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Route28 11/12/23 02:12 AM

Activity's not finishing
When i jump into the guild store, it says "waiting for response' and when i click onto the status its showing "request page 1 of all in(guild)" and stays in active, when i try to list an item for sale it just stays in the "queue" and never completes request... any help?

Baertram 11/12/23 03:17 AM

Note your addons.
Disable all addons and test if it works then!

If so: check which of the before enabled addons was causing this, I'd start with the guild related ones.

Route28 11/12/23 05:36 AM

I just disabled all except for awesome guild trader and supporting addons still same issue.

ExoY 11/12/23 11:34 AM

Did you also try it with all add-ons disabled?

Route28 11/12/23 03:19 PM

Yeah everything works perfect with 0 addons, Have made sure all Addons are upto date aswell

Sharlikran 11/12/23 06:22 PM

Not only do I use AGS but MM adds a filter to it. I couldn't play the game without it.

I understand you seem to experience the issue you reported, but there has to be something else going on such as embedded libraries or something similar to the other thread where the mods were not in the default directory. Myself and plenty of guild members use it regularly and don't have that issue.

Route28 11/12/23 07:42 PM

Yeah alot of guild my members use it aswell, the AGS addon is in eso>live>addons folder, downloaded from minion, just needing some insight into bug fixing cause i am very lost

Sharlikran 11/12/23 08:23 PM

It"s not something we can simply just say, do this thing.

So again, OneDrive issues, you believe the mod is where you say but it's not, or way to many embedded libraries.

That thread is an example of what I mean. About the only thing you could try is providing the same log file I asked of that user and the screenshot I asked for. Nothing I can suggest without both things. Even then no guarantee I will spot anything.

Route28 11/13/23 01:07 AM

Route28 11/13/23 01:13 AM

Route28 11/13/23 01:14 AM

I have disabled one drive on the computer aswell

Sharlikran 11/13/23 04:18 AM

The only two that concern me are Patchs AwesomeGuildStore ES by Kelsucristo and StopIt!. If you uninstall those two and make sure you are in Keyboard mode since Gamepad isn't supported for most mods especially AGS then see what happens. If the issue persists then I still don't see what we could suggest. It's still something on your end but I don't see any other obvious reason or even a potential reason.

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