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GizmoDuck 06/05/18 07:29 AM

Minion Version Issues
Got a prompt today saying Minion v3.0.6 update is available.

I click [Update Now! (Restart)] button, Minion closes, but doesn't update
I check the page, and download both versions, but they are v3.0.5
I check my version, I have v3.0.7 - Snapshot.

I prefer v2.1.4B, but the daily prompts to update to v3 were driving me nuts since there is no way to ignore them automatically.

Why doesn't Minion update when I press the update button (note it never has in the past either)?

Why isn't v3.0.6 on the download page?

How do I have v3.0.7 - Snapshot installed?

Dolby 06/05/18 09:53 AM

Looks like I made an error with the version for 3.0.6... I'll update the patch notes, thanks!

There is no specific exe download for 3.0.6/7 as I'm working on getting the code signing cert working again. So it was released as a patch only.

I'm not sure why it doesnt update for you. Maybe the minion.log holds some info? Possibly it does not have write permissions where you have Minion installed? There should maybe be some info in the log if you share it here. :)

GizmoDuck 06/05/18 10:28 AM

Ah ok, I checked the log and I had v3.0.5 till today, where it updated to v3.0.7 - snapshot, which is the latest version then. Maybe add a prompt that says Update Successful.

Looking forward to v4.

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