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Cairenn 02/13/14 10:20 PM

Welcome! Please feel free to introduce yourself!
Welcome everyone! We are very excited to be able to open the doors on ESOUI!

I'll go ahead and start. Many of you will know me from our other sites, but for the rest of you:

Hi, my name is Cairenn. I am one of the founders and admins on our group of sites. We (myself & Dolby) have been running interface sites for the MMORPG community since 2002. We currently have 10 sites with this being our 11th, covering 12 games. You can find links to our other sites in the footer at the bottom of the page.

Before anyone asks - yes I am an honest-to-goodness female. Still somewhat of a rarity in the MMORPG world I know, but there are a few of us around. I've been a fan of Interface "modding" ever since my introduction to it with EverQuest and my enjoyment of the communities that we create for those of like interests has only continued to grow over the years that I've been involved with it. I am the 'face' of the site, taking care of all of the front end requirements on a site like this; taking care of you guys (our authors and users), being the liaison between our sites and the respective game companies, etc.

So, enough about me. Allow me to take this moment to give you a brief introduction to my partner in crime. Dolby is the other founder and administrator on the site. He's the one that takes care of all of the coding and such needed to keep the site running smoothly.

Everyone, please do feel free to say "hi" and introduce yourselves.

zork 02/15/14 09:59 AM

Hello everyone. :)

Cairenn 02/15/14 10:00 AM

Rawr! Good to see you Zork. :)

Moonraker 02/15/14 10:28 AM

Happy to be part of this new community. Looking forward to to what the future brings.

Cairenn 02/15/14 10:32 AM

Glad you're here Moonraker!

Dysrel 02/15/14 10:38 AM

Good to meet everyone! Looking forward to contributing.


Galuhad 02/15/14 10:49 AM

Hi everyone,

I've been writing add-ons for LotRO for the past few years, and am looking forward to contributing some add-ons for ESO in the near future :)

- Galu

Cairenn 02/15/14 10:49 AM

Can't wait to see what you come up with, Dysrel!

Cairenn 02/15/14 10:50 AM

Woot! Hi Galuhad!

Mongo 02/15/14 11:05 AM

Hi all

These mods will help bring it closer to mmos im used to.

Look forward to buff/debuff icons and combat logs. <3 you geniuses

Cairenn 02/15/14 11:12 AM

Me too Mongo!

Revehn 02/15/14 11:26 AM

Hi !

I'm Revehn, and I hope to be able to share a lot with other sorcerers, or magic-oriented users. :)

Cairenn 02/15/14 11:49 AM

Welcome Revehn

Tuller 02/15/14 11:56 AM

I still continue to exist, and am mostly known for having developed the following WoW addons: Bongos/Dominos, OmniCC, Bagnon.

I'm cautiously optimistic about ESO online.

Xrystal 02/15/14 11:58 AM

Hi hi.

I am sure I will be having fun with addons from the get go once access to the api is given.

Cairenn 02/15/14 12:04 PM

Hey hey Tuller & Xrystal! Stoked to see you both here!

Nybling 02/15/14 02:12 PM

Hello, good to see ESOUI and ESOHead show up. Here's to hoping for a successful ESO launch!

Cairenn 02/15/14 02:28 PM

Good to see you Nybling! We hope so too. :)

Swarog 02/15/14 02:39 PM

Hello everybody!
Glad to join you!

Cairenn 02/15/14 02:51 PM

Welcome to the site Swarog! :)

Fairin 02/15/14 03:06 PM

Hello everyone! :)
Super excited to play the ESO and to contribute the best I can!

Thank you guys so much for creating such useful sites. I fondly remember playing WoW and using WoWHead for EVERYTHING! I'm hoping ESOHead becomes just as useful to ESO players!

Cairenn 02/15/14 03:09 PM

Welcome Fairin!

Tuom 02/15/14 04:43 PM

Hey everybody!

You already did an amazing work on this site - very impressive!

