-   Guilds (
-   -   Tired of Guild-Shopping? Grievance (AlDom, PVP & PVE, NA, 18+) (

Thamin Trollsbane 09/28/14 03:20 PM

My experience with

I came from a number of games where I always ran with a trusted group of friends. We started in EQ, moved to DAoC, then WoW.......But as time went by we lost folks along the way. We couldn't raid anymore, but we had the fun of being with each other. Then one day, no one really played the same games anymore.

I answered the "Tired of Guild Shopping" post by Grievance for Elder Scrolls Online. They came from some of the same backgrounds of games I knew. Somehow, this group combined the best of both worlds: close camaraderie and end-game raiding. People were respectful, they even mandated a "No Drama" policy. I joined and haven't looked back.

I love the people here. I joined them in a Real-Life get together in which 70 of us dined at a restaurant, (panicking the host of course). Grievance plays multiple games, and you can join them in any. Youtube and Twitch broadcasts, some for charities!

I found the last guild I ever need to join. Maybe you will too!

katkat42 09/28/14 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Thamin Trollsbane (Post 12387)
People were respectful, they even mandated a "No Drama" policy.

I'm part of Grievance too, and this was a really big factor for me. There's even a rule against trash-talking about other players, which I really like. It truly is an island of courtesy in an ocean of...well, the internet...

Thamin Trollsbane 10/01/14 09:44 AM

Grievance is once again participating in Extra Life, a gamer charity effort in which we play for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. We'll be broadcasting throughout Oct 25th. Our ESO chapter is using the 9-11pm CST time slot.

Here is Grievance's team page. Donate to a worthy cause!

Thamin Trollsbane 10/04/14 07:53 PM

A picture thread we've maintained since the NDA lifted! A beautiful game!

Thamin Trollsbane 10/06/14 11:03 AM

The latest news across Grievance. ESO's chapter is one of the earlier ones in the cast.

Thamin Trollsbane 10/08/14 08:18 AM

A bit thanks to our Exec Officer taking a lot of folks into Cyrodiil this past weekend to collect skyshards they didn't have. He spent 5 hours out there hitting them all, and getting folks what they needed. In Grievance, you're treated like family!

Thamin Trollsbane 10/13/14 08:22 AM

A reminder that we appreciate any support of the charity event taking place Oct 25th! Grievance Gaming has a team raising funds for Extra-Life, benefiting Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Our team page is here, :

We'll be broadcasting from midnight to midnight that Saturday on our Twitch channel. Thanks all who donate and participate in this generous event.

Thamin Trollsbane 10/16/14 11:52 PM

The latest Grievance newsletter came out. One of our members gave a shining example when asked what he loves about Grievance.

What do you like best about Grievance?

Honestly? A few things.

First, the people. Grievance members are probably some

of the best people you could surround yourself with.

Everyone I've met and talked to have always been friendly

and helpful. I can jump into any channel on TeamSpeak

right now and strike up a friendly conversation about

almost anything. I could ask for some assistance and they

would go out of their way to help anyway they could. Not

only that, but they also care. From taking up a collection

to help members who lost their home to sending a

message just to make sure you're OK after a minor


Secondly, the variety of games. Grievance has a presence

in almost every major current MMO and a minor

presence in most games. Wherever you decide to play

someone is there with you, even if you just pop in for the

weekend to play something different.

Third, the vastness of the Guild. How many guilds out

there not only play games but also have a game

development division. How many also have a writing

division, a community outreach group, graphic design

division and a netcast network. Heck, there's other things

that Grievance is involved with that I just can't think of off

the top of my head. Seriously, how many guilds are

working towards having their own convention? If you

want to do something, chances are you'll find help,

training or backing somewhere in the guild.

Want to find out what Grievance can mean for you? Check us out at

Thamin Trollsbane 10/19/14 09:10 AM

Why haven't you yet joined the last guild you'll ever need to join? It's been an exciting time for us, in-game and out. Our latest newsletter has come out, with guild leaders from the various Grievance chapters filling us in on their games. We've been planning our Real-Life get-together in June. Our Youtube channel has almost 1,000 subscribers, (I think our Twitter account already passed that!)

