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dopiate 02/20/15 03:22 AM

Code Of Conduct Young Man!!
I felt like the teacher was scolding me anyone else get one of these?

ok so they said change their names - since they are mules and I don't care about their names I did just that :rolleyes:

I wonder if that is against the code of condut :eek:

Will this stay on my "permanent record" ?!?!?



QuadroTony 02/20/15 04:42 AM

good mood for all day, thx :D

Baertram 02/25/15 04:05 AM

Haha, you'll always get a bad loot now and the shops refuse to give your mule char some extra bag slots ;-)
Made my day, thx :banana:

igerup 02/25/15 11:57 AM

This is awesome. Great names you came up with. :D It does surprise me a bit since I know at least one other person who named their character after a cult classic Swedish XXX-movie and that person hasn't recieved any messages from ZOS about that.:confused: I guess they dont have a Swedish-US English dictionary.

Ayantir 02/25/15 12:05 PM

In most MMO's, you're only renammed after a report by another player.

If you want to do some exotic names, I suggest you the argonian race too ;)

Baertram 02/26/15 04:23 PM



Randactyl 02/26/15 05:47 PM


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