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Ayantir 01/28/16 07:11 PM

2.3 Update

2.3 update (Thieves Guild) is coming next week on PTS. -> NOW LIVE !

Last 2.2 thread :
Last 2.1 thread :
Last 1.6 thread :

Placeholders :D

  • Main Axis for Addons

    • Maps & Lore : New Zone, New quests -> Datamining
    • Endgame PVE adons -> New Raid
    • Skill addons (tracking, simulation, etc) : New Skillline (passive).
    • Craft / Items Manager : New sets added, New styles added.
    • Caldwell revamp : Level changes for old zones (?).

  • New Addons ideas

    • Group finder
    • Addons based on the new Thieve Guild functionnalities. (murders, robbering, etc.)
    • Companions management
    • Scrolling Combat Text

  • Code itself

    There's extracts, tools and methods to use reverse engineering and understand the ESOUI original code. A good frontend has been setup by UESP. Devs who starts to build something "big", you should all know this website or get an extract on your computer, to understand, find and see "how it works" :

    The "ESOUI" source code (Core Lua Base Game made by Zenimax) is here :
    ESOUI Source code Updated for 2.3.0

  • Patchnotes

    Nice, quite complete, but they don't get the whole stuff. it's a good start. and we can sometimes discuss with ZOS devs about them.
    ESO 2.3.0 API Patch notes

  • Patch Notes TXT

    Here, it's ZOS which provide us the data.


  • Dumps

    To come :

    Achievements dump
    SOUNDS dump
    AvA Keep Dumps
    Books Dump - Shalidor's Library
    "New Zone" POI Dump

  • Wiki pages : DONE How-To update Global page : DONE How-To update Texture_List page : DONE How-To update Constant_Values page : TODO How-To update API page : DONE How-To update Events page

  • Bugs & Unannounced changes

    - GetAPIVersion() returns 100013 instead of 100014
    - Plese upgrade your APIVersion in your manifest (.txt files) to 100014 even if game returns that 100013 is still the good one.

  • Devs guild on PTS
    • To join, send an ingame mail to @Ayantir, requests will be sent to some devs aswell ! Fell free to chat a bit and share experiences, ask help & tests if needed.

Before 2.3 goes Live, we'll have few things to do :

- Identify Authors who left and Major Addons (with unique features) which REALLY need love. New authors interested to take a project are strongly encouraged to check the list (todo.)


This list is establishhed by me.
I consider top downloads as a priority, then for each addon, I check :
last update, comments activity, author & maintener last login on esoui and kind of update (lib update , bug fix or new features).
Some outdated addons may not be here, that's because : Author mainteners still have some activity. Addon has clearly duplicate features with an active addon. Addon popularity is too low (for my point of view).

Don't forget that if your work is yours while you're here, since you leave eso, it clearly goes to the "eso community", anyone is free to take back your work with or without your permission, especially if you're silent. Some folks ask, others don't, others merge your addons features into theirs.

Please consider writing a licence, some comments (in lua files, website anywhere you want, pm admins) if you're having some special requests about credits.

- List things that you didn't liked on last topic, or just say what you would like to see improved about our discussions. about the topic, the wiki, or other things related to dev chat.

- Other things, feel free to discuss, ask, etc :banana:

If you're an author and don't have plans / motivation to continue your addons, please let us know

Have fun :D

Quoted in 2.2


Unmaintened :


Ayantir 01/28/16 07:25 PM

Spam :D

I'll try to see if some features of Librarian should be added to Lorebooks.
If you know (have) an addon which could do this, don't hesitate, I don't know them a lot.

I've added 2 categories to the old template,


Main Axis for Addons

Maps & Lore : New Zone, New quests -> Datamining
Endgame PVE adons -> New Raid
Skill addons (tracking, simulation, etc) : New Skillline (passive).
Craft / Items Manager : New sets added, New styles added.
Caldwell revamp : Level changes for old zones (?).

