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Laicus 01/15/19 11:03 PM

[Request] Hide my location
I really need a mod that will completely hide the pointer of my location.
With GPS, playing is too easy and boring.

Baertram 01/16/19 04:40 AM

I only found this so far:

Laicus 01/16/19 05:37 AM

I made a transparent arrow, but after opening the map, a dot flickers in its place for a couple of seconds, I do not know how to remove it.

NTak 01/16/19 07:51 AM

I love the idea.
I hope you'll find out ! :)

Laicus 01/16/19 10:12 AM

Not sure if I can clearly explain, my English is very bad. For myself, I found a solution, but I’m not a programmer, and I’m not even interested in what to open the game archives to get the right texture, so my solution is very crooked. I used three mods - Votan's Map Pin Colors, TrueExploration and Arch's Enhanced Map. With the first one, I made the arrow transparent, in the second I changed the Discovered Opacity to 235 and made the texture homogeneous — the color RGB 255 255 196 (with a smaller value, the blinking point becomes noticeable). Using the third, I reduced the size of the blinking point, but this is not necessary, since now it can only be seen when it hits the target icon (or the other icon on the map).
If someone could find the texture of this flash and make a mod replacing the arrow texture ( and the flash texture with transparent ones - this would be the right mod, not my perversion.
And in addition to this, a mod would be needed that would describe in more detail the location of the quest goal, as was done in TES III or in the Even Better Quest Objectives mod for Skyrim.

Baertram 01/16/19 12:40 PM

Quest goals description addon:
I highly doubt that anyone will create such a huge database of new texts, even only in English, or multilanguage.
This takes about a life time :-)

Dolgubon 01/16/19 08:08 PM

Personally, I prefer this snippet of code to messing with textures:
ZO_MapPin0:SetHidden(true) ZO_MapPin0.SetHidden = function() end

This first hides the marker. Then, it deletes the function to make it visible again.

It's maybe not 100% robust because I don't know if ZO_MapPin0 is always the player arrow, but seems like it is with my quick check.

Put it in the initialized function of any addon, and it should work (or do it in chat by doing /script before it)

You could do something similar with the quest markers.

Laicus 01/17/19 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Dolgubon (Post 36858)
ZO_MapPin0:SetHidden(true) ZO_MapPin0.SetHidden = function() end

Thank you so much! Everything worked out.
I'm amazed where you get the information about the names of these functions (such as ZO_MapPin0) in the game?

Baertram 01/17/19 03:28 AM

Check the game soruce code at the appropriate files, use addons like ZGOO ingame to et control names, ask in communities, check other addon's code, ... :p

Laicus 01/17/19 04:43 AM

Thanks again! For me, the immersive effect is very important in games, in single-player TES this is easier to achieve, but now in the ESO there is a feeling that the card is in the hands, and not a tablet with Google Maps. I play without a compass and now I have to compare the map with the terrain - at least some element of the quest. The game lacks a logical component, the gameplay is very noticeable, as in Skyrim.
It remains to figure out with True Exploration, that there would always be a "fog of war" in the caves on the map, and in cities the map was displayed normally, but it would be impossible for me to do this.
And for complete happiness, I would like to remove the red above the head of the enemy when he found you and circles on the ground, denoting the zone of action of magic effects and lanterns of the guards. All this is some kind of kindergarten, reminds idiotic mobile rpg.

Laicus 01/17/19 05:50 AM

I coped with True Exploration, in TrueExploration.lua changed the radius to 0 for caves and increased the radius for cities.

Dolgubon 01/17/19 08:01 PM

In this case, I found it by using /zgoo mouse (with the zgoo addon ofc) and then using GetChildredn and GetParent to navigate through, and doing togglehidden on most of the elements which I found. Eventually, the arrow hides and unhides. Then it's a matter of destroying the SetHidden function

Laicus 01/29/19 09:10 AM

I would also like to complicate the game - on the map, replace the pin of all tasks (active and inactive) with a circle with a diameter about 2 times the size of the original task pin, so that it would be more difficult to find a goal and that tasks with exact indication of a goal would not differ from tasks with search in a specific area.

votan 02/03/19 09:03 AM

I added this feature to

Laicus 02/03/19 10:56 AM

Also need to deactivate the Current Location in the map menu and/or completely disable zoom.

votan 02/03/19 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 37006)
Also need to deactivate the Current Location in the map menu and/or completely disable zoom.

My mini map has an option for not zooming to player. But for the rest, one really needs a new addon.

OlafVeschiy 02/11/19 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by votan (Post 37002)

Thank you! very good option!

Laicus 02/11/19 03:27 AM

Some quests simply have to be without a target pointer, for example when you are asked to find something and it is implied that the location of the target is unknown. For exteriors, without a better description of the goal of the quest, this is not feasible, but for interiors it would be nice to have a setting that allows you to disable the target pointer on the map, and also the ability to assign a button to display the target pointer on the map.
And so that the player does not get confused at all, there should be a mark on the map that the goal is in this interior.