Most importantly, we don't tell you HOW to create your character or control any of YOUR free time. We hit endgame but it isn't mandatory for any one member. (We have a lot of casual folks and families, though we are 18 and over only).

A reminder, although we have an international membership, we are based on the NA server.

Thamin Trollsbane 10/23/14 09:13 AM

Did you know Grievance is participating in Extra-Life 2014. We have a team page and prizes. We're streaming for 24 hours starting midnight on the 25th of October. Join our stream event by watching on #Extralife2014

Are you interested yet? Help Grievance raise money to support the kids of the Children's Miracle Network Hospital

Prizes include a couple of Nionya's special clay creations and if you are a Star Citizen fan, we even have a couple of ships from Spin's hanger (aka Spinward Bound) we are giving away. Here are some images to wet your appetite.

Here is the post to the Hanger ship giveaway https://forums.robertsspaceindustrie...antastic-ships

Special thanks to Nionya and Spin on your prize donations and also to our streamers.

Thamin Trollsbane 10/28/14 11:21 AM

What a wonderful group of folks we have in this guild! Our Extra-Life charity marathon doubled it's goal, raising over $4500 for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! Throughout the day, we had Twitch casts from a lot of popular games, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Citizen, ArcheAge, Civilization 5, Rift, to name a few.

Join us at for the best guild you'll ever find that raids as well as values a family feel.

Thamin Trollsbane 11/01/14 09:51 PM

Look no more for a guild that combines a close, family feel with end-game raiding. Not just in ESO, but in several games and FPS. Join a multi-gaming guild that enjoys playing games across the board.

Thamin Trollsbane 11/05/14 11:06 PM

A tribute video made early this year by one of our talented members, saluting the major games Grievance expected to play in 2014.

Thamin Trollsbane 11/09/14 03:50 PM

Our latest newscast! We have weekly updates from around the various chapters of Grievance!

Thamin Trollsbane 11/12/14 12:08 AM

Grievance is an international community of over 8,000 people registered on our forums. We play across several MMOs, FPS, and MOBAS. Now, our Mobile Division is up and running as well. Our shows have earned us over a thousand subscribers on both Twitch and Youtube. We host shows about games, stream them, and interview people in the gaming business.

But we all came to Grievance because it valued a family atmosphere, and cherished concepts such as Honor and Loyalty. Maybe you should check us out today.

Thamin Trollsbane 11/15/14 01:23 PM

It's back to Craglorn tonight for Grievance! We run it twice a week as a guild, (though smaller groups like to go back and try their hand as well).

We use a weekly raffle to keep our credits flowing into a guild trader, and have earned recognition in Cyrodiil. Check us out!

Thamin Trollsbane 11/18/14 09:08 AM

Grievance gathered for a Recruit Meeting this past weekend, as we do on a monthly basis. New members got to meet and greet with older veterans. Afterward, we ran some Undaunted dailies for folks new to them.

Will you be joining us for the next one?

Thamin Trollsbane 11/22/14 04:46 PM

<Grievance> is not just an ESO guild but a family-oriented multi-gaming community comprised of adults 18+. We are a social bunch and are always on the lookout for new members of all levels to join us in PvP, Raiding, crafting, special events, or general dungeon runs. Go to

Thamin Trollsbane 11/27/14 12:12 AM

Grievance has a lot of couples and mature players. We enforce a no drama clause. Our guilds raid but recognize that Real-Life comes first, therefore we have a lot of casual players and folks willing to help them out.

Once in one chapter of Grievance, you can play any of our games with us. Friendships have been formed which span several games and game genres. We don't get jealous if you're game-surfing, because we do too! We have forums focusing on the games we're looking forward to and can plan our guild presence ahead of time.

