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Knixi67 09/09/23 03:33 PM

Inventory insight
I keep getting a window open that I can't interact with at all. When I keybound it, it works fine but when I go into housing editor, the window shows up and I have to exit the editor. Makes placing items impossible. Help??

NeuroticPixels 09/09/23 09:22 PM

Did you set
Focus search box to OFF?
Hide Close Button to OFF?
If those don't work, maybe consider turning off Houses > Collect furniture in houses.

If that doesn't work, completely disable Inventory Insight and see if you can still produce the problem of not being able to place objects in your homes.

Edit: If you turn off "hide close button", and Inventory Insight UI pops up when you pull up the housing editor, press Enter or . (period key) to gain control of your cursor. And then hit the big X at the top of the Inventory Insight UI. It won't pop up again after that unless you use the keybind.

Knixi67 09/10/23 01:25 PM

thanks I'll try that
I did disable Inventory insight until I get it fixed

NeuroticPixels 09/11/23 11:31 PM

Any luck? I'm just curious.

Knixi67 09/12/23 07:17 PM

sorry none at all

Sharlikran 09/12/23 08:11 PM

Inventory insight will attach itself to a Scene if you open the window, which is expected behavior. So at some point you opened the window while placing furniture. It doesn't do that by default.

You can toggle the window by using the hotkey you assigned or /ii toggle. Since that is hard to read depending on the font I will put this in caps but remember you have to use the command in lowercase in game.


If this window does not close using either of those methods while you are trying the place furniture then exit the game and from the SavedVaraibles folder delete the 'IIfA.lua' and then open the game and log in.

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