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-   -   Any large, active trade guilds (AD) recruiting here? (

Aetheron 09/20/14 08:03 AM

Any large, active trade guilds (AD) recruiting here?
I can't seem to get into a trade guild that has enough members to be worthwhile. I'm a very active crafter/trader (or I try to be), so I would like to get into a trade guild that makes an effort to retain active traders and secure good public seller locations. (I'd like it even more if ZO just created a public AH!) PM if you run such a guild and are recruiting! Thx!

Sasky 09/20/14 12:03 PM is a pretty active trade guild. They kick members who haven't signed on within the last 10 days unless you register on the forums (then it moves to 30 days).

Also, keep in mind there's nothing limiting you to a specific faction. The one above is cross-faction. Within the game it's an AD alliance, but several of the leaders are DC.

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