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Baertram 03/18/15 04:03 PM

Thx for all the work to all that are contributing!

Ayantir 03/24/15 05:58 AM

Texture list has been updated, it was a very old dump of 1k files, there is now more than 10k

Ayantir 04/06/15 11:24 PM


Patch Notes

Ayantir 04/10/15 04:22 AM

For editing API :

Patchnotes :

- Copy/Paste in a new file
Section h2. Game API

- Search/Replace (Notepad++) :

** _Returns:_ -> ** '''Returns:'''

*string* -> '''string'''
*bool* -> '''boolean'''
*integer* -> '''number'''
*number* -> '''number'''
*luaindex* -> '''number'''
*id64* -> '''id64'''
*textureName* -> '''textureName'''

*luaindex:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*string:nilable* -> '''string:nilable'''
*integer:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*bool:nilable* -> '''boolean:nilable'''
*number:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*id64:nilable* -> '''id64:nilable'''
*textureName:nilable* -> '''textureName:nilable'''
_ -> ''

- Search/Replace Regular expression :

\*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\* -> ''number'' [[Globals\#\1|\1]]
\*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\:nilable\* -> ''number:nilable'' [[Globals\#\1|\1]]
(.+)\*private\*(.+) -> * {{Private function}} \1 \2
(.+)\*protected\*(.+) -> * {{Protected function}} \1 \2

- Search/Replace :
* {{Private function}} * -> * {{Private function}}
* {{Protected function}} * -> * {{Protected function}}
Triple space -> Single space (I cannot write them here)
() -> () (there is a space to remove before ())

Minceraft 04/10/15 02:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I was wondering if they had moved this function to the private list in the latest stuff. I keep getting the UI error shown below...
So, is there a special way that I'm supposed to call protected functions? Let me know if I'm missing anything! And, Good Job with the forum guys!! Lookin great!! I'll try to contribute as much as I can!! Thanks for all the help!

EDIT: I found the answer I needed right under my nose, lol it was right above the function in the wiki....sheesh I was tired!!!

Baertram 04/10/15 02:12 PM

You need to check if the functio is protected first and call it with CallSecureProtected then:

Lua Code:
  1. local usefunctionIsProtected = IsProtectedFunction("UseItem")

And then use a special function construct to call it:

Lua Code:
  1. if usefunctionIsProtected then
  2.         if not CallSecureProtected("UseItem", bagId, slotIndex) then
  3.           EndAction()
  4.         end
  5.       else
  6.         UseItem(bagId, slotIndex)
  7.       end


Originally Posted by Minceraft (Post 20372)
I was wondering if they had moved this function to the private list in the latest stuff. I keep getting the UI error shown below...
So, is there a special way that I'm supposed to call protected functions? Let me know if I'm missing anything! And, Good Job with the forum guys!! Lookin great!! I'll try to contribute as much as I can!! Thanks for all the help!

Ayantir 04/10/15 03:39 PM

that won't work. because the function is Private, not Protected.
Private functions cannot be used in addons.

And UseItem() is Private since release as far I know.

Minceraft 04/10/15 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 20377)
that won't work. because the function is Private, not Protected.
Private functions cannot be used in addons.

And UseItem() is Private since release as far I know.

I Just got Baertram's idea to work!! My project is SAVED!!! And it's a protected function, I can verify that, now!

Ayantir 05/11/15 04:00 AM

As someones may noticed, i've lacked a bit of motivation to reorganize API page.
My warning message was here for some weeks now (nobody noticed?)
Last organization was done manually and is hardly unmaintenable for my point of view

As a good lazy dev would like it, API page is now made by dump+parsing

I first started to look at UESP way to do it. But it's for a good wiki a bit too much
Also I didn't want to recuper and take all that code for me or esoui.
Thoses scripts are here as is and made to build their website which is good and must be respected (I think).

So, the easiest way I found is to reorganize by folders in ESOUI core

I've wrote a software and to continue the challenge, it's in Lua. With a Lua machine, some fun, and my first print() and io() calls. What da **** it's good to use thoses command in Lua.

For now the script is private. When I'll find it corrrect, it will be published here.

For the facts, from the ~2k functions that ZOS gived to us, you can now add the 10k internal functions they use and you can add in your code. Not all of them can be used or should be used, but you got a long list that are already used widely.

My little script also works for your addons. In next future, I'll add some things which could help us a bit more too.

And like I wrote in this page :

  • Gamepad functions are not intended to be used. They're only here for Gamepad compatibility. You should not use Gamepad or Console functions.
  • /pregame functions are not accessible. They're here only as is. You can't have access to them. They're used to handle UI from the launch of eso.exe to the in-world arrival (videos, login screen, create char, select server, loading screens).
  • /internalingame function are not accessible. They're here only as is. You can't have access to them. They're used to be used by the market and some very sensitive functions.
  • Almost all of functions with a method are not accessible by their name but with their attached ingame table. For now please search source code or look at table pages. They will be listed correctly later.
  • content is (for now) mass-edited by me. Don't try to edit without a mass-edit, if you want to contribute, ask a feature or something else, please send a PM on, or leave a comment here. You can still improve the first part extracted from Zenimax Patch notes.

Thank you, hope you still use the wiki.

Baertram 05/11/15 06:12 AM

Thx Ayantir, really appreciated. And yes, I'm still using the Wiki :p
The page needs some time to load now with all that new and updated content but it is good to find an event/function that you already knew and forgot the name, or just to crawl it and search for new ideas.

Imo you got an better overview if you are just searching something. The UESP search is only finding stuff if you know the 100% correct name :(
If I find something at the Wiki I keep on looking into detail at UESP or a local copy of the ESOui files.

btw,what warning message are you talking about? I saw your message about regular expressions and search & replace but it did not look like a warning for me.

Ayantir 05/12/15 02:20 AM

ESOUI 2.0.8 Source Code
2.0.8 Patch notes

Ayantir 07/02/15 04:04 PM

ESOUI 2.0.12 Source Code

Next will be 2.1-beta once PTS will be updated (soon).

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