Greetings from Germany and keep it up!
Tuom (TreWa Guild)

Cairenn 02/15/14 04:45 PM

Thanks Tuom. Welcome to the sites. :)

Shroudeye 02/15/14 05:20 PM

Greetings from OneSky
OneSky Guild of Ebonheart thanks you for your dedication and hard work that went into this site.

Cairenn 02/15/14 05:28 PM

Glad you like them Shroudeye.

Poetent Destruction 02/15/14 05:29 PM

Look forward to contributing information and seeing everyone on the battlefield, whether it be friend of foe, let's do everything we can, to help TES:O grow!

Cairenn 02/15/14 05:31 PM

Contributing is always appreciated, Poetent Destruction. :)

Nynaeve 02/15/14 05:34 PM

Hi everyone!
I'm Nynaeve, I tend to make silly utility addons for the games I play, and I plan to for ESO, as well.
I too am an honest-to-goodness female. (the shock! the horror!)

Love the look of the site, so far. Simple, yet comfortingly familiar.
Glad to see familiar "faces" (names/avatars), as well!

Cairenn 02/15/14 05:38 PM

Great to see you here Nynaeve!

PeterRJG 02/15/14 05:39 PM

Hi folks,

All the way from eastern Australia here, been at the MMO game since UO, and been an Elder Scrolls fanboy since Arena. Hopefully ESO can provide the long term fun and games that SW:TOR couldn't.

Cairenn 02/15/14 05:40 PM

Hey PeterRJG, welcome to the sites.

eqsanctum 02/15/14 05:54 PM

*first to note Cairenn does not have her trademark avatar up yet*

Hi everyone :)

Cairenn 02/15/14 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by eqsanctum (Post 78)
*first to note Cairenn does not have her trademark avatar up yet*

Hi everyone :)

Heh, right you are! We've been so busy getting everything else ready to go, I completely missed that!

*hugs eqsanctum*

eqsanctum 02/15/14 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 81)
Heh, right you are! We've been so busy getting everything else ready to go, I completely missed that!

*hugs eqsanctum*

Oh snap! I got hugs from Cairenn...

Logatera 02/15/14 09:47 PM

Hawlooooh everyone,
i'm Logatera, playing RPG's since Secret of Mana and professional lurker of the deep, unknown, rainbow forests, forums, all that kind of thing! I'd like to contribute to hybrid class builds and guides or not... i guess. Maybe i'll just read some posts every day. Maybe I'll have cereal first.

Cairenn 02/15/14 10:24 PM

I like cereal! :D

Welcome to the sites!

Seerah 02/15/14 11:27 PM

Hola, everyone, and welcome to the site! I'm Seerah and am also a long-time moderator and addon author at ESOUI's sister site, WoWInterface.

Cairenn 02/15/14 11:58 PM

And she rocks!

*smoogles Seerah!*

TopfliteB 02/16/14 12:29 AM

Hello all!

Thank you for what looks to be a wonderful beginning to a wonderful site! :D

I know that as active as I'll be on ESO, I'll spend more than my fair share here as well! :cool:

Cairenn 02/16/14 01:23 AM

Looking forward to it TopfliteB. :)

Onen-Rui 02/16/14 02:59 AM

Although not savvy about modding I love them! Really glad to be here.

Cairenn 02/16/14 03:06 AM

And we're glad to have you here, Onen-Rui! :)

Qayin 02/16/14 05:20 AM

One more join the ranks.
Greetings all!

ink 02/16/14 10:42 AM


digging the classic vB feel of this forum :banana:

Cairenn 02/16/14 12:32 PM

Hi hi Qayin and ink!

JonathanDark 02/16/14 01:18 PM

Hopefully contributing soon
Hey, just checking in. I'm a software developer for my day job, but I happen to love coding in my spare time (probably because I'm sick in the head...:D), so I'm looking forward to contributing to the ESO community with whatever MODs people might be wanting.

I had beta access in this last round, but I was too busy playing the game to realize that Zenimax was asking for UI developers to sign up, and now I missed it. :mad:

I'm hoping that they let you guys publish the API soon, and that they'll have another Beta session so I could try some things out. It's good to see that there are already some folks here contributing.