New member praise: "Grievance is the perfect guild for me. Helpful when needed but not pushy. Funny and loud but at the same time very serious about your members. I gotta say thank you to everyone. And if I'm on and anyone needs help I'll do my best." "I'm also very happy to be in Grievance. I'm not as active as some people and not that often on TS, unfortunately. But I enjoy being part of this group! Thank you everyone!"

Thamin Trollsbane 11/30/14 01:42 PM

Join us twice a week for Craglorn events, as well as our Cyrodiil raids. Check out the family of Grievance! (NA server, Aldmeri Dominion).

Thamin Trollsbane 12/03/14 09:08 AM

Family, Honor, Loyalty.

Grievance is the perfect home for me. It can be the perfect home for you. Check us out today.

Thamin Trollsbane 12/10/14 12:24 AM

Woot! Over 1,000 followers on our Youtube channel! All those folks are checking out the many games we're interested in playing. Join us for ESO, and other fun!

Thamin Trollsbane 12/14/14 05:55 PM

Our latest Grievance news from around the organization!

Join Grievance not only for the great family and friendships in ESO, but also across every major MMO, FPS, and MOBA out there today!

Thamin Trollsbane 12/18/14 10:55 AM

Our newsletter is coming out soon, as well as a big end-of-the-year-in-games broadcast on our Twitch channel Sunday night. Check out our multi-game family!

Thamin Trollsbane 12/27/14 11:09 PM

Join us for the benefit of a multi-gaming guild that enforces No Drama. Uphold Honor, Family, Loyalty just as we do. Join us in-game and chat with us on our Teamspeak server, as well as check out the numerous streaming programs we host.

Thamin Trollsbane 01/01/15 04:33 PM

Inviting all to share in the numerous gaming videos we put out on YouTube! Check out our international, multi-game organization!

Thamin Trollsbane 01/10/15 01:14 PM

Grievance not only does events on Aldmeri Dominion, we also plan to be active on the PTS. One of our other divisions were awarded for helping their end-game development on the test server. That's the kind of folks we are. And yet, we'll never tell you that you have to play a certain way or a certain class. Join the Grievance family!

Thamin Trollsbane 01/14/15 10:14 PM

Congratulations to our new Raid Leader, Bluepitbull13!

Looking forward to other players who want to join a guild that promotes Family, Honor, Loyalty! Check us out today.

Thamin Trollsbane 01/18/15 06:25 PM

If you want an in-depth glance into Grievance, why not cast your gaze through our Newsletters? Guild leaders discuss the big news coming to their games, members give a glance to introduce themselves to the rest of us. We discuss gaming events on the horizon. Peruse for yourself for a look inside our organization!

Family, Honor, Loyalty!

Thamin Trollsbane 01/21/15 09:15 AM

We are a mature, 18+ guild. We have a No Drama clause! Which means you can be free to pursue your own fun in the game with a friendly group, while also hitting endgame content. Grievance will be celebrating its 15th birthday this Fall.

Picture of some Cyrodiil action...

Thamin Trollsbane 01/24/15 04:22 PM

Hundreds of us gathered on Teamspeak last night for our big "State of Grievance" night. We've got big things planned for the future!

To give you an idea, our member Moebius once again compiled an awesome video, (great music), which showcases all the games Grievance has guilds and embassies. (Any game still in alpha/beta is an embassy). Check out this sweet video.

Remember also, apply to our site at prior to enrolling through RSI's website.

Thamin Trollsbane 01/27/15 10:05 PM

Member testimonial from Aerwynn:

"One of the best things about Grievance is that it is family that spans many games. I actually joined Grievance for Wildstar, then switched to the ESO chapter. There is no drama and members put family and RL first. I’ve forged some great friendships, and I know that I’ll always be a member of the Grievance family.

In ESO, we have a great mix of players from V14s focused on trials to new members just beginning the game. The members are always willing to help each other whether it’s getting advice on a build for trials, getting crafting help from one of our master crafters, grouping together for Undaunted pledges, skyshard runs through Cyrodil, or just getting help with a public dungeon or pesky world boss.

I hope you join us."

Thanks Aerwynn!

