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Baertram 11/30/18 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by r4cken (Post 36546)
Im using this from now on, however im having issues with the eso-api.classes.lua file not showing up at all on autocomplete or intellisense on it :( Any suggestions? The other files seem to be picking up my CTRL+SPACE

CTRL+click does not work as there is missing an entry for each object/class in file eso-api.classes.lua like this
Lua Code:
  1. AddOnManager = {}

This would make IntelliJ find the definition.

But the current file supports the function name help using CTRL+sapce, e.g. type
and then press CTRL+space

r4cken 11/30/18 03:24 PM

I used the latest files from API 100025 but writing AddOnManager brings up nothing at all

Baertram 11/30/18 03:35 PM

Try out "AddOnManager." (with the . at the end) and then CTRL+space.

r4cken 11/30/18 03:40 PM

That brings up nothing as well. I even added each object like AddOnManager = {} at the top of the classes file.

Baertram 11/30/18 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by r4cken (Post 36565)
That brings up nothing as well. I even added each object like AddOnManager = {} at the top of the classes file.

Hm, maybe depends on the lua plugin then.
I'm using the current IntelliJ v2018.3 with the "working" lua plugin (EmmyLua) and it brings up the following for me:

Adding the = {} will just make you "navigate to the file" via STRG+left mouse click.

r4cken 11/30/18 04:43 PM

Oh i was not using emmylua, i just searched in the repository for "lua" and installed that just like the start of the thread suggested. Im using the community edition 2018.2.6

So should i not add the "= {}" parts or like another "guide" had it was like

AnimationObjectTranslate = AnimationObject

It works perfectly now with emmylua! Thank you so much Baertram!

Architecture 12/05/18 01:29 PM

Double tapping shift also can bring up a symbol / workspace search (Or the old fashioned Ctrl+Shift+F). I've found Ctrl + Space usually brings up the autocompletion options where appropriate (I think it depends on if I have full inspection turned on or not). I highly recommend the experience you currently get with IntelliJ and Lua. While it is not perfect (you will definitely be dealing with beta status plugins) I find that it is in general superior to the alternatives.


Baertram 07/21/19 08:07 AM

Due to the non compatible version of silvanaar with the most up2date IntelliJ Community version 19.1 I had to switch to EmmyLua plugin.
It is working but the auto complete and CTRL+click on functions and variables sometimes does not work properly anymore :(
If anyone got a fix or hint how to het this to work reliably again, I'd be really glad to know it.
Thank you.

Due to whatever settings my normal build in LUA plugin for IntelliJ was not updated to the newest version and always shown as not compatible.
I have disabled and chanegd a lot of settings until I saw the "Update" button and now it's up2date again (LUA IntelliJ plugin, version 1.0.117).
Now the CTRL+left click to jump to the declaration works again, but not for the classes like EVENT_MANAGER anymore (mooooh!).
So I reinstaleld EmmyLUA and enabled it, and now the CTRL+CLICK does not work at all anymore. So build in IntelliJ "silvanaar" lua plugins support at least half of the jumpings... And CTRL+SPACE seems to be working with EmmyLUA as well for most of the stuff.
It used to work for all of them though, too bad.

As EmmyLUA seems to be the only working CTRL+SPACE autocomplete lua plugin which is comaptible with the generated ESOUI lua files I'll keep usign this for the moment. Build in "sylvanaar" Lua plugin just works for CTRL+left click for variables in the same files. It's not even jumping to the declaration if it was declared in another file (like it was in the past). But EmmyLUA enither does nro did this in the past (too bad).
Hopefully they will fix this. I'll try to raise a bug for the sylvanaar plugin:

Seems this bug is already known since 2018 but no solved or worked on yet :-(

Architecture 07/21/19 02:36 PM

Looks like they put out a new version of Lua plugin yesterday. Lame -- will eventually have to see for myself what is up next time I am doing more dev. Thanks for the heads up!

Baertram 07/22/19 04:18 AM

Updated my reply 1 post above. The bug in silvanaar is already known since 2018 but not yet resolved.
Trying to find equal "bug report" in EmmyLUA or raise one :D

Raised one as most bugs are in raised Chinese language and I wasn't able to find a similar one:

Baertram 05/06/20 05:55 AM

IntelliJ auto completion for ESO - Last update: 2020-10-13
Auto completion (and harcoded helper files) for "IntelliJ IDEA"
Updated: 31st October 2020

DewiMorgan 12/30/20 01:18 PM

Thank you so much!
I've used IntelliJ for PHP and Java at work for the last few years now, and love it.
I didn't even know they had a community version, so that alone made me happy, let alone your work with getting the ESO commands to autocomplete!

Baertram 12/31/20 09:29 AM

You are welcome.

Most current version can be found here:

To the mass:
I'd be happy if I get any support of others devs here using the parsers after ESO APiversion changes + adding new static / removing obsolete variables to/from the static file.
Maintinign all the addons often does not provide the time to keep these files here updated as well. At least running the PHP the parser scripts on new ESOUIDocumentationxx.txt files, creating the XML json + a quick check if all created files are valid without errors, and the distribution here or even at githubg would be a real help.

I've created a github repo for the parser scripts, and the static file:
IntelliJ ESOUI AutoCompletion

If anyone wants to contribute, send me a request please.
Many thanks

DewiMorgan 01/01/21 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 42924)
I'd be happy if I get any support of others devs here[...]
If anyone wants to contribute, send me a request please.

Happy to do whatever I can to help, but I'm wondering if there isn't some way in IntelliJ just to point the "libs" folder to an unzipped copy of the source and have it pick up from there, then people could just grab the latest source zipfile from ESOUI without us needing to do any extra work.

Mind you, I've already been briefly futzing with getting that to work today, and had no luck. Whereas, yours works perfectly.

Baertram 01/01/21 07:16 AM

Well, we get the ESOUIDocumentationPxx.txt file where all constants and functions are in.
EmmyLua and no other lua plugin, or even IntelliJ alone, would be able to use this as a source of any API :confused:
We need to extract the data from it and create lua files, or any other supported file, that the EmmyLua (or other lua plugins) are able touse AND find properly in the projects.

I also tried to unzip the source folder but EmmyLua/IntelliJ wa snot able to read all files properly to use the sources from there.
Beside that it was very slow as it had to read all the files, and if a new project was addded it re-scanned all the files each time.

So far the only way I found it is supported is create real lua functions, global variables etc. from the documentation files, and that is what the php parser classes do.

So the manual tasks after each new ESOUIDocumentationPxx.txt we get from ZOs (during PTS releases) will be:
1. Parse the txt file and create the api lua files from it
2. Use addon DumpVars and dump the new global constants, create the the api_globals.lua and api_sounds.lua files from it
3. Update the xml json file
4. Optional: Check differences in lua code and remove non-existing functions from static file eso-api_base_Manual_NonGenerated.lua
5. Optional: heck for new functions/globals you wish to add to file eso-api_base_Manual_NonGenerated.lua
6. Create zip file and release to ESOUI addon

Users can use the zip file then and extract it to their libs folder to use the updated API files.

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