers by their global values, not by their order. Only at the lowest level am I checking by the skill order. What am I missing?
Lua Code:
  1. local enchantingSkillType, enchantingSkillLine = GetCraftingSkillLineIndices(CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING)
  2. local provisionSkillType, provisionSkillLine = GetCraftingSkillLineIndices(CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING)
  4. if skillType == SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL then
  5.     if skillIndex == 1 then
  6.         return 1
  7.     end
  9.     if skillIndex == 2 then
  10.         if skillType == enchantingSkillType and skillLine == enchantingSkillLine then
  11.             return 1
  12.         end
  13.         if skillType == provisionSkillType and skillLine == provisionSkillLine then
  14.             return 1
  15.         end
  16.     end
  17. end

I'm sure iterating a hidden vampire and/or werewolf line can be done but I've not done it myself. Do you (or anyone else reading) know of a good way to iterate those trees when they're hidden?

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