Talore 01/29/15 06:23 PM

Grievance not only does events on Aldmeri Dominion, we also plan to be active on the PTS. One of our other divisions were awarded for helping their end-game development on the test server. That's the kind of folks we are. And yet, we'll never tell you that you have to play a certain way or a certain class. Join the Grievance family!

Talore 02/02/15 06:08 PM

Had the best time with my Grievance family on the PTS this weekend! This new update is going to be amazing!

Go check out

Talore 02/06/15 07:35 PM

We are a mature, 18+ guild. We have a No Drama clause! Which means you can be free to pursue your own fun in the game with a friendly group, while also hitting endgame content. Grievance will be celebrating its 15th birthday this Fall.

Talore 02/10/15 05:41 PM

We had such a great time last night! We ran our members through Tamriel to complete public dungeons and search out skyshards. I even found a couple of achievements in Auridon that my VR 1 never completed. Join us at and be part of the fun.

Talore 02/16/15 01:15 PM

So this weekend my Grievance family decided to run my VR 1 character through two VR 12 dungeons! Had a great time and many new memories to share at our real life get together. Good thing I had three VR 14 bodyguards with me! I love my guild. Come check us out at

Talore 02/22/15 08:13 PM

Our Grievance ESO family is getting excited for the release of the new content. Teamspeak has been buzzing with talk about it. We would love to have you join the conversation! Apply to

Talore 02/27/15 11:04 PM

One of our guild DPS vampires decided to tank a dungeon in cloth armor with fire breathing bosses. The amazing thing is we all lived and completed the dungeon. 0.0 We laughed the whole time and cheered when we succeeded. Go Grievance! Check us out today at

Talore 03/05/15 08:18 PM

The update is here as you all know and our Grievance family is busy re-learning their builds. TeamSpeak is full of discussions with helpful hints from our knowledgeable members. Our PVP focus is the AD. Feel free to check us out at

Talore 03/11/15 04:57 PM

Had a blast with a bunch of guildies last night! Ran around Cyrodiil collecting skyshards, killing bosses and doing a little PvP! Check us out at

Talore 03/16/15 05:12 PM

We had a great week with Grievance! There have been many new faces in the guild and just as many old faces from our Grievance organization coming back to the game. I think the most memorable moment for me was hearing that our member BonzOmega is one of the most wanted criminals in all of Tamriel! His bounty is up to I don't even want to know what he did to get a bounty that high!!! If you would like to meet our infamous guildie and hear of his escapades go visit

Talore 03/25/15 04:54 PM

It has been a busy week for our Grievance family. We are running trials, organizing pvp, dungeon crawling and most importantly helping each other. Our Grievance organization is getting ready for the real life get together and the different MMO families are in competition for which game has the most members present. is looking amazing. is my home forever!

Talore 04/02/15 05:18 PM

Wow! I can only say that my Grievance family is amazing! I got an idea that I would like to play a healer so I created a Breton Templar. My Grievance family assisted me in leveling her. Needless to say she went from 0-VR1 at the speed of light! We are busy in Cyrodiil, running vet and low level dungeon and just having an amazing time together. We would love to have you come check us out. and

Talore 04/11/15 11:54 AM

Grievance is not just an ESO guild but a family-oriented multi-gaming community comprised of adults 18+. We are a social bunch and are always on the lookout for new members of all levels to join us in PvP, Raiding, crafting, special events, or general dungeon runs. Go to

Talore 04/19/15 09:49 AM

Family, Honor, Loyalty.

Grievance is the perfect home for me. It can be the perfect home for you. Check us out today.

Baertram 04/20/15 07:21 PM

It sounds more like a sect for me if you write it like this :o
I don't want to troll but don't you think you just spam this thread to bump it?
You are writing the same stuff since weeks.

Talore 04/25/15 08:59 AM

We can be such a bunch of dungeon trolls :)

Randactyl 04/25/15 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 20714)
It sounds more like a sect for me if you write it like this :o
I don't want to troll but don't you think you just spam this thread to bump it?
You are writing the same stuff since weeks.

