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Wykkyd 02/27/14 11:29 AM

I've been playing MMO's since August 2,000. I played FPS's prior to that, starting in 1993 or 1994... whenever the first Doom was on sample discs at local game stores ;)

I've been a programmer via hobby since 1986, and a professional in I.T. since 1992. My most recent job is Medicare/Medicaid medical claims data processing systems for a very large data services company using C#, SQL and many other IT buzz words ;)

I started Lua programming on the side during WoW, just to do private custom versions of addon suites that my wife and I both used. Mostly this was to make them completely hide unless I held CTRL+ALT+SHIFT and moused over them, heh.

I went rather hardcore Lua programming for a while in Rift and wrote Outfitter which I handed off to others and is still maintained and used (with training videos on Youtube in several languages, apparently).

My plans for TESO are pretty extensive and hopefully I can get most of my features built before the game launches. More than likely I've bitten off more than I can chew, but that's kind of how my brain works so it's par for the course.

Cairenn 02/27/14 01:13 PM

Rawr! Hey Wykkyd!

daimon 03/03/14 01:49 PM

Hey hey.

Some might remember me from Lotrointerface :)

I've been having a break from MMO's for a year (read: break from Lotro) and the last months I've been hyping myself to start with ESO.

Cairenn 03/03/14 02:12 PM


Pawkette 03/03/14 02:21 PM

Hello Everyone~

My name is Pawkette, I work for Sony Online Entertainment on the PlanetSide 2 team. I've been playing MMOs since 2004. I've been making UI Mods since 2005, started out pretty basic, got better at programming, started getting more complex. I'm employed as a programmer and I have a focus in UX and UI. I've worked on Rift, Trove, Defiance, and PlanetSide 2.

I'm a Mac OS X lover, an Apple fan, and a stark advocate for things that 'just work'. You will probably never find options in my Addons, and everything I create I use personally.

hit me up on twitter :D

Cairenn 03/03/14 02:29 PM

*smoogles Pawkette*

tiomun 03/03/14 10:58 PM

Hello all. I'm a long time programmer, hobbyist turned pro, ie I get paid to do it now lol. Mostly web based stuff but also software and apps when the need arises.

I have played MMO's since they were 2D only but this is the first time I am diving into add on development. Most of the time what I wanted was already out there, but a new game brought a new opportunity to take a crack at it. :cool:

Cairenn 03/03/14 11:33 PM

Welcome tiomun, looking forward to what you come up with. :)

Caph 03/04/14 06:08 AM

Hello there,

I'm Caph. Not much to say about me, from sweden, like to browse the forums of different sorts but also enjoy the gameplay ofc. Interested to see how things will evolve within these forums as well as on this website.

Looking forward to release.


Cairenn 03/04/14 01:19 PM

Good to meet you Caph. :)

Coote 03/05/14 12:36 PM


I'm the maintainer of a few of NC's old WoW addons, like ncKillingBlow, ncSpellAlert, and ncHoverBind. I do plan to get these ported over to ESO, if possible, and if I can find the time. While I may have completely lost all interest in WoW, I do hope ESO (or even Wildstar) reignites the passion I used to have for MMOs. It's been kinda boring not having a game with addon support to muck around with, as it's a little hobby of mine.

Seerah 03/05/14 01:49 PM

Well hai2u2, Coote! :D

Cairenn 03/05/14 02:02 PM

Hey Coote. Nice to see another familiar name. :)

skyraker 03/05/14 05:04 PM


Would just like to say that I am glad this site is up. ESO is one of the first moddable MMOs I've played in a long time. I am not certain if I am going to create anything special or if I will modify existing add-ons for my own use, but if I do I hope things will go fine.

My last experience in getting into heavy modding was when Vanguard was in beta and early after its release, so it has been a long time.

Cairenn 03/05/14 05:36 PM

Hi skyraker. That is, indeed, a long time back. Can't wait to see what you do in ESO. :)

Blenz 03/09/14 03:41 PM

Hi all! I'm a novice programmer just getting started with addon writing. I've already met a few folks on the IRC and I'm already falling in love with the community. Looking forward to getting settled here and enjoying a new hobby!

Cairenn 03/09/14 03:44 PM

Good to see you here, as well as on IRC, Blenz!

Flexion 03/13/14 08:47 PM

Hi all,

im a 20 year old Belgian, C# programmer, tank, alchemist and teamplayer. (yeah, that about sums it up)

I'd like to help by sending feedback about your application/add on. Even though I don't have expirience with modding in particular, I might be able to help you do some programming. The GUI is looking goood!

Cairenn 03/14/14 01:12 AM

Thanks Flexion. All feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Welcome to the site! :)

Halja 03/14/14 07:08 AM

Hi, I’m a long time RPG/MMORPG player and first-time add-on writer.

I started with pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons back in the fall of 1979. Yea, I’m kind of an old fart to this genre. My first MMORPG was DAOC. There was an IT water cooler conversation at work about the shortly Christmas 2001. A group of five had already started playing and invited me to try and help them form a guild. Needless to say, I was hooked like an addict. I played not only with them but had characters on the Pendragon test server. I also beta tested their expansions up through Catacombs.

In the summer of 2004, a majority of my work guild got in to the WoW beta. It did not engage me as much as DOAC but I still played it for over a year after its release. My nephews and nieces were playing Everquest II by then. So, I shifted to that MMORPG. I did have a six month stint in Warhammer Online in 2008 to 2009. For the last year, I have not played EQ2 much. I was very excited to learn about Elder Scrolls Online. The US stress test weekend was really fun to get a taste of the game.

Shortly after that weekend, I got my invite to play on the ESO test server and decided to even author an add-on. That’s a long introduction, sorry. Lua is a new language for me but I’ve done n-tier application development in multiple programming languages over the last 20 years.


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