New Addons ideas

Group finder
Addons based on the new Thieve Guild functionnalities. (murders, robbering, etc.)
Companions management
Scrolling Combat Text

Please consider them and think to something cool about the quote :)

Dolby 01/28/16 07:48 PM

Great job on the thread Ayantir! Thanks :D

Looking forward to 2.3 on PTS.

merlight 01/28/16 08:02 PM

Where is the awesome button? I mean: where is the >AWESOME< button?! I couldn't stop laughing after Homer's "Yoohoo!", but that raccoon, I can't even...

SnowmanDK 01/29/16 04:26 AM

:D I love the Patchnotes animation :D

sirinsidiator 01/29/16 05:18 AM

Awesome work Ayantir! Thanks for always doing these threads. It's great to have a plan. (You should also join us on Gitter, merlight too) :D

I am not sure if "AvA Keep Dumps" is that useful as the ids seem to be different between servers. :rolleyes:

As for Librarian Book Manager, I still have my half finished addon with a list of *where* books have been found. Maybe I'll combine them and integrate them into Lorebooks...


Baertram 01/29/16 07:39 AM

Hahaha I can#t stop laughing. Thanks for your always nice and funny ideas, starting with the up2date threads, going on with "The Rolling Stones" and now this thread hahahah

Hope the thiefes guild update won#t break so much with the running addons.

I'm looking forward for some "Patchnotes?" :D:D:D

sirinsidiator 01/29/16 09:31 AM

I wrote a Getting Started guide that we can link whenever we spot a new addon author that is lost. Tell me what you think and feel free to improve it and add things that I may have missed. :D

Wandamey 01/29/16 09:41 AM

I find a bit weird to redirect the beginners to the chat. It's very impractical to browse for formerly solved issues.
I rather have the noob questions all here for anybody to learn from them with a simple search request, as it is already very intimidating to start from scratch. I know that for a fact.

but nice move overall.

sirinsidiator 01/29/16 10:39 AM

I meant they can ask their question in chat, not search for previous answers there. If that part is not clear enough, maybe I should reformulate it?

Wandamey 01/29/16 10:51 AM

No it's very clear

what I mean it just that 2 points :

1) all problems solved in chat room have no trace here and are bound to be asked again and again.
Although i understand that if there is no answer here why not ask somewhere else. But as the same people in the chat room are probably also browsing the forum here at the same time, why spreading the data?

2) beginners as the one you are speaking to in the beginner paragraph (me included) just click the link and fall in a chat for "developpers" and can feel like they don't have anything to do with an account here as a non -pro non even yet- developper. Maybe link it in the Advanced section?

sirinsidiator 01/29/16 10:55 AM

1) That's what the FAQ in the wiki is for. If some question gets answered in chat over and over, then someone should add it there.
2) The chat is for beginners and developers alike. You should also join us there. We had pretty productive discussions and answered many questions that beginners would usually never post on the forums over the last few days.

Wandamey 01/29/16 11:03 AM

i clicked and saw people with 50+ "repositories" i don't even know what a repository is for. I didn't see any noob there. Maybe noob at ESO API, but not at programming. More chance of it if it were a Yahoo chatroom or anything else though.

I'm sure I would have read this last year I may have been discouraged to start my first addon. Especially if it has come just after a very noobfriendly indroduction. It's a bit dissonant. That's what I mean by "weird"

sirinsidiator 01/29/16 11:22 AM

The chat is not meant for experts only. It is meant for everyone from beginner to seasoned developer.
Putting that part into the advanced developer part is like saying "Don't enter there until you know your ways", which is not what we made the chat for. Saying having "50+" repositories is intimidating and driving you away from chat is like saying you can't friend someone with 500 Facebook friends when you just created your account. You gotta start somewhere and repositories are not an indication for anything as you can create any number of them right after you logged in for the first time anyways. Besides of the 13 people in there only three have more than 10 repos and I am not one of them. ;)

Also we may need to switch to a different chat platform soon anyways as it seems like gitter only allows 25 people in free rooms.