Ohh so I'm not the only one who's tired of seeing this thread in the recent section? lol

Talore 05/13/15 05:30 PM

I completely understand where you are both coming from. Is there specific questions I can answer for you or information I can provide? I am more than happy to at any time :) Trust me when I say this though I would never be posting here if I didn't truly believe that Grievance is the best.

Talore 05/29/15 05:54 PM

So excited! Our real life get together is almost here. Less that 2 weeks and then I get to see over 100 of my Grievance family :)

Talore 06/07/15 07:39 PM

Grievance has been running trials every Saturday and Tuesday. PVP nights every Friday and low level runs for what ever is needed by the group. Our real life get together is in Atlanta, GA. next weekend and over 100 of our Grievance family will be attending. My in game name is @Talore if you have any questions :)

Talore 06/15/15 10:29 AM

Truly there are no words that can accurately describe the Grievance real life get together. I have heard one of our members describe it as a "game changer". This is probably as close to being an accurate description as possible.

That being said, ESO life continued :)

I ran City of Ash last night for the first time with my VR 11 healer. We were able to complete it. Woot! Woot!! For more information please don't hesitate to visit or

Talore 06/24/15 07:57 PM

We ran trials last night. It wasn't easy but we completed it. We have an announcement tomorrow night on twitch about our next Grievance real life get together. We are helping our guildies get leveled and geared up so they can join us in trials and vet dungeons.

Sirmorte 07/05/15 04:55 AM

Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Ever been in a guild that had a lot of immature , “cool dude” players or doesn’t have many events? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.

Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

Official Grievance Guilds

Elder Scrolls Online (<i>All factions with strong Aldmeri PvP</i>)

Everquest II – Permafrost Server

EverQuest Next & Landmark

Final Fantasy XIV – Midgardsormir Server

Neverwinter – Dragon Server

Rift – Wolfsbane Server

SWTOR (Empire: The Shadowlands) (Republic: Jedi Covenant) – PvE Servers

Wildstar (Dominion and Exile Guilds available at launch)

World of Warcraft (Horde: Thrall) (Alliance: Proudmoore) – PvE Servers

Embassies (Smaller Grievance Guilds)

Aion – Siel Server

Dragon’s Prophet – Kronos Server

EVE Online

Guild Wars 2 – Denova’s Rest Server

Tera – Tempest Reach Server

World of Warcraft (Alliance) – Azuremyst Server

Team Grievance (Grievance FPS/Shooter/PvP Clans)

Battlefield 4 (Clan available at launch)

World of Tanks



Leagues of Legends


(many other smaller and Independent MMOs)

Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.

When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.

We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn’t it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.
In Elder Scrolls, we have a number of weekly events including optional participation in PVP. We run the daily quests each day. We raid with trials twice a week. We provide full armor sets to our members every 5-7 levels. Yes, you read this correctly. Finally, we not only help members but also have a vendor in a good location for selling your ill gotten booty.

If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit our forums, they are free to register and browse. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. We hope you will come take a look and introduce yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.

Thank you for your time,
Nionya [Director of Community Outreach Group] Grievance Global Gaming
visit us at

Talore 07/22/15 08:05 PM

Please welcome @Mooglehat as our new Warlord!

Talore 08/05/15 06:04 PM


davidmikky 08/17/15 11:49 PM

We had a great week with Grievance! There have been many new faces in the guild and just as many old faces from our Grievance organization coming back to the game. I think the most memorable moment for me was hearing that our member BonzOmega is one of the most wanted criminals in all of Tamriel! His bounty is up to I don't even want to know what he did to get a bounty that high!!! If you would like to meet our infamous guildie and hear of his escapades go visit

Talore 09/06/15 01:08 PM

Blue fire ring of instant death, dragons in flight, Molag Kena ready to wreak havoc. Looks like Grievance is in the White Gold Tower!

Talore 09/28/15 06:12 PM

My Grievance family is misbehaving!!

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