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Dolby 07/21/16 08:12 PM

GitHub integration
Hey All,

I've been working on github integration and was going to make a panel where authors would visit to make packages until funkydude (from wowinterface) suggested that it should be a webhook instead. Now that would be much more sexy in my opinion since it would require much less work for you all. Plus it would be less UI work for me, would just need a panel for you to generate a secret and give you the webhook url.

So if we do a webhook what would be a good way to pass extra data such as version, etc?
  • Parse toc to grab version, title changes, grab changelog from github automatically (not sure if this is best for changelog, I know my commit messages arent always best for general public)
  • Require some type of json config file like wowi-pkgr.json
  • Any other ideas????

Randactyl 07/21/16 08:21 PM

I know enough to get by, but I'm not terribly well versed with git or github. However I do use them and I'm sure any integration of this type will force me to learn more which I always welcome. I'm also down for simplifying my publishing process :)

Sasky 07/21/16 10:07 PM

The release webhook looks like it'd probably work pretty well. It'd also have a pretty well defined action to generate a new zip file. You could also map tag to version and release body/description to changelog.

sirinsidiator 07/22/16 05:02 AM

Maybe use the README file for the addon description, parse the manifest for game version compatibility and use the release description for the change log. You would need to convert the markdown to bbcode somehow, or allow markdown here on the site. Projects that do not have a manifest may need some other way to specify the compatibility and if the folder structure is not obvious it may be hard to find the manifest automatically, so it may be necessary to add some input field for the path.
Or add some fields that allow us to point to some text files like I made for LibAddonMenu and read the necessary info from there.

On a side note, you probably should also update how the change log works and change it to a per file basis. Every uploaded file then automatically generates an entry with uploader, version and date and can have an optional description text. And please add a quick preview button to its input form. :p

haggen 07/22/16 09:23 AM

I strongly suggest our own manifest file - such as esoui.json. Parsing is harder to get right and prone to error and/or collision. Plus things change and suddenly you have to update your parser. With our own manifest file we'll hardly run into any troubles later on.

Another option would be to extend the add-on manifest we already use (AddOn.txt) with new tags since the game is pretty loose about its form and syntax. We could still run into trouble in the future, but if you look at what things changed in the past I guess we're safe enough.


One thing that would be great is to be able to drop bbcode and use markdown for the add-on description and changelog.

Lodur 08/06/16 01:50 PM

Please don't use the file for user facing descriptions. This is the default front page on github and should be developer facing. My for MailLooter gives instructions to other developers in case I ever stop supporting my addon.

sirinsidiator 10/08/16 06:51 AM

I recently started to investigate travis-ci for running tests on one of my libraries. It also allows me to deploy versions that pass the test to other platforms, so maybe you could just offer an API for uploading? That way it's not your concern where the data comes from and I can just add it as a build step and automatically upload the file + description the way I want.

Dolby 10/08/16 09:12 AM

This is something I can implement fairly easily. Already have it on

I'll work on adding it here. :)

sirinsidiator 10/08/16 09:40 AM

Great! Looking forward to it. :)

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