EDIT: I changed the Beginner section a bit. Maybe it is less dissonant like this?

Wandamey 01/29/16 11:35 AM

I'm not debating here, you're asking how we feel, I tell you how I feel.

It is just me probably. And I have the chance to know already that i'll get all the help I need right here independantly of this chatroom. Maybe someone else can wonder, so I hope my statement can reassure too.

Edit: read the edit and lol actually yes it helps without the you-us thing. I would still freak out but hey you gave me enough good advices so I don't have to get there :D

Randactyl 01/29/16 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25768)
Also we may need to switch to a different chat platform soon anyways as it seems like gitter only allows 25 people in free rooms.

Dolby mentioned that too. Haggen found some details that suggest public rooms don't have a user limit:

Wandamey 01/29/16 01:11 PM

mmmh for the beginners I was rechecking how I processed as in :

1rst I didn't like a certain text color in an addon (no it wasn't even one of Khrills :D) and I spend some time browsing for it in some lua and xml files, found it, changed it but decided that I hated XML

I say that because starting straight with a lua lecture is maybe not the funnier way to start. But then again my POV.

then in another addon, I enhanced an info for my needs then I wanted another info until I needed to add so many more infos that I had to do it from scratch myself. It was thrilling, but my first big "Oh **** whatamagonnado" failure arrived when I switched to french to test it. :D

maybe a little warning about the multilanguage if someone is to upload his addon for all to use?

QuadroTony 01/29/16 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Wandamey (Post 25771)
(no it wasn't even one of Khrills :D)

we know, we are not newschools here

SnowmanDK 01/29/16 04:43 PM

One thing that I am curious about, mostly because Destinations relies heavily on coordinates...
Are ZOS scaling maps again???

SnowmanDK 01/29/16 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25757)
As for Librarian Book Manager, I still have my half finished addon with a list of *where* books have been found. Maybe I'll combine them and integrate them into Lorebooks...[/IMG]

I have actually started collecting data about where I find ALL books for Eidetic Memory.
Destinations can do that, but for now it's a hidden command that triggers the collecting, as I wanna make sure I do it right.
I started working on it, as I would like to try and find every single book in the game (over time).
I may add a switch to toggle collecting just as with Quest givers later, and then update Destinations Extractor to handle the lorebooks too... We'll see...

But if you consider adding those books to Lorebooks, then I won't add it to Destinations ;)

haggen 02/03/16 09:49 PM

Line-by-line diff for patch 2.3.0:

Ayantir 02/04/16 04:22 AM

Hello folks, just a word to say that PTS has been uploaded with a diff inside it. There is also Patch notes available. 1st topic has been updated.

1st bug : GetAPIVersion returns 100013 instead of 100014
-> reported.

As patch note mentions it, API 100014 is the code for Thieve Guild, please increase API number in your manifest.

merlight 02/04/16 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by haggen (Post 25850)
Line-by-line diff for patch 2.3.0:

A little tip: if you append "?w=1" it won't show whitespace changes.

sirinsidiator 02/04/16 05:04 AM

Looking at the diff it seems they changed
Lua Code:
  1. inherits="ZO_EditBackdrop"
Lua Code:
  1. inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard"

sirinsidiator 02/04/16 06:53 AM

A little shim for anyone who wants to use GetAPIVersion() until it is fixed:
Lua Code:
  1. if(GetAPIVersion() == 100013 and ACTIVITY_TRACKER ~= nil) then
  2.     function GetAPIVersion() return 100014 end
  3. end
It won't help with the meta file variable replacement, but at least GetAPIVersion is usable with it.

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 02/04/16 08:51 AM

The version will be incremented in the first incremental patch to PTS.

