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Allgenda 03/28/14 05:08 PM

A raid calendar for TESO

my name is Alan and i created a raid planner web application for guilds :

I just adapted it for TESO, and a friend of mine did a dedicated skin for the game. (you can change the skin by clicking on the picture in the upper right corner)

Feel free to use it to manage your game events. And do not hesitate to ask me if you need help to set it up.


Balver 03/28/14 06:37 PM

Oh my god, this is just what my guild was looking for. And it's even in German.

Allgenda 04/05/14 01:43 AM

With all apologies for the german quality. I don't speak german and the friend who did the translation for me is not in the computer area :-)

Balver 04/05/14 10:05 AM

The translation isn't bad, i've seen many "professional" profit oriented sites that were worse.

Allgenda 04/11/14 03:36 AM

Thank. I told my friend about your comment and she was happy about it :)

anaxamander 05/05/14 08:23 AM

Definitely bookmarking this one. Once we get into raiding, I plan on using it! Thanks for sharing.

Allgenda 05/26/14 02:49 AM


just to inform that we added three new event categories with nice icons for Craglorn, Hel Ra Citadel and Aetherian Archive.

thelegendaryof 05/26/14 07:19 AM

Foundation might help you with your UI/Frontend:

And seems like to have a similiar style by default. :)


Allgenda 06/20/14 05:13 AM

Well, thanks for this info. It might be a bit late now because i would have a huge lot of refactoring to do. I most certainly would have used it if i had known about it in the beginning.

About Allgenda, i just added a simplification. Now event subscribers roles are automatically configured when you pick up a TESO category while creating a new events on your calendar.

Allgenda 07/18/14 08:28 AM

Just added a big simplification, you can deactivate the confusing personal calendars. They have already been deactivated for those who did not use this feature.


Allgenda 09/19/14 03:17 AM


I added three new event categories for TESO : Dragonstar, Sanctum Ophidia and one icon for the PVP in Cyrodiil.

By the way I made several big corrections for tablets. The interface was not working well with some of these.


Allgenda 10/10/14 03:24 AM


I added a new feature.

Now group admins can see member rerolls from the organization board. (select an event then press button Organize)
Select members and click on the 'See characters' button.

Next step will be the possibility for admins to change member's registration (character and status).


Allgenda 11/07/14 07:11 AM

I just added the possibility for group admins to register member to events or change member's event registration.
Admins can also add a comment to registrations.
ex : you can force a guild mate to use a healer instead of a DPS and add a comment to explain why.
ex 2 : you can tell players on which boss they will be benched

By the way there is a new event icon for Undaunted Enclave mission


Allgenda 11/21/14 08:24 AM

I added a video on the homepage to show you Allgenda's capabilities and help you with the first steps.


Allgenda 01/23/15 05:33 AM

You can now see the guild roster in the group section of the interface.
Next step is a basic DKP system.
Best wishes for 2015 !

Allgenda 02/26/15 09:56 AM


the announced basic DKP system has been added last week.
I'm currently working on the next steps toward a complete point management system.

I'll let you know.


Allgenda 04/06/15 03:31 PM


The dkp management system is now complete with DKP, Suicide King and EP/GP.

Activate the system you want in your group parameters.

Then officers and admins can attribute points or ranks to each member individualy in your group roster. Or attribute event points to all the members from the event organization panel.
I will release a video soon to explain how things are done.


Allgenda 04/17/15 04:19 AM


the DKP demo is online here :

And I updated the character edition form with the veteran rank.


Allgenda 12/21/15 10:39 AM

I just launched the mobile web version.

Users using a smartphone will now get a lighter and faster loading interface with the basic actions (sign up, create quick events).

Non essential or power user actions remain on the desktop version.

Enjoy and merry Christmas.


Allgenda 02/18/16 06:40 AM

Hello, I added two major features :

- Calendars can be public : if you provide the correct link, visitors will be able to see your events* without having to be logged in Allgenda. The first calendar of any newly created group is now public by default. You have to go to "Settings" / "My groups" / "Agendas" to manage the access rights on your calendars.

- Event's management can be restricted to a raid leader : when you create an event you can tell who among the community leaders will be able to manage the event (edit, remove, organize participants). Group admins keep these rights too. With this feature you can give the rights to create events to all your members and make sure that they will not mess with each other stuff.

There is a good synergy between these two features. If you want you can organize cross guild events from a public forum, the public will be able to see these events and the members will be able to sign up or create their own events.


* : they will see the time, icon, title and description of the events but not who signed up and the comments.

Allgenda 03/03/16 10:52 AM


I just added a new event icon for the Maw of Lorkhaj.


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