OlafVeschiy 02/12/19 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 36854)
If someone could find the texture of this flash and make a mod replacing the arrow texture ( and the flash texture with transparent ones - this would be the right mod, not my perversion.

I finded a way- need install FCOChangeStuff
Then open file FCOCS_map.lua and change
animation:SetScaleValues(0, 0) in PinPingPong section
after it, set pinf pong option in mod setting

but map steel center on player, and we can se plaer label when cussor on player space on map

Laicus 02/12/19 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by OlafVeschiy (Post 37077)
I finded a way

This is no longer necessary, the problem has long been solved, the code works perfectly:
ZO_MapPin0.SetHidden = function()

Zoom removed using Map tools, in the ZoomLimit.lua file, though not entirely correct, to stop zooming, you need to change the map view at least once (for example, go to the region map from the cave map).
The ability to turn off the exact target indicator in the interior is simply necessary, without it, many quests, compared to the same original Morrowind, remain very stupid, and in order to make them a little more exciting, you have to constantly climb into the PinKiller settings and disable the target pointer on the map, this is not very convenient, and without a pointer in exteriors, with such a bad description of quests, the goal is often impossible to find.

OlafVeschiy 02/13/19 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 37078)
This is no longer necessary, the problem has long been solved, the code works perfectly:
ZO_MapPin0.SetHidden = function()

Which of mod can I download to use this?
after this

Originally Posted by Dolgubon (Post 36858)
Personally, I prefer this snippet of code to messing with textures:
ZO_MapPin0:SetHidden(true) ZO_MapPin0.SetHidden = function() end

and this

Originally Posted by votan (Post 37002)

for Votan's Map Pin Colors I still have flash in first 1-2 seconds(and see litle white point), when open map.


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 37078)
Zoom removed using Map tools, in the ZoomLimit.lua file, though not entirely correct, to stop zooming, you need to change the map view at least once (for example, go to the region map from the cave map).

Which of mod can I download to use this?


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 37078)
The ability to turn off the exact target indicator in the interior is simply necessary, without it, many quests, compared to the same original Morrowind, remain very stupid, and in order to make them a little more exciting, you have to constantly climb into the PinKiller settings and disable the target pointer on the map, this is not very convenient, and without a pointer in exteriors, with such a bad description of quests, the goal is often impossible to find.

I cope with this, you just need to carefully read the all text of the dialogue and mark all the found places when traveling

Laicus 02/13/19 04:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OlafVeschiy (Post 37079)
Which of mod can I download to use this?

The code works, there are no flashes:

OlafVeschiy 02/13/19 07:17 PM

thank you. Works!

Laicus 02/14/19 06:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OlafVeschiy (Post 37077)
but map steel center on player

Made based on Map Tools, disables zoom. Replace the old version. For convenience, I recommend mod No Worldmap Wayshrines

Laicus 02/14/19 08:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Updated version, thanks to Baertram for the code.

Laicus 02/23/19 12:18 AM

I found a way to hide quest pin in the caves, while pin is displayed outside (without it, some quests cannot be found). I installed mod ConspicuousQuestMarkers, changed icons — made outlines black, rest transparent (made active and inactive icons the same). In mod TrueExploration, "fog of war" texture made black too, and in TrueExplorationOptions.lua file set radius for caves to 0. Voila, black on black, now True Exploration is really true.
It now remains to figure out how to hide quest pin in the houses.
If someone needs this, I can upload textures and script.

Laicus 02/26/19 12:10 AM

NoZoom script does not work correctly - when press "show on map", size of map decreases, and if set value MAX_OVER_ZOOM > 0.589, zoom appears.
Urgently need help of professionals!!!:)

Laicus 03/02/19 02:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Fixed map reduction when you click "show on map", sometimes zoom is triggered, but this is better than map reduction.
Left the display of pins in cities (unlike this version), imho it is more correct and realistic.

Laicus 03/02/19 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by OlafVeschiy (Post 37079)
I cope with this, you just need to carefully read the all text of the dialogue and mark all the found places when traveling

No, no, no, some quests simply lack the correct description and without pointer, the goal can be found only by running around and accidentally stumbling upon it. Sometimes you even have to turn on your pointer pin, for example, to complete quests with a timer.

iarao 03/12/19 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Laicus (Post 37006)
Also need to deactivate the Current Location in the map menu and/or completely disable zoom.

LOL just dribble it all in a bit at a time :D

BSKCorp 03/13/19 02:57 PM

Also if you want add True Exploration, extra navigation hard mode. (And no I have not read up on the comments so if someone else recommended it kudos to you.)

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