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Migoda 11/29/23 08:04 AM

Fixing an old addon
I'm still using an old, abandoned addon because it has a functionality which I haven't found on other active addons so far. Sadly it started throwing errors since the latest ESO patches and I don't know how to fix it myself (yet).

Maybe anyone can give me a hint where to start? Here are the error logs:


Failed to create control 'ThurisazGuildInfoAnnouncementDisplay'. Duplicate name.

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'CreateControl'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/lib/thlib/UI.lua:29: in function 'TI:CreateControl'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/lib/thlib/UI.lua:79: in function 'TI:CreateAnnouncementDisplay'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/guild/announces.lua:132: in function 'TI.ANNOUNCES.Initialize'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/ThurisazGuildInfo.lua:26: in function 'TI.OnPlayerReady'

user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/lib/thlib/UI.lua:30: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/lib/thlib/UI.lua:30: in function 'TI:CreateControl'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/lib/thlib/UI.lua:79: in function 'TI:CreateAnnouncementDisplay'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/guild/announces.lua:132: in function 'TI.ANNOUNCES.Initialize'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/ThurisazGuildInfo.lua:26: in function 'TI.OnPlayerReady'

/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:15: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:15: in function 'ZO_PreHook'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/guild/announces.lua:160: in function 'TI.HookNotifications'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/guild/announces.lua:136: in function 'TI.ANNOUNCES.Initialize'
user:/AddOns/ThurisazGuildInfo/ThurisazGuildInfo.lua:26: in function 'TI.OnPlayerReady'


Sharlikran 11/29/23 08:57 AM

The error says that the control name is duplicated that really is what you need to change if you want to fix things. There are also mods that modify the Guild roster and just updating that mod you could run into conflicts anyway.

Because that may not actually completely update the mod, what functionality are you most interested in? Between 2014 and now most of that the game already does it.

Migoda 11/30/23 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sharlikran (Post 48983)
The error says that the control name is duplicated that really is what you need to change if you want to fix things. There are also mods that modify the Guild roster and just updating that mod you could run into conflicts anyway.

Okay, thanks.

Because that may not actually completely update the mod, what functionality are you most interested in?
There are two things that this addon provides and I really like: An additional column besides the account name column with the name of the currently logged in or last logged in character. It also changes the location column to show the time since the last login instead of the location when people are offline.

Sharlikran 11/30/23 05:21 PM

Trying to get that to work with other mods that offer guild roster changes will create incompatibilities in addition to the error you posted.

What if a mod added those two columns? Most mods allow you to toggle columns on and off. There is a chance you could get those two columns with the other columns that other mods provide. Currently LibGuildRoster doesn't replace the location with last time logged in so you could end up with too many columns. However, you would have better compatibility.

Migoda 12/01/23 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Sharlikran (Post 48988)
Trying to get that to work with other mods that offer guild roster changes will create incompatibilities in addition to the error you posted.

Yeah, it would be just a quick and dirty fix that could create more problems in the future.

There is a chance you could get those two columns with the other columns that other mods provide. Currently LibGuildRoster doesn't replace the location with last time logged in so you could end up with too many columns. However, you would have better compatibility.
Thanks for pointing me to LibGuildRoster! It looks like a good and future-proof solution. I will check it out in more detail. Shouldn't be too hard to add the two things I need with it. :)

Baertram 12/01/23 06:04 AM

This addon fixes offline times on guild roster, maybe it helps too.

Migoda 12/04/23 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 48990)
This addon fixes offline times on guild roster, maybe it helps too.

Thanks, will check it out too.

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