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QuadroTony 02/19/17 04:07 PM

ZOS bug - no Drink recipes
all recipes now called Food Recipe
even if some of them is Drink in fact

tested without any addons
this also affecting guild store

Ayantir 02/19/17 09:17 PM

this forum is not the zenimax bug tracker

for bugs :


QuadroTony 02/20/17 12:53 AM

still this is shorter may to get to ZOS directly
not to random moderator who sorting thousands of bug reports all day, but to Chip itself
look at other my topics started with ZOS
there was some his comments

Sounomi 02/20/17 06:52 AM

Still better to use /bug or report it on the official forums.

QuadroTony 02/21/17 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sounomi (Post 29987)
Still better to use /bug or report it on the official forums.

i did more bugreports than everyone else here
i did 100 reportts in game and official forym, no1 of them was fixed in long period of time

i did 1 bugreport here
it was noticed by Chip and fixed in next incremental patch

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