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 02/04/16 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25854)
Looking at the diff it seems they changed
Lua Code:
  1. inherits="ZO_EditBackdrop"
Lua Code:
  1. inherits="ZO_SingleLineEditBackdrop_Keyboard"

ZO_EditBackdrop still exists, but the new template is rigged up to automatically set its height to allow for the height of the edit box's font and then a bit of padding so you don't have to guess the UI height of the font (which can change based on resolution and scaling anyway).

sirinsidiator 02/04/16 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 25862)
ZO_EditBackdrop still exists, but the new template is rigged up to automatically set its height to allow for the height of the edit box's font and then a bit of padding so you don't have to guess the UI height of the font (which can change based on resolution and scaling anyway).

Good to know.

So far it runs pretty well. I got a few addon errors here and there and had to disable some.
I also get the assertion failed for keybind strips when I go in or out of the thieves guild and some other locations and open my map or mail window, which does not seem to be addon related. The new map markers inside the thieves guild also seem to be off.
EDIT: oh and before I forget. I get flooded with endless AvA reward mails after choosing to create a template character.

Halja 02/04/16 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25863)
I get flooded with endless AvA reward mails after choosing to create a template character.

That is one way to get crafting fodder on PTS:p!

votan 02/04/16 04:25 PM

ZoneIndex to ZoneId
Wrothgar seems to be the only zone those index has changed (from 395 to 396).
But this time we have the new functions GetZoneId(zoneIndex) and GetZoneIndex(zoneId)
e.g. GetZoneId(GetUnitZoneIndex("player"))

This is a transform table from "old" zoneIndex to new zoneId, if you have to convert data:
-1 means: no such zone name found in 100014.
Example: 395 (live) => 684 and GetZoneIndex(684) = 396 (PTS)
Warning: Spoiler

Ayantir 02/05/16 05:57 AM

sirinsidiator 02/05/16 08:28 AM

Found a new feature that may interfere with some addons.
Apparently the new group finder shows an icon for the assigned role in the group unit frame:

haggen 02/05/16 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25883)
Found a new feature that may interfere with some addons.
Apparently the new group finder shows an icon for the assigned role in the group unit frame:

those copycats!!!


haggen 02/05/16 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 25883)
Found a new feature that may interfere with some addons.
Apparently the new group finder shows an icon for the assigned role in the group unit frame:

mine doesn't... u sure is isn't an addon that's doing this?

sirinsidiator 02/05/16 06:21 PM

yes, I am pretty sure, although I have to admit that I did only enable them manually and not by joining a group via the groupfinder

haggen 02/05/16 07:00 PM

Just a heads up, here's a list of the NEW and REMOVED/RENAMED textures between 2.2.10 and 2.3.0, not including maps.

Ayantir 02/10/16 08:54 AM

ESOUIDocumentationP9.txt added to the 1st post

Ayantir 02/10/16 01:11 PM

EVENTS diff :

Formatted for the wiki.

Quick :


* [[EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_COOLDOWNS_UPDATE]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')
* [[EVENT_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''result'')
* [[EVENT_CANNOT_CROUCH_WHILE_CARRYING_ARTIFACT]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''artifactName'')
* [[EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_SET_IN_WATER_ALERT]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')
* [[EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FEEDBACK_SUBMITTED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')
* [[EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_SUBMITTED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''responseMessage'', '''boolean''' ''success'')
* [[EVENT_GROUP_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''boolean''' ''isVeteranDifficulty'')
* [[EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_NO_LONGER_LFG]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')
* [[EVENT_INVENTORY_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''previousCapacity'', '''integer''' ''currentCapacity'', '''integer''' ''previousUpgrade'', '''integer''' ''currentUpgrade'')
* [[EVENT_INVENTORY_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''previousCapacity'', '''integer''' ''currentCapacity'', '''integer''' ''previousUpgrade'', '''integer''' ''currentUpgrade'')
* [[EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_RESET_BEST_SCORE]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''trialName'', '''boolean''' ''isWeekly'')
* [[EVENT_RESURRECT_RESULT]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''targetCharacterName'', '''integer''' ''result'', '''string''' ''targetDisplayName'')
* [[EVENT_SKILL_ABILITY_PROGRESSIONS_UPDATED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')
* [[EVENT_TUTORIALS_RESET]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')