Cairenn 02/16/14 01:48 PM

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you, JonathanDark. :)

Xrystal 02/16/14 01:59 PM

don't worry, I signed up ages ago and not heard anything from them yet. I'm just on their volunteer list forum. There might be a beta opportunity next weekend, if there is jump on forums go to development/developers and you should see a thread regarding volunteers.

Myrroddin 02/16/14 02:21 PM

(Troy McClure voice) Hello, my name is Myrroddin. You might remember me from such World of Warcraft AddOns as SmartRes2, LibGuildBankComm, LibBabble-DigSites, FeedTillers, and MrBigglesworthDeath.

I am a Curse/Wowace/Curseforge file moderator, and have contributed in the past to ZAM's Rift UI portal. I am in the ESO beta, but still don't know if I will convert to the game, as I barely have time for one MMO, let alone two. So, for now, I am a lurker.

Xrystal 02/16/14 02:29 PM

rofl Myrroddin, hilarious introduction.

Myrroddin 02/16/14 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 188)
rofl Myrroddin, hilarious introduction.

Thank you, thank you! I'll pop in like the gophers in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: never expected, and hardly wanted!

Nynaeve 02/16/14 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by JonathanDark (Post 182)
I had beta access in this last round, but I was too busy playing the game to realize that Zenimax was asking for UI developers to sign up, and now I missed it. :mad:

I'm hoping that they let you guys publish the API soon, and that they'll have another Beta session so I could try some things out. It's good to see that there are already some folks here contributing.

I signed up rather late, myself. Doubt that'll make much difference, though, as people who signed up early are still saying they've heard nothing. Definitely jump into the thread this upcoming weekend (or whenever the next beta test will be.)

I got so bored last night that I wrote 5 new addons for wow. Come on, Zenimax, let me get my hands dirty! :D

Necroshan 02/16/14 04:35 PM

Hello folks. Looking forward to ESO.

Cairenn 02/16/14 05:08 PM

Hehehe, good to see you lurking around, Myrroddin.

We are too, Necroshan. Welcome to the site.

10leej 02/16/14 09:12 PM

Hi guys I'll be answering your phone calls and support tickets after launch (not with this name)

ElChristo 02/16/14 09:38 PM

Just thought I'd drop in and say Hi!

I'm Chris, but I mostly go by as ElChristo online. I'm 24, and hail from Glasgow, Scotland. I was working on my own fansite for ESO but decided to cut it short after esohead popped up. I'm looking forward to play ESO, and being a part of this community here. Although I can't make Mods or AddOns myself, I do enjoy using them! :P

See you all around the forums :)

Cairenn 02/16/14 11:51 PM

Very cool 10leej! :)

Hi ElChristo, welcome to the site. :)

ESOljl 02/17/14 05:51 AM

Good day
I am an American (60 yo male) who works as a high school teacher in Korea. My first entrance into MMO genre was Asheron's Call in Feb 2000 and I switched after 5 years to Vanguard, which I have played until the recent news of it going offline. I am looking forward to playing ESO and was in the last beta.

I stumbled upon ESOhead accidently, and I am glad I did. :) Amazing amount of work and detail for which I am grateful for all the team's effort.

I know nothing about html, code, or making add-ons, although I have used some add-ons in both AC and VG. I may need assistance from time to time, as I can be dense at times, :)

Thank you for letting an old fogey into a great group of people!

10leej 02/17/14 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by ESOljl (Post 230)
I am an American (60 yo male) who works as a high school teacher in Korea. My first entrance into MMO genre was Asheron's Call in Feb 2000 and I switched after 5 years to Vanguard, which I have played until the recent news of it going offline. I am looking forward to playing ESO and was in the last beta.

I stumbled upon ESOhead accidently, and I am glad I did. :) Amazing amount of work and detail for which I am grateful for all the team's effort.

I know nothing about html, code, or making add-ons, although I have used some add-ons in both AC and VG. I may need assistance from time to time, as I can be dense at times, :)

Thank you for letting an old fogey into a great group of people!

We all start somewhere.

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