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Vicster0 05/09/14 05:10 AM

Addon Categories and Sub-Categories
If I understand correctly, at this time, Minion will only show addon's within their main category as originally configured on ESOUI. Are there any plans to include the Sub-Categories that the addon listed in?

I personally have an addon that was quite inventory related upon concept but focused more on tooltip modification. Thus when I created it I added it to the Tooltip category but sub-categorized it as Bank, Bags, Inventory. It has since evolved somewhat extensively but is still tied primarily to the Tooltip category. This is not a big deal at all, but even less so on ESOUI where it still appears in the other sub-categories. However, in Minion, it will only show in it's originating Tooltips category.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

I'm considering asking one of the site admins if it could be moved to another primary category, but I wanted to see what the thoughts were from the Minon side of the house first. IF you have plans to include the sub-categories, then it's obviously no longer even a slight issue.

Thanks for all of your hard work on the Minon app and great communication with the community. :)

Dolby 05/09/14 06:08 PM

We are working to get AddOns to show in multiple categories in Minion like they do on the website. I don't think it will be real soon though as we have a backlog of bugs. :)

If you want your AddOn moved to a different primary category send me a private message with a direct link to the AddOn info page and what category you want to move it to and I'll be happy to move it for you.

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