* [[EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')


* [[EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''notificationId'', '''integer''' ''collectibleId'')


* [[EVENT_OPEN_FENCE]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')


* [[EVENT_OPEN_FENCE]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''boolean''' ''allowSell'', '''boolean''' ''allowLaunder'')


* [[EVENT_STYLE_LEARNED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''styleIndex'', '''integer''' ''chapterIndex'')


* [[EVENT_STYLE_LEARNED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''styleIndex'', '''integer''' ''chapterIndex'', '''boolean''' ''isDefaultRacialStyle'')


* [[EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''zoneName'', '''string''' ''subZoneName'', '''boolean''' ''newSubzone'')


* [[EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''string''' ''zoneName'', '''string''' ''subZoneName'', '''boolean''' ''newSubzone'', '''integer''' ''zoneId'', '''integer''' ''subZoneId'')


* [[EVENT_SCREEN_RESIZED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''x'', '''integer''' ''y'', '''string''' ''guiName'')


* [[EVENT_SCREEN_RESIZED]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'', '''integer''' ''width'', '''integer''' ''height'')

There is also some minor diff, var name changes or eventCode forgotten, not really useful, but inside the file.

sirinsidiator 02/13/16 03:16 PM

The function ZO_WorldMap_GetMapTitle is leaking the variable title into global namespace (worldmap.lua:5185).
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_WorldMap_GetMapTitle()
  2.     local titleText
  3.     local mapName = GetMapName()
  4.     local dungeonDifficulty = ZO_WorldMap_GetMapDungeonDifficulty()
  5.     if dungeonDifficulty == DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NONE then
  6.         title = zo_strformat(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP, mapName)
  7.     else
  8.         title = zo_strformat(SI_WINDOW_TITLE_WORLD_MAP_WITH_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY, mapName, GetString("SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY", dungeonDifficulty))
  9.     end
  10.     return title
  11. end
Should have been titleText instead.

Ayantir 02/13/16 09:24 PM


Ayantir 02/15/16 08:47 AM updated.

Please consider this post too :

Seeking Collaborators for Foundry Tactical Combat (Top 5 addon need your love).

Ayantir 02/16/16 08:34 PM

Well as again, I forgot to do a screenshot to the dev guild members.
So I sent few invites. everyone can invite, so you can try @sirinsidiator or @votan73 as well as me.

I will add few persons as friend on liveeu server ^^

sirinsidiator 02/17/16 06:05 AM

I tried to create a guild yesterday, but it didn't work because of a bug.
I was in five, left one and got a "You can't join another guild without leaving one first" when I tried to create it. Even tried to restart the game. Joining a guild did work without a problem.

votan 02/17/16 12:35 PM

EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED missing parameters
I tried to use the new parameters of the event EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED: zoneId and subzoneId
But the values are nonsense.
For example reaching Nikolvara's Kennel:
Expected: 684, 689
Getting: 0, 8648

Or reaching Abah's landing:
Expected: 816, nil
Getting: 0, 10009

The values are always the same, but have nothing to do with the zoneId.
Are I'm the only one?

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 02/18/16 09:03 AM

The ids are 0 if they didn't change and non-zero otherwise. They will never be nil.

votan 02/18/16 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 26057)
The ids are 0 if they didn't change and non-zero otherwise. They will never be nil.

Thank You Chip. That would explain the first zero. Not intuitive by looking at the parameter, but it would make sense. :)
But what is 8648 or 10009???

GetZoneNameByIndex(GetZoneIndex(689)) == "Nikolvara's Kennel" (right)
GetZoneNameByIndex(GetZoneIndex(8648)) == "Clean Test" (wrong)

Are you sure all source is merged to release? :o

/edit: I can get the information I need the "classic" way, with a zone name reverse lookup table. No need to find an answer, but I wonder, if the event is working as expected.

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 02/19/16 09:23 AM

The subzone index is for a subzone, not a zone. The zone functions cannot be used with it.

votan 02/19/16 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 26076)
The subzone index is for a subzone, not a zone. The zone functions cannot be used with it.

ehm, aha...

Ok, in this case I keep the reverse lookup table. :)

Thanks Chip.

/edit: After looking twice to the given names of the event it becomes clear (And I feel a bit numb): The event triggers, if you come close to a wayshrine, too. For those sub-zone names, which are also zone names (like "Nikolvara's Kennel") the subZoneName can be converted to a zoneId.

But there is no function (like GetSubZoneNameById) which used subZoneId, right?

sirinsidiator 02/29/16 11:12 AM

When we group with players from another faction, the alliance of all party members is set to Aldmeri Dominion while the party is inside a dungeon and GetUnitAlliance returns ALLIANCE_ALDMERI_DOMINION.
I was wondering if there is a way to get the original alliance of group members. Something like GetUnitOriginalAlliance which returns where they are from, regardless of the current alliance.
Or is this just a temporary measure to prevent issues that may arise when they have different alliances and will be improved in a future update in order to allow GetUnitAlliance to return the correct alliance?

Ayantir 02/29/16 11:54 AM

Sounds more like a dirty trick thananything else ^^

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 03/01/16 09:38 AM

GetUnitAlliance should always return the unit's actual alliance. AreUnitsCurrentlyAllied was added to do checks when there is a cross alliance situation (so you can know if you can interact with them). This is a bug.

sirinsidiator 03/01/16 10:52 AM

Good to know. I hope it gets fixed fast. :)

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 03/01/16 12:07 PM

We can fix it quickly, but it does mean that any code that is checking if one unit's alliance is equal to another's alliance for the purpose of interaction will be broken and will need the new function in cross alliance scenarios.

sirinsidiator 03/01/16 01:19 PM

I believe that is a minor inconvenience compared to not seeing the correct alliance. If an addon doesn't work in a cross alliance scenario because of this, it will be fix by their author rather quickly. It's not the first time that an API change breaks an addon. :rolleyes:

Ayantir 03/02/16 12:45 PM

has been updated. I added maps & fx.

I'll binarydiff all files to see if there is a diff on maps before next update in order to avoid another coordinates fails on datamining addons

How to :

Use EsoExtractData
Extract both eso.mnf and game.mnf (200GB needed).
dir /b /s *.dds > file.txt

Ayantir 03/03/16 10:55 AM

A tiny thing that I found is the length of text in editbox control which has been lowered.
It was ~1000 chars before, it's now ~963. (and yes in my xml, maxInputCharacters="1000" is set).

sirinsidiator 03/03/16 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 26336)
A tiny thing that I found is the length of text in editbox control which has been lowered.
It was ~1000 chars before, it's now ~963. (and yes in my xml, maxInputCharacters="1000" is set).

Is there a reason why this is limited to 1k in the first place? Why not just allow any number or at least some reasonably high amount like 20k? :confused:

sirinsidiator 03/05/16 07:23 AM

Found a bug in the crafting station UI, when creating the resulting item link for an item:

Checking type on argument linkStyle failed in GetSmithingPatternResultLink_lua
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'GetSmithingPatternResultLink'
        EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_LinkHandler.lua:122: in function 'ZO_LinkHandler_CreateChatLink'
        EsoUI/Ingame/Crafting/Keyboard/SmithingCreation_Keyboard.lua:42: in function 'OnTooltipMouseUp'

ZO_SharedSmithingCreation:GetAllCraftingParameters() returns GetIsUsingUniversalStyleItem as a 6th parameter, which then gets passed to GetSmithingPatternResultLink instead of linkStyle and causes the error above.

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 03/07/16 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 26337)
Is there a reason why this is limited to 1k in the first place? Why not just allow any number or at least some reasonably high amount like 20k? :confused:

The EditControl memory was a fixed 1024 character buffer minus some space for IME related markup and the NUL terminator. We recently changed it (not for this update) to use dynamic memory and increased the limit to around 30k.

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